Project Beautify: Peronsal challenge...sort of long


Well-Known Member
I posted this in my blog, but thought I'd post it here so I'm accountable for it, since everyone can see it. :look:

I'm thinking of starting my own personal challenge, which is "Project Beautify," but instead of just being about fitness or hair, it's going to encompass a lot of different things with a more holistic aim:

1) Growing long, thick, healthy hair while maintaining a mostly natural-based regimen
2) Attaining soft, smooth, evenly toned skin while maintaining a mostly natural-based regimen
3) Losing the weight I gained in college over the next year
4) Living an active lifestyle through gym-going, at home exercising, dancing, and playing sports for fun
5) Eating a diet rich in fresh produce with mostly natural/organic foods
6) Learning to cook more Asian, Mediterranean, and Latin foods :lick:
7) Learning to knit, sew, and manage finances & investments
8) Become fluent in Spanish again (I'm not Hispanic, but my mother lived in Costa Rica for a while)
9)Teach myself basic Japanese
10) Meditate and practice yoga
11) Help my spirituality to grow
12) Volunteer in order to payback the world for the blessings I've received (probably at a theatre)
13) Write everyday & keep working on my books (have several ideas I'd like to see published)
14) Becoming more familiar with world politics, economics, geography, and history
15) Continuing to learn something new every week for the rest of my life
16) Learning and becoming good at golf, tennis, chess, and poker
17) Reading for pleasure for the first time in 5 years (gee thanks college!) :wallbash:

As you can see these are all of the goals I have for myself aside from those directly related to my academics or career (those lists would be LOOOONG, lol). They're more wholistic and will help me grow as a person beautiful inside as well as out. They're also just things that I'd like to do because I think it would be challenging or just plain fun. I want to view myself as a person who has a lot going for them besides a pretty exterior and a good eduction with prospects for a good career.

At the end of the day there are TONS of beautiful successful people, but how many of them can recite a traditional Spanish recipe in Japanese while in an upside down lotus pose? Yup, that's what I thought!:grin:
That is a beautiful idea. I absolutely LOVE personal growth journeys. This is very well rounded. I hope you reach all of your goals !!! Many are the same as mine!!
I am also on a personal growth journey myself which includes improving my spirituality, practicing healthy living (exercise and food). Also i am on a personal saving and investment project.