Progress pic and bra strap?


Well-Known Member
Just a progress pic but also a quick question. As far as claiming bra strap length I'm torn. I think I have a frickin long torso or wear my stupid bras really low because I swear my bra is low! Anyhoo, I have a length check shirt that I've also been going by and for a while I was assuming the last line on the shirt was considered bsl. Well, now I'm in the process of fully hitting that goal but not sure where bsl would be on a bra. Would it be at the very top of the bra strap line or at the bottom. Bras come in so many different widths. Should I go by MY top of bra, bottom of bra or the line on the shirt?

In this pic I just stepped out of the shower so my hair is still dripping but I quickly threw on some cloths to measure. Not only that but I did a coconut oil soak so it's still "oily" and the strands are really clinging making it look more see thru and pittful than it is. I do need a trim but was trying to wait until it filled in and grew fuller. Also, I do my own touch ups so it's not bone straight even when I air dry. Would you consider this bsl? Should I find another measuring shirt? My hair grows so slow (to me) and I've had a few setbacks but I'm really hoping to hit full bsl by Christmas. I'm so close I can taste it which makes it all the more frustrating!
As far as measuring goes, I suggest you go with BSB (bottoon of the shoulder blades) to measure. It's a lot more objective and pretty much equivalent to BSL because that's supposedly where bra straps should rest. Now I can't see exactly where your hair falls based on that, but it looks BSB/BSL to me.
You look like you're at a healthy full APL..def. by Christmas you will be BSL. (I say APL since you may need some trimming/cutting like you said).
Keep up the good work.
You look BSB to me. Would you consider yourself fine/thin haired? I ask because my hair looks exactly like that when wet.
Thanks guys. MrsIQ, I am beginning to think I am more fine/thin haired than I was led to believe by my old stylist who did nothing but complain every time I came in then charge me for the "extra relaxer" she "had" to use...