Pure Glycerin for your scalp?


New Member
So i have just recently really started going hard on my hair...it's time for it to grow :orders:lol so i just recently i know it sounds bad but just recently did i start moisturizing and really taking care. So i have a bottle of pure glycerin and i put some on my scalp just now after i twisted my hair and i was wondering if this will help my scalp or am i wasting time...i know its a humectant but will it draw moisture into my scalp like it does my hair??:thought:
I'm not sure about using it pure,but my first year natural All I used was a mix of glycerin and distilled water..with 1/3 glycerin to 2/3 water.Good luck!..oh yes,pure glycerin might be too sticky to use alone but if its working for you keep on doing it.We only learn by trying...hth.
You need moisture along with that glycerin otherwise, IMO, that glycerin will suck your roots dry as it pulls moisture from whatever source it can.
oh noo so what would you suggest as a moisturizer for my scalp?

I'm natural and do daily conditioner washes. I use Gro Healthy oil on my scalp. This combo has helped my roots and strands stay detangled and moisturized.
Please don't put pure glycerin on your scalp. That is asking for trouble. As SVT said, pure glycerin needs to be mixed with moisturizing ingredients in order to work properly. Too much might wreak havoc on your hair.

This link explains how if you put 100% glycerin on your tongue, it would leave a blister (b/c it is dehydrating and will suck all the moisture out).


Many hair products contain glycerin and you might even be better off finding a quality product with it in the ingredient list somewhere.
Woah, looking at what people are saying i would wash that off now. Try putting something like coconut or castor oil on your scalp instead. I think castor oil is the same texture.
Playing devil's advocate, there are skin products with glycerin in them. BUT they usually have other ingredients which may keep the glycerin from turning your skin into a desert (I'm guessing).