Preventing Split Ends

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Paris Belle

Active Member
I know we've discussed it before, but I really need to know..Aside from protective styling, what do you do to keep your ends healthy?

I am very prone to "splits" as I call them. I have always been susceptible to them even before a relaxer as my hair is naturally very dry. Because my hair is dry, I do a hot oil faithfully with every wash, moisturize my scalp and my ends (what I use on my ends varies) and I always deep condition. I also use a satin cap on my head every night.

And yet, I have been the same hair length for a litle bit now..I know it's because I've gotten a lot of split ends and I've needed a lot more trims than I did in the last year.

I admit that I'm not the greatest when it comes to protective styling. I try to wear my hair in a bun the majority of the time, but it doesn't always happen. Especially in the winter when I need to wear a hat.

Speaking of the winter, no matter what I try to do to protect grows so slowly in the winter. I do try to wear protective styles under the hats (which have silk scarves sewn in), but to no avail it seems...

As for what I'm putting on the ends of my hair:I've been using Vaseline, and Healthy Ends from Profectiv as well as Motions oil moisturizer.

I moisturize my hair daily, but I began to notice that after I sprayed my hair with whatever (activator, spray bottle mixture etc.) and brushed my hair to smooth it back into a bun or ponytail, that this was causing split ends particularly in the front.

I've also been doing A LOT of braid outs and aside from rollersetting with a hair dryer (which I do no more than 2 times a month these days), I use NO heat.

Is there anything else I should be doing?
All I will suggest is that you trim your split ends; when you wear your hair down, make sure they are not rubbing against any harmful material (wool sweaters are a monster to ends!); and be mindful of your heating implements if you use them (use them at a minimum). Do you use them? If so, how often? Do you brush your hair? If so, w/what kind of brush? What kind of conditioner/poo do you use?
Thanks for answering Dolce, I have already trimmed them, but I'm looking to prevent further splits.

I don't use any other heat tools aside from the hair dryer (bonnet). I do brush my hair to smooth it, especially when it's close to touch up time. I use boar bristles brushes, a very soft one for thorough brushing (which I do only once or twice per week) and a medium (not hard) to smooth down the front hairs into a bun or ponytail.

I use a variety of shampoos and conditioners, but mainly:
NTM, CON, and Breakthru. I deep condition all of the time with Motions condrs, Dominican condrs and other good conditioners (too many to name right now).
Hmm... it sounds like you're doing all the right things and if I'm readin correctly, your hair is pretty long. The only other thing I can think of that would bring on a lot of split ends is fast growth. I don't know what your rate is, but I would say to continue to trim like you have been and maybe add a little protein like Aubrey's GPB to your stash b/c the rest of your products and use of minimal heat is on point.
Oh! And I don't brush my hair. That's what caused a lot of breakage then split ends for me. Try to keep brushing at a minimum and don't brush your ends (they're fragile), just the edges SOFTLY. In fact, I use a soft toothbrush to tame my edges sometimes.

You said that you brush close to touch-up time? For me, that's when my hair is the most in need of moisture so, again, pls becareful brushing.

Okay, thanks Dolce..My hair is long (after this trim, it's now at the top of bra-strap), it's just been stagnant, and I thought I was doing so good. So, I'm trying to get more information and see what I'm doing wrong.

I will definitely cut back on the brushing..

Also, I work in an place where they have the central air conditioning on HIGH. Can this also dry out my ends and cause splits?
I would really up the bun time. Since you seem prone to splits you are gonna have to go beyond your already excellent regime. I think AC can def. dry out your hair.
Yeah, I had been slacking on putting it up in a bun..But what do you do in the winter? Because I cannot fit it under a hat. The only bun I can do is that loose bun/loop that I was told isn't the best for the hair.
Something I noticed that helped me get less split ends are the conditioner washes. When I first joined this board and started doing them, I didn't need a trim in like months, just a tiny dusting. Also, the lack of heat on my hair has helped tremendously.

Surge is also suppossed to be good for split ends. Also, I've heard lots of raves for the TIGI Bed Head Ego Booster for split ends.

It sounds like your doing all the right things. Maybe you need to get a really good trim to ensure the hair is cut above the splits.

I don't experience lots of split ends & I think it may be due to me keeping my ends pinned up & using oils (WGO & Doo Gro). I think the oils seal my hair, but it may have different effects for others. I only had bad ends when I curled my hair a lot (3-4 times per week--many years ago)

What I do and don't do:

I don't brush my hair very often. I wear loose buns and twist ups (take my hair and put it in one twist and secure it with coated bobby pin or tiny claw clip)

I don't try to make my buns sleek and smooth with a brush. i just finger comb.

I use a wide tooth comb when I do comb my hair. (not always everyday) I prefer to use the "diane" style combs.

I use a soft bristol tooth brush to "hit" my edges with water, if they're looking "jagged and janky"

I hope this helps.
When you absolutely have to brush try spraying the brush lightly with oil. In fact I even spray my comb. It helps the brush to glide through the hair. I feel your pain because I'm also prone to split ends, conditioner washes,spraying my brush,and split end mender have helped me immensely over the last couple of months.
A god send for me has been Rollersets and TIgi ego boost. It is a GREAT leave in! I have not seen a split end literaly in about 6 months. I used to be SO prone to split ends! I tried the bun thing and it wrecked havoc on my hair. My hair had never been in worse condition. Okay maybe I exaggerated but my hair has grown immensely and I have absolutely NO SPLIT ENDS!
I have a brush, but I haven't used it in years. I noticed a good number of hairs in my brush when I used it, so I don't mess with it any more.
Okay, thanks ladies so much for all of your answers, I am going to try to implement these techniques into my regime. I've even started today with my hair in a bun and I barely used a brush today (only lightly to smooth down my bun)

I'm going to look into getting more oils to use in my hair on a daily basis and I'm definitely going to limit the use of the brush.

I'll check out that Tigi Boost leave in and even though I didn't care for it the first time around, I'm going to use Wild Growth oil again.
I forgot to add that, the only reason I've been using a brush so much to smooth down the front of my hair is because I'm still growing out layers in the front and I have bangs (which I never wear..). So, I'm not trying to have my hair smooth and sleek, I'm trying not have hairs sticking out all over the place.

What I'm doing now is smoothing it down lightly with the soft bristle brush, only after combing it and using those prickly brushes (the ones we use to wrap our hair) and then spraying it with whatever moisturizer I'm using at the time. I let it dry after a few minutes and then I use the soft bristle brush to smooth down any strays. So far it's working.
personally, i MAY dust my ends 2x a year....i dont use brushes, i occasionally use heat (ceramic flat iron), i do hot oil tretments every other wash, deep condition, never brushing, roller sets most of the time...i havent done a major trim in years... i dont think its necesarry unless your hair is at the point of no return...i belive alot of us get scraggaly ends mixed up with split....within no time it can be repaired..
Good point asummertyme.

For me they were kind of scraggly but definitely split. I discussed my situation further with cutebajangirl via phone and I realized that a lot of stagnant growth has to do with a lot of trims (I used to trim less) and my stylist..She's a good stylist, but she can be a little heavy with the scissors and she's been keeping my hair the same lenghth since December.
So, I'm back to my mother trimming my hair from now on.
I just thought I would mention this. My Aunt who always wear beautiful headwraps discovered that once she started wearing the headwraps all the time, she had fewer split ends. She only takes her hair out for special occasions. She combs it once a week and does not brush it all. Her hair is very thick and healthy looking....
Carmen I don't see any split ends on your hair. Its full, thick and even to me. Are u the only one seeing this ?
That was sweet. But, darling I did have split ends..Really..Now, I don't because I've just gotten a trim, but I am trying to keep it that way..
Ok Carmen, if u say so, your hair still looks hella damn good ! I wish I had that thickness!
I know you are not talking..Your hair is absolutely beautiful and sooh thick...I'm glad that you're finally letting it grow out..
The things that help me to avoid spilt ends:

1) Moisturize with s-curl morning and night
2) No direct heat
3) Since I am almost apl I do not let my hair brush my shoulders. (it real easy because of shrinkage)

These have help me to not have split ends and I do not have too many knots either anymore.