Preparing for my first self-weave...Questions Weave Experts!


New Member
-I've read every thread on this forum that has the word weave in the title (It took me a couple of days) and I have a few specific questions as I prepare (I plan to do this weave in mid-July but would like to get my plan in place now).

1) Since this is my first self weave, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on really expensive hair, in case I mess up. At the same time I don't want hair that going to tangle up/matte/or swell. Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well? I don't wan that silky straight european looking stuff.

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread?

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft?

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding?

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair?

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking?

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know.

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling?

If there is anything else special that I should know let me know.

Thanks for your help!
I have done a couple of self weaves in the past. I am no expert but I will do my best to answer your questions. When I have done them in the past there was little to no shedding but my hair was a little thin because I didn't take care of it underneath.

1) Since this is my first self weave, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on really expensive hair, in case I mess up. At the same time I don't want hair that going to tangle up/matte/or swell. Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well? I don't wan that silky straight european looking stuff.

I use the kinky straight hair instead of yakki. I don't think you can find it at a BSS. This texture matches my relaxed/texlaxed 4-B hair.

The websites to purchase the hair is:


It looks a lot like wet and wavy minus the shine. Next to yakki hair it looks dull and has more of a wave to it, which is great because that is how my natural hair looks. It is very soft hair and does not seem to tangle. Kind of expensive so I will use it more than once.

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread?

I have never heard of this but I will look into it, it sounds gentler on the hair than the thread at the BSS.

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft?

I sew through the weft. This seems to cause a tighter hold and less tangling between the weft, the hair, your hair, and the thread.

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding?

I don't remember experiencing that much shedding, I will shampoo and condition my hair at least twice per week. I will use a clarifying shampoo before removal as stated in a previous post. I would be careful with heavy protien conditioners, this makes my hair tangle when I am not in a weave so I can't imagine what it would do with my hair while I was in a weave.

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair?

I cut the track for the width needed. I also use braiding hair to "reinforce the braid" I leave the front inch of my hair out and braid one horizontal braid in the front for the first track so that it lays flat and neatly. If you can't do one braid you can do two one going to the side on the left the other going to the side on the right with a middle part. You can then sew one track across the width of this horizontal braid(s) It would sort of look like this (III) if that makes any sense. The parenthesis would connect at the top representing the horizontal braid. The I would represent the vertical braids in the middle. I do about 8.

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking?

This is hard to say. I would guess about 3/4 - 1 inch apart. I sometimes do them closer because I like my weave to be really thick.

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know.

I would leave them closer towards the top so that there aren't any gaps.

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling?

I thread the needle like I am sewing a garment. I knot the thread in the same manner. I knot the thread at the end of each track to keep it from unravelling.

I plan to mix Infusium 23 and African Royale Braid spray and spray this on my hair underneath the weave on a daily basis. I will wash my hair at least 2 times per week and do 2 deep conditionings per week using diluted conditioner in a spray bottle and a heating cap. I will try as much as possible to completely dry my hair with the overhead dryer.

I will wear headbands to help camaflouge (sp) the weave. I will leave my hairline out so that it will not suffer damage from wearing the weave and so that I can keep treating it with the ORS serum.
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trimbride said:
I have done a couple of self weaves in the past. I am no expert but I will do my best to answer your questions. When I have done them in the past there was little to no shedding but my hair was a little thin because I didn't take care of it underneath.

1) Since this is my first self weave, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on really expensive hair, in case I mess up. At the same time I don't want hair that going to tangle up/matte/or swell. Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well? I don't wan that silky straight european looking stuff.

I use the kinky straight hair instead of yakki. I don't think you can find it at a BSS. This texture matches my relaxed/texlaxed 4-B hair.

The websites to purchase the hair is:


It looks a lot like wet and wavy minus the shine. Next to yakki hair it looks dull and has more of a wave to it, which is great because that is how my natural hair looks. It is very soft hair and does not seem to tangle. Kind of expensive so I will use it more than once.

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread?

I have never heard of this but I will look into it, it sounds gentler on the hair than the thread at the BSS.

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft?

I sew through the weft. This seems to cause a tighter hold and less tangling between the weft, the hair, your hair, and the thread.

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding?

I don't remember experiencing that much shedding, I will shampoo and condition my hair at least twice per week. I will use a clarifying shampoo before removal as stated in a previous post.

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair?

I cut the track for the width needed. I also use braiding hair to "reinforce the braid" I leave the front inch of my hair out and braid one horizontal braid in the front for the first track so that it lays flat and neatly. If you can't do one braid you can do two one going to the side on the left the other going to the side on the right with a middle part. You can then sew one track across the width of this horizontal braid(s)

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking?

This is hard to say. I would guess about 3/4 - 1 inch apart. I sometimes do them closer because I like my weave to be really thick.

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know.

I would leave them closer towards the top so that there aren't any gaps.

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling?

I thread the needle like I am sewing a garment. I knot the thread in the same manner. I knot the thread at the end of each track to keep it from unravelling.

I plan to mix Infusium 23 and African Royale Braid spray and spray this on my hair underneath the weave on a daily basis. I will wash my hair at least 2 times per week and do 2 deep conditionings per week using diluted conditioner in a spray bottle and a heating cap. I will try as much as possible to completely dry my hair with the overhead dryer.

I will wear headbands to help camaflouge (sp) the weave. I will leave my hairline out so that it will not suffer damage from wearing the weave and so that I can keep treating it with the ORS serum.

The sites that you mentioned how much hair is equals a quantity of 1?
1) Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well?

When I used BSS hair I used Hollywoods Yaki... I have also heard that Black Diamond is good..

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread?

I have not had any problems with the regular thread sold at BSS and I have been wearing weaves on and off (mostly on :D) for the past 2-3 years.

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft?

I sew around my wefts... IMO sewing thru takes more effort and can possiblity lead to shedding of the hair on the weft...

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding?

If you cut the weft then I would recommend u seal the ends w/some nail polish.

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair?

I cut my tracks. Some people just fold over to avoid having to seal/shedding issues...... Its a personal choice...

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking?

I would say start about 1 inch apart at the back then u will do them closer as u get up... You can always go back and add rows in btw if needed...

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know.

Yes. You will sew tracks closer on the top... You also want to make sure the braids are smaller at the top...

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling?

Basically Yes you sew just like u are sewing a garment...
I use Milky Way Yaki Weave and it blends perfectly with my 4a/b hair, I really recommend it, and you can get it at most BSS. I don't do my own weaves so that's all I can suggests.
1 pack came with a lot of hair, seemed like almost twice as much as packs from the BSS. I ordered from the first site this time around (the one that had the solid color in the picture). I ordered 2 packs but I think I will only need one for my head. It is really thick hair, hard to explain but I definitely know you wouldn't use 2 packs on your head. 1 pack at the most 1 pack and 1/4.
trimbride said:
1 pack came with a lot of hair, seemed like almost twice as much as packs from the BSS. I ordered from the first site this time around (the one that had the solid color in the picture). I ordered 2 packs but I think I will only need one for my head. It is really thick hair, hard to explain but I definitely know you wouldn't use 2 packs on your head. 1 pack at the most 1 pack and 1/4.

If I only need 2 packs of hair at $36 a pack for 16 inches that's cheaper than some of the BSS hair I've been considering! Does it look really kinky, like it would need flat ironing to match with 4a/b hair, or does it just enough texture as it is to match 4a/b hair?
zoj2 said:
I use Milky Way Yaki Weave and it blends perfectly with my 4a/b hair, I really recommend it, and you can get it at most BSS. I don't do my own weaves so that's all I can suggests.

I've used Milky Way in the past it seemed to shed a lot as I remember it, and kind of swell right up after I had just combed it straight. But maybe my memory is fuzzy.:perplexed
carmend said:
1) Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well?

When I used BSS hair I used Hollywoods Yaki... I have also heard that Black Diamond is good..

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread?

I have not had any problems with the regular thread sold at BSS and I have been wearing weaves on and off (mostly on :D) for the past 2-3 years.

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft?

I sew around my wefts... IMO sewing thru takes more effort and can possiblity lead to shedding of the hair on the weft...

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding?

If you cut the weft then I would recommend u seal the ends w/some nail polish.

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair?

I cut my tracks. Some people just fold over to avoid having to seal/shedding issues...... Its a personal choice...

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking?

I would say start about 1 inch apart at the back then u will do them closer as u get up... You can always go back and add rows in btw if needed...

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know.

Yes. You will sew tracks closer on the top... You also want to make sure the braids are smaller at the top...

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling?

Basically Yes you sew just like u are sewing a garment...

I've seen the Hollywood Yaki in Hair magazines. Which texture do you use because if I'm not mistaken they have several different types of Yaki hair. Does it blend well with 4a/b? Have you had tangling issues?
The hair looks like a tighter wave than wet and wavy but it has very little shine. I like that because my natural hair doesn't shine much. From looking at your photo your hair looks straighter than mine so you may have to flat iron it a little to match your texture. I like the hair because I don't have to use heat on my hair to make it match my texture.
trimbride said:
The hair looks like a tighter wave than wet and wavy but it has very little shine. I like that because my natural hair doesn't shine much. From looking at your photo your hair looks straighter than mine so you may have to flat iron it a little to match your texture. I like the hair because I don't have to use heat on my hair to make it match my texture.

Thanks for the recommendation. My hair has been flatironed in that pic too. Yeah I need something that isn't shiny, just a dull sheen.
1) Since this is my first self weave, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on really expensive hair, in case I mess up. At the same time I don't want hair that going to tangle up/matte/or swell. Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well? I don't wan that silky straight european looking stuff.

Outre Platinum New Yaki, Milky Way, If you can get your hands on some remi hair at the bss I'd recommend that. Sensationnel and Outre both have remi brands that are sold in the bss

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread? I've never heard of using nylon upholstery thread. Sorry can't help ya there.

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft? AROUND. If you sew through you're gonna damage the weft and the hair will shed more.

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding? You can reinforce the weft especially at the ends if you cut after each row. Some people use clear nail polish. I'd just buy better quality hair.

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair? Personally, I don't cut after each track. I just flip it over and keep going in the other direction. When I go to the salon they cut after each one and it annoys me because sometimes those ends will stick up as the thread loosens and you can see them with a straight weave someimes.

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking? I just kinda guestimate as I go along. I don't let them touch or leave too big a gap either.

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know. Not really. Some people sew the last few tracks in upside down and then flip them over so you can't see the track.

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling? Yeah.
bmoreflyygirl said:
1) Since this is my first self weave, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on really expensive hair, in case I mess up. At the same time I don't want hair that going to tangle up/matte/or swell. Can you give me a couple of BSS brands to choose from that would match 4a/b textured hair and still hold up well? I don't wan that silky straight european looking stuff.

Outre Platinum New Yaki, Milky Way, If you can get your hands on some remi hair at the bss I'd recommend that. Sensationnel and Outre both have remi brands that are sold in the bss

2) I read that it's better to use Nylon coated upholstery thread rather than BSS thread. Where do you buy this thread? I've never heard of using nylon upholstery thread. Sorry can't help ya there.

3) Is it better to sew around the weft or through the weft? AROUND. If you sew through you're gonna damage the weft and the hair will shed more.

4) What steps can you take to keep the hair from shedding? You can reinforce the weft especially at the ends if you cut after each row. Some people use clear nail polish. I'd just buy better quality hair.

5) I plan to do vertical braids, do you cut each track for the width needed? Or do you not cut the track and just keep sewing side to side with the the one long weft of hair? Personally, I don't cut after each track. I just flip it over and keep going in the other direction. When I go to the salon they cut after each one and it annoys me because sometimes those ends will stick up as the thread loosens and you can see them with a straight weave someimes.

6) How close should I place the tracks to cover the tracks, but not make the weave come out too thick looking? I just kinda guestimate as I go along. I don't let them touch or leave too big a gap either.

7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know. Not really. Some people sew the last few tracks in upside down and then flip them over so you can't see the track.

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling? Yeah.

Thanks bmore!
Rabia... Sorry for the long delay but when I was wearing Hollywood I used to get the regular Yaki... They also have an italian yaki which was a lil more silky straight...

Here is a pic of me with the Hollywood Yaki hair in lace braids taken about 4 yrs ago.... I think this pic is also in my fotki...
pw = africa

carmend said:
Rabia... Sorry for the long delay but when I was wearing Hollywood I used to get the regular Yaki... They also have an italian yaki which was a lil more silky straight...

Here is a pic of me with the Hollywood Yaki hair in lace braids taken about 4 yrs ago.... I think this pic is also in my fotki...
pw = africa


Does it tangle?? How long were you able to wear it? Do you think it's reusable?
It did not tangle... But I only ever used it in bulk.. Not on track... So also b/c I had braids I did ever want to reuse the hair... But I would guess that u should be able to get at least 3 months of good wear out of it maybe longer... I used to keep those braids in for as long as 3 months....
bmoreflyygirl said:
7) Once I get to the top of my cornrows (the front of my hair will be left out to cover tracks and provide versatility for styling) do I sew the tracks closer together to cover them? Or is there anything special I should know. Not really. Some people sew the last few tracks in upside down and then flip them over so you can't see the track.

8) Do you thread the needle like you do for sewing a garment? And do you knot the thread in the same manner to cut the thread from the weave and keep it from unravelling? Yeah.

hey i'm trying to do my sew in weave and was wondering whether anyone would be able to shed some more light on this technique please thanks
Sabina said:
hey i'm trying to do my sew in weave and was wondering whether anyone would be able to shed some more light on this technique please thanks

I believe that MsPortugal has a picture of this in her fotki (I hope she doesn't mind me shouting her out). Some people call this the "reverse method".
Sabina said:
hey i'm trying to do my sew in weave and was wondering whether anyone would be able to shed some more light on this technique please thanks

Sew the tracks in upside down. Meaning do it so the hair falls in your face. Sew it down and then comb it towards the back. You won't be able to see the track because it's underneath the hair. Then you can comb your hair over it in the front. It helps it blend better. Someone here has pictures in their fotki, it think it's weaveitup.