Puritan Pride Super Sunday Sale 70 % off

I stocked up a couple weeks ago at this site when they had eight cent shipping, but 45 cents is good, too. I got a couple bottles of Braggs apple cider vinegar for like $3.29 each. I pay $4.99 for it usually if I get it from Kroger or WHole Foods. They just have it listed as organic apple cider vinegar, not as Braggs, but I got my order Friday and it was Braggs.
:superbanana:ooooooooo!!!!! thanks:grin: I'm gonna stock up on biotin, B-complex, calcium and fish oil
I swore to myself I was not going to try Biotin due to all the horror stories about face breakouts (i'm too cute for that.............j/k) But it was on sale for 99 cents. So I bought some.....deep sigh:nono:.....wish me luck. I also bought Lcytereine (sp) I'm thinking I should have just bought an Amino Acid complex rather than just the one. I bought flaxseed oil, a vitamin b complex, thickening shampoo and coconut oil. I only spent $22 and change in all.

Now no more hair care purchases for a while.

I mean it!:drunk:
as long as you take the biotin with other b vits, you shouldn't break out. i have always had trouble skin, and have broke out in the past when i wasn't taking it with b complex, and now I've even upped the dosage to 5mcg, but with the b complex i don't break out at all! (unless I don't drink enough water for a couple days)

but back on topic... i am getting down to the last bottles from that buy 1 get 3 sale, so perhaps i had better re-stock! :yep:
Thanks a bunch!

I just ordered some Biotin, Flaxseed Oil, and multi-vitamin. It's almost time for me to restock all three.

Question, what are the benefits of consuming amino acids as it relates to the hair?

I might get a bottle of that too.​
Your all welcome! I only buy things from PP when they have good sales like this. I bought 2 or 3 each of multi-vitamins, codliver oil, digestive enzymes and liver cleanse capsules. That should hold me till the next sale :grin:
So is this expired now? The site says it's on until midnight Feb. 3rd. It's the 4th now and I still see the sales are up:perplexed. I hope I didn't miss it.
:blush:I can't believe that I ordered 20 (TWENTY) bottles of biotin 5mg last night. I hope customs don't think that I'm a pusher!
I just made an order. I remember I took these vitamins when I was transitioning and it produced these cork screws for my new growth. After I BC I realized that was my texture when I have the proper nutrients. Well this is what I ordered:

  • Bioting 1MG
  • Biotin 5mg
  • B-Complex 50
  • Complete One Multi Vitamin
  • Flaxseed Oil Gel Tablets
  • Viatmin C
  • MSM Powder
  • Beta-carotene

I am looking forward to more growth, great skin, and strong nails.
I swore to myself I was not going to try Biotin due to all the horror stories about face breakouts (i'm too cute for that.............j/k) But it was on sale for 99 cents. So I bought some.....deep sigh:nono:.....wish me luck. I also bought Lcytereine (sp) I'm thinking I should have just bought an Amino Acid complex rather than just the one. I bought flaxseed oil, a vitamin b complex, thickening shampoo and coconut oil. I only spent $22 and change in all.

Now no more hair care purchases for a while.

I mean it!:drunk:

Take a B-12 vitamin and drink lots of water to help fight the breakouts. I also take two super b-complex vitamins for energy.

Also, thanks to the OP for posting this. I got some Alta Silica at a nice price (and everything else at 70%+ off). I am going to try the Alta Silica challenge because I was almost out of my other silica.
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