Protective Styling with Scalp Issues


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

I have been very frustrated with the lack of hair 'growth' I've had lately, decided that my issue may be retention, and then decided that protective styling may be a remedy for whatever is making reaching my hair goals so difficult.
The only issue is I am prone to dandruff. When I wear twists (perhaps once a month) I can't keep them in longer than four days because my scalp becomes unbearably oily and itchy. After they're untwisted, I can maybe keep them in another couple of days, but the itching persists. Is anyone aware of protective styles that allow for the washing of the scalp as they are in (and deal with using just the hair you have on your head)? My hair, in it's longest area is about 5 inches (which makes it easy for twists to come loose as I wash), and I'm hesitant to implement extensions because I'm not sure how they will work and I don't want to spend too much money on something that may not last a week.
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I don't have a hairstyling suggestion, rather some suggestions to prevent the itching.
- spritz your scalp with braid spray at least once daily, this may help to prevent the itch. You can use regular braid spray (eg African Pride) or a medicated one (eg Sulpher 8)
- cleanse your scalp with either a commercial scalp cleansing solution (eg African Pride Spray on Braid Shampoo) or make your own. I put 1 ounce water, 1/2 ounce rose water with glycerine & 1/4 ounce witch hazel in a spray bottle and shake - I spritz it on my scalp, then wipe with a cotton swab (q tip). This can be done every couple days.

Using the tips above, you should be able to wear your current styles and be free of an itchy scalp. If the itching persists you should see a dermatologist.
I would also say try to get scalp issue under control first. But for style, cornrows, that way you have access to your scalp. How often do you wash w/ shampoo, what conditioners, leave-ins do you use. Maybe incorporate natural oils, like jojoba, since it's supposed to mimic sebum, to help control flaking. You may want to try to review your regimen and products and see if there is something causing scalp issues. Good luck. Pretty curls!
Hi OP, you may also want to try acv rinses--1 part acv with 3 parts water. It really helps with itchy, flaky scalps. Sometimes the products we use are too harsh and drying for our scalps and hair. Have you tried different shampoos and conditioners to see if that helps to relieve the dandruff and the itching? As far as styles go, I agree with what the others have already said.