prenatal vitamins and conditioner for the ends


New Member
Hi everyone I am a new member and i was wondering has anyone taken prenatal vitamins for hair growth and had great results also my hair shoulder length and very course i get my ends trimmed about every three months or so and always wear it up but my ends seem to be always dry does anyone know of something great for the ends to keep them moisturized thanks
Hi and welcome to the board. I'm new too, I was just looking at some prenatal vits and decided to take the hair vits instead they seem to have more of the stuff that my hair needs. I take GNC Ultra Nourishair. I'm sure that you will get more great info soon. The Ladies here are great. Good Luck!
Hi bri123,

Welcome to the board! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't take prenatal tablets for hair growth, but I think there are others here who do. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I like to use Dudley's PCA Moisture Retainer or Nexxus Humectress on my dry ends. They work well for me. /images/graemlins/smile.gif