Product Reviews


New Member
Tonite I washed w/ A.O. Sea Buckthorn and Egg Shampoo. I expected this to be moisturizing but my hair felt very cleansed...not stripped, but no slip like CON. Anyway, my hair did feel very soft and clean. Then I applied UAN Crema Conditioner (Thanx again Tracy) and all I can say is "OOH AHH...". I detangled w/ fingers while this was in my hair for about five mins in a steamy hot shower. This product makes my hair feel like butter...Im adding it to Humectress and Smooth and Sleek as favorites. Then I detangled easily w/ my comb before rinsing. Then I applied Giovanni's Magnetic Power Treatment Conditioner. Its very thick coming out of the tube but not as thick on the hair like UAN (hope this makes sense). Once again, I ran my fingers thru my hair easily while this was on. Then I left it on for about 30 minutes w/ a plastic cap, no heat. When I rinsed, my hair was suprisingly moisturized and detangled. No slip, but overall, a keeper.

Im still not sure what all the "magnetic" hype is about though...
Luna! What a coincidence! I just used the Aubrey's Sea Buckthorn and Egg Shampoo tonite, and had the same experience. I thought that it wasn't as conditioning as the label claimed. I will have to give it another try, but it did leave me with that clean feeling(perhaps too clean).
You're welcome Ladies.

Yeah melodee...I have yet to find a shampoo that does anything but clean my hair, w/ the exception of CON. I do appreciate having so many sls-free ones in the AO line to choose from though. I also have the Swimmers and the Camilia and Jasmine poos...they all act the same way on my hair...clean but not particularly moist. My hair was soft after using it though...I depend on conditioners for slip, detangling, and moisture.
Tonite I washed w/ A.O. Sea Buckthorn and Egg Shampoo. I expected this to be moisturizing but my hair felt very cleansed...not stripped, but no slip like CON. Anyway, my hair did feel very soft and clean. Then I applied UAN Crema Conditioner (Thanx again Tracy) and all I can say is "OOH AHH...". I detangled w/ fingers while this was in my hair for about five mins in a steamy hot shower. This product makes my hair feel like butter...Im adding it to Humectress and Smooth and Sleek as favorites. Then I detangled easily w/ my comb before rinsing. Then I applied Giovanni's Magnetic Power Treatment Conditioner. Its very thick coming out of the tube but not as thick on the hair like UAN (hope this makes sense). Once again, I ran my fingers thru my hair easily while this was on. Then I left it on for about 30 minutes w/ a plastic cap, no heat. When I rinsed, my hair was suprisingly moisturized and detangled. No slip, but overall, a keeper.

Im still not sure what all the "magnetic" hype is about though...

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What does UAN stand for. Thanks in advance.