Pure Carrier Oils


New Member
Are these oils ( such as almond oil, jojoba, coconut, avacado...) pure in liquid or solid form ?

I'm concerned that when I mix the oils together that its properties will not get distributed properly. Can anyone comment on this issue ?
They can be pure in either form. The liquid or solid state depends on their freezing points (a property unique to each). Think of water. If you poured yourself a glass of pure water then lowered its temperature till it froze and you got ice, it'd still be pure just solid.

As far as mixing them is concerned, I think they'll mix evenly unlike water and oil and so even distribution will not be a problem. But since I'm no chemist, I'll sit down before I hurt myself.
There are threads regarding carrier/essential oils on the hair recipe board (i believe)

You will do fine
The worst that can happen is that you don't get the exact mixture you want, but you learn from the experience. Please don't be afraid.

I agree with Nonie about checking in this forum and in the hair recipe forum for proportion recommendations. It really depends on what you want: YOUR PURPOSE.

Say for instance you are looking for a nice oil blend for your ends which is not too heavy. You might use 100% jojoba or even do a 95% jojoba/5% avocado oil mix. When I'm in a rush and want to put a blend on my ends, often, I will just do the "mix" in one of my hands...few drops of jojoba and a little avocado for good measure. I try to be more exact when adding essential oils 'cause I know I will use it over and over

If you need help, please feel free to ask

With the purity of your oils, be concerned with the source. That is, purchase from a reputable supplier.

