progress pics Feb 09-April 09


LHCF addict
Hi ladies,
This is my first time really documenting my growth progress with pictures and my first time starting a thread on LHCF.

I straightened for Easter and here's my progress since February 2009:


I have a long torso, so I think waistlength will be a while for me. I have been past brastrap for a while and "midback" for a lifetime. And since I've lost my waist (thanks dear daughters - LOL), how will I know when I reach wl? Oh who cares, I think I see some growth.

P.S. I am waiting to trim/dust and the wind was blowing so please ignore the shape.
Tie a string around your belly button and then you'll know if you've gotten there. Great hair btw! I'm just going by that hair model pic that everyone uses. WL is always at the belly button on that poster.
You ladies are so funny! :lachen:

I think the best thing that I've learned here is making sure I protect and seal my ends and sleep with a bonnet/scarf. I never did that before on a regular basis. It makes sense though. I even have my girls on the ball.

Belly button huh? Boy, I think I may have a way to go!:rolleyes:

In another day or so, I'll be washing it and I'll be back to shrinkage and curls. I'll probably be bunning it 95% of the time this summer. Good and boring...

Thanks for your support ladies! HHG