Proclaim relaxer...


Active Member
from the BSS. Does anyone use this or used to use it? I have thin(not fine, but not thick) stranded mostly 4a hair and I currently use a "Just For Me" box relaxer(I know, don't laugh). It doesn't get my hair straight, more like texuterize. I have to blow dry it or add some kind of heat to get it straight, and I don't want to do that anymore, so my sis suggested Proclaim. Is this a lye or no-lye relaxer?...edit: would you recommend it?
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I think that is the just for me is letting your hair grow there is nothing to wrry about, I have said befor there is no such thing as a kids perm its a Mild perm wraped in a kiddy
looking box. proclaim is a Mild perm and will give you the same results, I know of woman that use it and find it to do a good job with no burning. Relaxers that are left on the hair to get bone straight hair in over processed, and will have now body or swing to it.
Thanks hairmaster...i didn't know proclaim was mild hair is growing no matter which relaxer I use, but I would like to just stop using heat for awhile, but can't get a straight look without it...i will do more digging into this before I relax...