Preventing Matting of Natural 4b/c hair


New Member
Right now my hair (natural) is about 5 and 1/2 inches long and I have a terrible time with matting which is leading to major breakage, tangles and the horrific hair balls. I wear a wig during the day and sleep on a satin pillow case at night.

I wash, deep condition amd moisturize on the regular. Watch my diet take my vits and nothing seems to help. I mean I can just lightly pull on my hair and a ball will come out. In the morning my hair is matted and hard to pick out with out lots of breakage. Now I have been on this site for a long time and still am lost on what to do. I would keep it braided, but over a period of time that can cause breakage as well as heat. Roller setting you can forget about it. My hair is not the right texture to accomplish this in its natural state.

How to I prevent the matting?
Kally, I don't know much about products but I have 4A/B hair and ever since I was knee-high, I always used to get my hair braided for the night. I have never just gone to sleep with hair out (natural) and out of habit, I still can't. I don't think I would be able to deal with it.

I mention that because I didn't know if you put your hair in any sort of style for the night to keep it detangled. Most recently (before my BC and braids), twists were how I wore my hair all the time. Even after the BC, I would slather on SCurl, put my hair in big square plaits and wear a plastic cap (baggy) for the night. In the morning, I'd undo my hair and get the fluffliest curls and a comb would glide through easily so I would get a wonderful puff.

I don't know if this helps but that's how I kept from getting matted, uncombable hair. Hope it can work for you too.
OK That you so much. I will keep my hair braided at night and tied up, then unbraid it for the mornings. I can't braid, but I can plait. This is the longest and thickest my hair has every been.

Last Dec I had my head shaved due to a bad relaxer. Prior to that I had natural hair for two year, which I keep in Micros, which over time did my hair injustice, Before that it was relaxers.
Are you combing or brushing you hair? That can rip it out. Also, I noticed that you called your hair, 4b/ that a new texture, 4c?

Is that corser?
I agree, braid/plait your hair at night. If you're wearing a wig during the day, keep your hair braided/plaited. There's no reason to undo it.

I typically wear my hair in twists and twistouts 99% of the time. I'm currently experimenting with buns which I just found out hubby HATES, lol!
Are you combing or brushing you hair? That can rip it out. Also, I noticed that you called your hair, 4b/ that a new texture, 4c?

Is that corser?

I try to use a wide tooth bone comb or a pick to detangle it. Sometime I use my fingers. I use to have 4a/b or so I thought, but it has gotten so thick and impossible to deal with to where I say 4/c. LOL.
I have 4B hair and I've never had a matting problem. I think that maybe your problem is the wig. Natural hair needs to be manipulated at least once per week IMO...are you combing trough it at least once per week?

Oh yeah another thing...I think it's important to moisturise everyday.
I feel your pain :sad: last wash day took me 4-5 hours because of this...this is why I just made up my mind to do get a corrective and straighten it out for good......I can't take it anymore......
What products are you using? Are you sealing once you moisturize your hair?

Right now the only shampoo that is working for me is Pantene Prov for AA women and their Defense mask for breakage as a deep conditioner. CON, ORS pak had stop working for me.

Daily I use that B &B oil moisture, which my hair really likes. And I use Frenchee mixed with castor oil, coconut oil, rosemary and peppermint oil once a week. My hair stays moist during the day and at nights if I use the Frenchee mix, but it gets so tangle.

Frenchee is grease and I know that is a no-no but for years I have not used grease and my hair would stay dry regardless of the hair products I have heard about on here. Beleive me I have tried many. So my hair likes grease. I found out about frenchee on this board, my hair was growing 1/4 inch a month now it grows a 1/2 inch a month.

When I do press my hair I use the Pink Fantasia IC gel.
I agree, braid/plait your hair at night. If you're wearing a wig during the day, keep your hair braided/plaited. There's no reason to undo it.

I typically wear my hair in twists and twistouts 99% of the time. I'm currently experimenting with buns which I just found out hubby HATES, lol!

I will have to try this as well. I wear a cap under it, do you wear one under yours.? I think this may be problem as well.
Moisture moisture moisture. I thought my hair was hard to comb until I figured out the problem was really that it wasn't moisturized properly. I detangle my hair in 15 minutes now. I DC weekly (every 2 weeks if my hair has been straightened) and keep my hair moisturized. I NEVER comb my hair dry, it needs to be dampened with water or detangler before combing. It NEVER let my hair airdry loose, I couldn't even do that when I was relaxed. I leads to serious matting. I dry my hair in big braids or twists. I don't sleep w/loose unmanipulated hair either. My hair is always in a ponytail, twists, or braids at night. I stay away from drying shampoos, they were leaving my hair dry and making it hard to comb.
I have 4B hair and I've never had a matting problem. I think that maybe your problem is the wig. Natural hair needs to be manipulated at least once per week IMO...are you combing trough it at least once per week?

Oh yeah another thing...I think it's important to moisturise everyday.

I agree once my hair gets to where I can sport a afro puff or bun. I am leaving wigs alone. I was combing it daily :perplexed.
I agree with putting your hair in fat twists are braids before you sleep. When I sleep with my hair loose it is matted to the back of my head in the mornings and impossible to comb through. Trying to comb through the matted hair is what is causing the breakage.

For moisture try adding olive oil to your deep conditioners. That has worked wonders for me. I have started using braid spray along with mango butter daily in the mornings and it is really keeping my hair moisturized especially since it is getting colder outside.
I feel your pain :sad: last wash day took me 4-5 hours because of this...this is why I just made up my mind to do get a corrective and straighten it out for good......I can't take it anymore......

Girl trust, If my hair was able to handle a relaxer, I would. I stay natural strickly for hair health reasons.
Moisture moisture moisture. I thought my hair was hard to comb until I figured out the problem was really that it wasn't moisturized properly. I detangle my hair in 15 minutes now. I DC weekly (every 2 weeks if my hair has been straightened) and keep my hair moisturized. I NEVER comb my hair dry, it needs to be dampened with water or detangler before combing. It NEVER let my hair airdry loose, I couldn't even do that when I was relaxed. I leads to serious matting. I dry my hair in big braids or twists. I don't sleep w/loose unmanipulated hair either. My hair is always in a ponytail, twists, or braids at night. I stay away from drying shampoos, they were leaving my hair dry and making it hard to comb.

You have a beautiful head of hair, what brand of shampoo do you use if you do not mind me asking?
I agree with putting your hair in fat twists are braids before you sleep. When I sleep with my hair loose it is matted to the back of my head in the mornings and impossible to comb through. Trying to comb through the matted hair is what is causing the breakage.

For moisture try adding olive oil to your deep conditioners. That has worked wonders for me. I have started using braid spray along with mango butter daily in the mornings and it is really keeping my hair moisturized especially since it is getting colder outside.

And that is exaclty what is happening, and the back of my hair was never a problem area, now it breaks like no tmrw. The olive oil i will have to try. I use to use caster oil, in the past, but I think that was to thick. i have always wanted to try the mango butter, but the brand on linie has always been to expensive for me. I will have to break down and buy it.
Thank you all for you help. I will have to try these tips. I know this will knock out the frustration.
I wear a wig during the day
And when you have your wig on, how is your hair styled? Is it just mushed down with the wig on top of it?

In the morning my hair is matted and hard to pick out with out lots of breakage.
How do you wear your hair when you go to bed?

I would keep it braided, but over a period of time that can cause breakage as well as heat.
This is not really true. If you are careful not to fashion the braids too tightly, wash properly, moisturize properly, and remove the braids on time (meaning no leaving extensions in for 3 months), your hair can thrive.

How to I prevent the matting?
Do you use a leave-in conditioner? What kind of shampoo do you use? (you might want to consider conditioner-washing) How do you wash your hair? (do you section it and if so, how many sections)
And when you have your wig on, how is your hair styled? Is it just mushed down with the wig on top of it?

How do you wear your hair when you go to bed?

This is not really true. If you are careful not to fashion the braids too tightly, wash properly, moisturize properly, and remove the braids on time (meaning no leaving extensions in for 3 months), your hair can thrive.

Do you use a leave-in conditioner? What kind of shampoo do you use? (you might want to consider conditioner-washing) How do you wash your hair? (do you section it and if so, how many sections)

I wear a stocking cap under the wig, but yes for the most part my hair is just smashed down under the wigs.

To bed I just wear it in a for, which I know now to brids it up.

You are right about the tightness of braids, the next time I get them done i will have them put in not to tightly.

I use to use the NTM as a leave in, but they stop selling it in my are and I have yet to find a one I like, now just the B&B after a wash and deep conditioner.
Hey kally. It sounds like you must have very dense coily natural hair. That's how my hair is. My hair strands either matt or clump together everytime I wash it. If I leave it shrunken, undetangled, it causes more problems if I try to detangle/comb it later.

Now, I have decided to do this to combat matting...

When I wash and condition my hair, I do not comb at all. You know how a lot of ladies say to comb while conditioner is in your hair? Well, I can't do that. The only time I can detangle is when water is flowing over my hair from the showerhead. After I get out of the shower, I take smaller sections of my hair, starting from the back, apply leave-in, gently comb it out, then blowdry that section. My hair is stronger and more flexible. No more matting or stiffness.

Hope that helps!
OK That you so much. I will keep my hair braided at night and tied up, then unbraid it for the mornings. I can't braid, but I can plait. This is the longest and thickest my hair has every been.

Last Dec I had my head shaved due to a bad relaxer. Prior to that I had natural hair for two year, which I keep in Micros, which over time did my hair injustice, Before that it was relaxers.

Girlfriend that happened to me.But mines was a men's texurizer that did it.I swear it burned the heck out of my scalp,it felt like the back like dissapeared.Frustrated i begged a male friend of mine to SHAVE my head.When it grew back in it was a 3b-3c texture.

My natural texture is a 4a-4b.I have a strong feeling it was due to eczema.But let me tell you i never had a problem with that texture.

This texture stayed with me for 5 and 1/2 years.Then abruptly and unexpectedly changed back to full 4b when i did a "sage and acv" rinse.OOOOOOOOOOh the humanity!!...IT MATTED SOMETHING FIERCE.

Got pi$$ed again decided to shave it again,but this time it stayed a good 4a.

Wow my hair is soooooooooooo freaken unpredictable..
My hair is mostly natural and I'm wearing wigs.....I wash my hair in 6-8 braids....washing one braid at a time, the same for makes it sooo much easier as it hardly gets tangled anymore.....I air dry it with scurl and candyc's products, braid it up...tie it up with a silk scarf and let it dry...then I wear a wig cap under my wig.....I moisturize it every day or every other day with elasta mango butter (its cheap...I think I paid around $5-6 at the local bss) or whatever moisturizer I have around...(I'm a PJ) :yep:and seal with oils....I rarely have my hair out as it will be a tangled mess:nono:...the braids make my life a lot easier...I do the same with my 10 yr old daughter.....
maybe you could try washing with the braids:yep:
Hey kally. It sounds like you must have very dense coily natural hair. That's how my hair is. My hair strands either matt or clump together everytime I wash it. If I leave it shrunken, undetangled, it causes more problems if I try to detangle/comb it later.

Now, I have decided to do this to combat matting...

When I wash and condition my hair, I do not comb at all. You know how a lot of ladies say to comb while conditioner is in your hair? Well, I can't do that. The only time I can detangle is when water is flowing over my hair from the showerhead. After I get out of the shower, I take smaller sections of my hair, starting from the back, apply leave-in, gently comb it out, then blowdry that section. My hair is stronger and more flexible. No more matting or stiffness.

Hope that helps!

Yes Girl Very dense. Yeah the combing with conditioner did not work for me either it harden my hair for some reason. Do you use cool air when you blow dry your hair? I have heard on here I think of others doing that. I think this may be safer then the hot comb. You also have been one of my hair inspirations
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I wear a stocking cap under the wig, but yes for the most part my hair is just smashed down under the wigs.

To bed I just wear it in a for, which I know now to brids it up.

You are right about the tightness of braids, the next time I get them done i will have them put in not to tightly.

I use to use the NTM as a leave in, but they stop selling it in my are and I have yet to find a one I like, now just the B&B after a wash and deep conditioner.
Okay, it's good that you now know not to smash your hair down under the wigs. That is a NO!-Oh Lord-NO! My scalp aches just thinking about how matted doing such a thing would make my hair. I think that smashing your hair down like that is the #1 cause of your matting. Stop doing that and you will probably see a huge improvement. Add a leave-in and seal that leave-in with shea butter or oil, and giiiirrrrl, you will be set. ;)
I never comb my hair when its dry. If I must, I spray it with moisturizer first I mean saturate it. My hair is flatten in the morning every morning i just get in the shower and CW. But if I am somewhere, where i can't cw in the am at night I get some Red Palm butter and make sure I smooth it though my hair and on my ends and then I twist it up. No tangles no matting in the am. In fact I never really have a problem with tangles are matting because I use some form of protecting on my ends each day. Whether its butter or just oils I make sure I Put it on my hair before I put on the bonnet (silk or satin). I use Castor oil as a prepoo and I put olive oil in my conditioner. I use protein once a week. I have some dye or color left on my ends and so I need to protect my hair as much as possible so I continue to do that once a week. Also relaxing can really do some damage if you feel like reclining and relaxing make sure your hair is protected by a scarf or your bonnet. I try to do this as soon as i get home. I had breakage before doing this and when I started putting on my bonnet or leaving it on if I am not going out I saved my hair. Just my two cents home some of it helped. Good luck
Girlfriend that happened to me.But mines was a men's texurizer that did it.I swear it burned the heck out of my scalp,it felt like the back like dissapeared.Frustrated i begged a male friend of mine to SHAVE my head.When it grew back in it was a 3b-3c texture.

My natural texture is a 4a-4b.I have a strong feeling it was due to eczema.But let me tell you i never had a problem with that texture.

This texture stayed with me for 5 and 1/2 years.Then abruptly and unexpectedly changed back to full 4b when i did a "sage and acv" rinse.OOOOOOOOOOh the humanity!!...IT MATTED SOMETHING FIERCE.

Got pi$$ed again decided to shave it again,but this time it stayed a good 4a.

Wow my hair is soooooooooooo freaken unpredictable..

Girl it was a very bad experience. It was silk elements that did me in and the crown part of my hair had broke off down to like a millimeter. They rest of my hair you could just blow on it and strand would break off. So I decided to just have it taken all off. My hair did seem to grow back a lot thicker then normal.
My hair is mostly natural and I'm wearing wigs.....I wash my hair in 6-8 braids....washing one braid at a time, the same for makes it sooo much easier as it hardly gets tangled anymore.....I air dry it with scurl and candyc's products, braid it up...tie it up with a silk scarf and let it dry...then I wear a wig cap under my wig.....I moisturize it every day or every other day with elasta mango butter (its cheap...I think I paid around $5-6 at the local bss) or whatever moisturizer I have around...(I'm a PJ) :yep:and seal with oils....I rarely have my hair out as it will be a tangled mess:nono:...the braids make my life a lot easier...I do the same with my 10 yr old daughter.....
maybe you could try washing with the braids:yep:

I have yet to try the washing in braids. Once my hair really starts to get long I know this is what I will have to do.
I never comb my hair when its dry. If I must, I spray it with moisturizer first I mean saturate it. My hair is flatten in the morning every morning i just get in the shower and CW. But if I am somewhere, where i can't cw in the am at night I get some Red Palm butter and make sure I smooth it though my hair and on my ends and then I twist it up. No tangles no matting in the am. In fact I never really have a problem with tangles are matting because I use some form of protecting on my ends each day. Whether its butter or just oils I make sure I Put it on my hair before I put on the bonnet (silk or satin). I use Castor oil as a prepoo and I put olive oil in my conditioner. I use protein once a week. I have some dye or color left on my ends and so I need to protect my hair as much as possible so I continue to do that once a week. Also relaxing can really do some damage if you feel like reclining and relaxing make sure your hair is protected by a scarf or your bonnet. I try to do this as soon as i get home. I had breakage before doing this and when I started putting on my bonnet or leaving it on if I am not going out I saved my hair. Just my two cents home some of it helped. Good luck

Did you buy the Red palm butter at a BSS or on-line? When I first lurked on hair boards I was using Lekair cholesterol once a week, but it was provened to much for my hair. Yeah I think I am going to go back to tieing my hair back up at nights, instead od just sleeping on the satin pillow case.
My hair used to be sooo tangled when I first went natural. It took me a while to truly find what I liked. My hair is stuck up and it doesn't like many of drugstore/beauty supply products out there so once I started buying expensive stuff online my hair began to behave more. So I suggest that you continue to experiment until you find something that gives you the slip you crave. I also find that a fresh trim helps with tangling. I also wash in 4-8 sections, plait or cornrow (If I can do this, you probably can because my braids are pathetic :lachen:) and airdry. Then I style. All of the tips the other ladies gave are great too.

This washing technique may help reduce your tangles some, but throughly rinse because Pantene can build up:

Some people don't use combs at all (and they have like yours :yep:), so if all else fails I would look into that.

P.S- I have seen Red palm at African Grocery Stores, but you can order it from