Pressing disaster!


Dr. Naptrl :)
Okay, I didn't listen to you ladies when you said that heat could possibly PERMENATELY damage hair! My hair has been fine all this time, but the last time I told my hair dresser that the pressing comb was waaaay tooo hot! I could hardly sit in the chair!! My hair looked great when she finished, but when I went to wash it...It DIDN'T CURL! I tried to wash it again, but I still had some straight parts! I immediately vowed to NEVER get my hair pressed BY HER again! I immediately got cornrows and bought a wig that looks exactly like my pressed hair, so when I want a straight look, I'll just wear that!! I'm soo mad!! Let's pray that it curls back up like it was before next time I wash it!! Why didn't I stick to the no heat challenge? :(
I am so sorry this happened to you, hon. I am sure it will get better over time. Good idea staying away from the heat for a while :)
That's too bad things didn't work out. Years ago when I first became natural I went to get my hair pressed and after I washed it I had straight parts too. Those straight parts ruined my entire look.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully your hair will be okay after a while.

Some of these stylists must be using some CRAZY hot pressing combs. I've been pressing my hair for over 25 years, and I've never had it not bounce back once I wash it.
This is just another example of how so many stylists are taught to style the hair while sacrificing the health of the hair! Any professional stylist should KNOW that too high of a heat will cause permanent damage to natural hair. It's like they'll do anything necessary to get it straight and who cares if it all falls out later... :mad:
Don't mean to lump ALL stylists in this catagory but too many of them are that way though. Hope your hair recovers naptrl.
Funny you should mention this. I have a friend who had the same problem. She has natural hair also. She had a horrible smell of burnt hair after the stylist was finished with her hair. Her mother told her to do a protein conditioner, preferably a reconstructive type to rebuild the hair and to also limit the amount of combing and pulling at the hair. That's all I can remember. Hopefully that will help.
So sorry this happened to you. This is why I will never let a stylist press my hair, I've heard too many horror stories. That's why I prefer to rollerset then flat-iron my hair myself - there's still a risk of heat damage but I know that I'm more careful and sensitive with my hair than a stylist would be. I hope your hair bounces back! :)
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I had my hair blown out December 2003 and I still have 15% straight hair. As my hair grows out it looks like I have a perm.

I refuse to cut my hair only because if all of it were straight or a significant amount were straight I would just cut it, but because only 10-15% of only the front is straight I have been growing it out trimming the ends every month.

I am not sure that your hair will ever revert back but good luck.
Sorry to hear this. I'm sure that your hair will revert back, though. Deep condition it and give yourself a protein treatment. Wear some protective styles and your hair will come back. :)
TigerLily said:
Sorry to hear this. I'm sure that your hair will revert back, though. Deep condition it and give yourself a protein treatment. Wear some protective styles and your hair will come back. :)

I am so sorry this happened to you naptrl, but do not be fooled into thinking your hair will "revert". Damaged hair does not "revert" just as permed hair does not "revert". It may be possible to nurture your hair back into some former semblance of it's natural self but any sort of heat damage is typically permanent. Just my $.02 but this is exactly the reason why I am not chancing my hair with a heat-happy stylist. The best advice I can give you is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize & deep condition to prevent breakage but eventually, those straight sections will have to be cut off. Good luck, and a lesson well learned - stay away from heat!


Thank you all for your advice and words of encouragement! I definitely learned my lesson here! I can't believe this happened, but I should have known something was going wrong when I could hardly sit in the chair. That's what I get for trying to do a little style hubby likes!! Never again, though!!!
Naptrl I hope that it bounces back for you soon. My SIL was here visiting for the holidays and her hair hasn't been returning to curly after washing because she wears it pressed so often- I gave her a coconut milk and honey treatment before washing and covered with a conditioning cap and her hair returned to its fully curly state for the first time in awhile. Good luck and excellent decision to never return to that stylist again.

I recently had my hair pressed only because a waist length natural I know regularly gets her hair pressed by this stylist and she's very gentle with the heat. Unless the stylist is highly recommended from someone I know with a healthy head of natural hair I couldn't trust them to touch my hair. This was my first true "press" in my 3 years natural and I had very nice results and my hair returned back to normal after washing. The hubby enjoyed it but it will be awhile before I try it again.
Sorry. This happened to me two months ago (you can see the straight spots in one of my pics, and the other pic shows the section where I had to chop off my hair because of the flat iron)

I don't know if your hair will revert. Mine is still straight. Even after Aphogee protein treatments. :(

But maybe with some luck and prayer something will cause your hair to return to that normal curl!
I know how you feel naptrl! The exact same thing happened to me in September '04. I haven't been back to the stylist. My curls have not YET been what they were before this incident and I've tried MANY things to restore them. The straight areas are not as straight as they were immediately following the press anymore. I am going to trim them off gradually. It was a hard lesson to learn regarding heat. I hope that your results are better.
Kengne said:

I am so sorry this happened to you naptrl, but do not be fooled into thinking your hair will "revert". Damaged hair does not "revert" just as permed hair does not "revert". It may be possible to nurture your hair back into some former semblance of it's natural self but any sort of heat damage is typically permanent. Just my $.02 but this is exactly the reason why I am not chancing my hair with a heat-happy stylist. The best advice I can give you is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize & deep condition to prevent breakage but eventually, those straight sections will have to be cut off. Good luck, and a lesson well learned - stay away from heat!


Well, I've had my hair burnt/scorched plenty of times and it always reverted. So, I don't know....
Diva State, YOUR HAIR is BEAUTIFUL!! I can't believe how long it's gotten!! Thanks for the comments ladies..I'll just keep treatin and prayin!!