Premonitions/Dreams-What do you "do" with them?


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I do believe that God gives His people dreams and premonitions about things, and I have been the recipient of some of those dreams/premonitions. Have you ever had a premonition/dream that warned you of something that would happen to you or someone else? Did you pray for God to stop XYZ from happening or did you actively try to prevent it?
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I do believe that God gives His people dreams and premonitions about things, and I have been the recipient of some of those dreams/premonitions. Have you ever had a premonition/dream that warned you of something that would happen to you or someone else? Did you pray for God to stop XYZ from happening or did you actively try to prevent it?

A couple of times, I have had"something" but didn't know what to do. In elementary school I had an episode where I had an overwhelming fear about leaving to go to school. No bullies. no bad grades, no other reason as to why I didn't want to go. I was at least in the 2nd grade so it was not a new school fear issue. I was paralyzed with fear. I ended up not going and was having dreams about someone being found dead in a park between my house and my school. Anyway. about a week later a little girl was found dead in an empty lot next to my school. There had been a strange man lurking in the back of the school playground and apparently he was the purp and had been looking for a victim---I believe God protected me.

I had a dream about a terrible war right before the Gulf War. it was so real and I woke up fearful and was thinking we were at war.

I haven't had anything like that in years. Probably because I told got, straight up. I am not ready for this. I think I would be better able to handle something like that now, since I know now to ask God first and let him lead to the resolution.
I have had several dreams...good and bad. I had one dream in which God led me later to a scripture explaining what His plans were for me. I had one dream about a friend of mine being trapped/controlled by the enemy. She in fact truely was and in the dream a group of women and myself helped free her...this later did happen in fact. I have felt that this is the way He speaks to me. He hasnt done it lately but it could be that my fear of them has also been in the way. I definitely believe that they should be paid attention to though...and search the Word to see if they line up. There is a scripture that says something to the effect of "dreams come to those with many cares" not ALL dreams have a Godly basis.
Usually mine are direct and I pray for intstruction. Most of the time, I just know what to do. Lately I've been dreaming of snakes. A few nights ago I dreamed that snakes were biting me. Everywhere I turned there were snakes. My coworkers were throwing snakes at me and laughing :nono:. The next night my coworkers and my mother were trying to kill me and all i could do was scream out for Jesus. I called my friend and we prayed together. Last night I dreamed that I was walking down a road to a house (my house) and there was a trail of dead snakes in the path but I knew in my heart that it's not over yet. I don't know why I've been under attack like I have. :sad:
What you should do is write them down. You may get a revelation about what it means later, if the Lord doesn't show you at that time.
Usually mine are direct and I pray for intstruction. Most of the time, I just know what to do. Lately I've been dreaming of snakes. A few nights ago I dreamed that snakes were biting me. Everywhere I turned there were snakes. My coworkers were throwing snakes at me and laughing :nono:. The next night my coworkers and my mother were trying to kill me and all i could do was scream out for Jesus. I called my friend and we prayed together. Last night I dreamed that I was walking down a road to a house (my house) and there was a trail of dead snakes in the path but I knew in my heart that it's not over yet.
I don't know why I've been under attack like I have.

Honestly sis...cleanse yourself when you come off of these forums.

If you want to understand me.

That tis all.
I once dreamed that a nice-looking Italian guy came to my door and asked to speak to my mom. He looked really friendly, so I was like "One moment." By the time, my mom came to the door, he had pulled out a gun. I tried to close the door, but it was too late. About a week later, my cousin was shot to death at home by an unknown person while his little daugher was with him. The police believe that he knew the shooter.

I told my mom, because I was only in high school/not as conscious of the power of God/etc. Now, I wished I had prayed about the dream. A few days ago, I had another crazy dream, and I did pray about that one. This is where this thread came from...
I do believe that God gives His people dreams and premonitions about things, and I have been the recipient of some of those dreams/premonitions. Have you ever had a premonition/dream that warned you of something that would happen to you or someone else? Did you pray for God to stop XYZ from happening or did you actively try to prevent it?

I've posted extensively on this subject of being's in my family and my mother has an uncanny way of "knowing" that I had as myself as child and like a child took it for granted without question ...but as an
adult when they stated coming with frequency and coincidence
for years ...I thought I was going crazy. I went to every reverend I could get to hear my stories and finally ..though I have never stopped being in awe of them ..have begun the slow process of divine acceptance of them
and rather than ask God to stop..I give thanks...and then ask the Lord to show me....

Two examples of a premonition/dream

1... I woke up with a distinct feeling something was very very wrong..something significant was going to happen THAT DAY.. and then right away a warm feeling rushed through that said ..and it's going to
be absolutely all right,too
All through the day I kept expecting to get fired or hit by a car and then in the middle of the day.....I get a voice mail message from someone I had not heard from in months and this is how the message began
K...are you all right? ..I woke up this moring with you on my mind and I am worried about me and let me know you are okay
I REALLY began fretting ..Lord what is it ..Lord what is it

Two days after that mother calls me and says my oldest brother had a kidney transplant and he didn't want anyone to know until he came out of it...and I began crying and my mother said....he's fine ..he's just fine
I asked what time did the operation start? ...and my mother said happily ..he's already had it.. it was...on a another day..
two days ago......

2 I am self employed and biggest concern with that.. is making my expensive rent vision is to not only pay my rent several monthis in advance but to have a second res in the country
I had a dream that my landlord wanted my apartment and trying to go after it legally,but the results were dubious for him and I knew I had to step up my efforts to take care of my home...
I was okay as I'm current in my rent today and already have August rent and most of September's...As an artist I have to allocate funds well in advance..because of the nature of the flux in income.With that dream ... I was on alert and vigilant
That VERY morning. First call, from an agency( I once I had to
go an private agency that helps with working peole who occasionally have difficulty meeting their rent)
"We're just calling to see how you're doing in your apartment and with your rent"
I told of my struggle but affirmed that my rent WAS being met...
At this point ..I just shrugged after getting that call right after my dream

(God willing... my vision will come true:)

Yes, God shows me things in dreams so I can stop worrying and can have peace about a situation...he revealed to me in a dream how my med school interview would go and exactly who would be interviewing me..and he also showed me the results in a second dream before everything took place. Exactly how the dream happend is how it played out in real life. That was amazing, God is too good yall. He will order your steps if you submit unto Him.
Well Im happy to know im not the only one...its been happening to me since I was a young kid . I wont share everything but I had a lot of weird dream in the past mostly when I was in early teens years. As for an exemple theres this dream that I always make its always the same concept middle of no where someone shovelling in the earth a rectangle and the person is digging.....Everytime I had those dreams by the time I wake up phone rings someone's dead . The first time I had that dream was when I was reallllllly young and I remember describing to my mother the man I saw ...and in the afternoon she received a call her brother died in Haiti . My mother left the country a while ago at that time and didnt see her brother for 12 years and when she went back she didnt recognize him but was telling me when she came back how he was dressed the way I told her and looked how I described him and Ive never seen him...It happends a lot with my mother and sister. There was situation where it happend in another context thats somewhat creepy and when I told my ex bf 's mother she said that I had to becareful because theres are some dreams about adivination( sorry for spelling wrong Idk how to say it in english) and sometimes god is trying to let you know certain things...I told her how can I differentiate ..she said to pray and refuse any adivination and accept God's messages.
Yes, and it has been going on since as far back as I can remember. I think the very first one I remember was when I was about five or six years old. I was sitting on our front porch in the late afternoon waiting for my dad to get home from work. My mom was inside cooking dinner. I was sitting and singing songs to myself like I always did when I saw my dad drive up. As soon as I saw my dad drive up I said to myself, “He was with another woman.” I don’t know how I could have such a thought at such a young age, but I did. There was another incident on a Saturday morning. I was about the same age. My mom had to go to work and my dad was still in the bed. I was playing in the living room. My parent’s bedroom was close to the living room. I remember I kept checking on my dad to see if he was up yet. He was on the phone. He was talking in a low voice and laughing. I knew that he was not talking to my mother. A few years later my mother found out that he had indeed been having an affair.

When I was 13 there was this boy I liked. A few days leading up to my birthday I knew that he was going to come over to my house. I just knew it. I had not heard from him all summer, but I knew I would hear from him soon. Sure enough, the day before my birthday he and his best friend came to my house to wish me a happy birthday.

One night I had a dream about a friend from college. In the dream he was wearing black and looked very somber. When I called his name he acted as though he couldn’t hear me. When I ran up to him and looked him directly in the eyes he looked sad and just shook his head. Then he went inside this brick building where all the windows had been blacked out. The next morning I got a call that the friend I dreamt about had died. Oddly enough I had my dream shortly after the time of his death…probably within about an hour. After this dream I got scared and kind of started blocking out some things.

During my first trimester of being pregnant I was going through a hard time. My husband and I had fertility issues, it was my second pregnancy (the first one ended in miscarriage) and I was terrified that I would have another miscarriage. Initially we were pregnant with twins, but at 7 weeks we learned that “Baby B” had stopped growing. Fortunately “Baby A” was fine, but I was so scared. That night I had a dream that a friend of mine called me on her way home from work to tell me that she was so happy for me and that everything was going to be just fine. A few days later while I was getting my hair done this same friend did call me on her way home from work to tell me congrats on the pregnancy and that I was in her prayers and everything would be just fine.

Recently applied for a job that I thought I was qualified for and would be a good move for me. A few days after I applied I had a dream that there were two men in black suits in a huge office with a window and a nice view. One man handed the other man my resume. The other man looked at it and shook his head no. A few days later I got an email saying that I had not been chosen for an interview.
I have had dreams that have come true and it isn't like I am in the dream. It is like I am present watching myself and my actions at that particular time. I don't really like it because in one of my last dreams, I think I was sinning. I don't really know how to feel about these things.
I do believe that God gives His people dreams and premonitions about things, and I have been the recipient of some of those dreams/premonitions. Have you ever had a premonition/dream that warned you of something that would happen to you or someone else? Did you pray for God to stop XYZ from happening or did you actively try to prevent it?

I know when people are dying sometimes. I have dreams about it. I just had 2 recently and one of them just died. A family member had a dream like that and she told someone. The next day the person died. So, she told me to never tell anyone about my death dreams, that is do not tell anyone who died in the dream or it will really happen. It doesn't matter one way or the other if you tell someone. It still happens.

I have other dreams too, not just death dream.
I don't consider my dreams premonitions but more prophetic as if God is showing or telling me something for a reason. In these last dreams he told me about the job that I now have and when I would start because I thought I would start another date and then He also told me about this young man He wanted me to and age but no face.

The one about my future husband...well, I can't do anything but wait until God's timing. He didn't give me any instructions but it was just like a view of me and my future hubby. It felt so righteous and pure.
I do believe that God gives His people dreams and premonitions about things, and I have been the recipient of some of those dreams/premonitions. Have you ever had a premonition/dream that warned you of something that would happen to you or someone else? Did you pray for God to stop XYZ from happening or did you actively try to prevent it?

Yes actually. I can remember a particular dream that something bad had happened and in that dream I can remember being on my knees praying to God asking Him why did he forsake me. To make a long story short something bad did happen but I had been forwarned and I responded differently so the outcome was that God was there holding me and guiding me. I testified this to my Sunday school class. What really stood out to me the most was that I was praying and I was sleep and I knew I was sleep.
My pastor just did a sermon on dreams tonight. (my church is having a three day workshop) Unfortunately I left my journal at church but I will have it with me tomorrow and post some of my notes.
How do we know who the dreams are coming from? I had a dream early this morning and it has been bothering me. I dreamed that a man came to town and started doing all these miracles like magic and people started worshiping him. He had started building churches then something happened he turned on them all and started to kill them. Men,women,children. He was blowing things up all sorts of horrible things. I was trying to get my family in the car to leave. I don't know where we were going. But through the whole thing i was not afraid,i was calm. I was not afraid until i woke up. I used to have dreams in my teens about revelations. My dad was the only other person with me in these dreams, i could not find anyone else. I am afraid now because i feel these dreams are coming back. My grandmother has passed so there is no one i can talk to about this. When she was living she told me to learn the book of revelations so i will know the signs and be prepared when the time comes. I don't want to be left behind this is what scares me.
If it's a negative or fearful dream it could be a warning and all you have to do is pray against it, coming into agreement with Jesus that it does not come to pass and that His will be done. If it's positve, then wait to see if and when it comes to pass. Sometimes dreams are just to show you were you are in your walk or to explain an event that has happened in your life.

Sometimes they're just nightmares or regular dreams that have no relevance.
There's a Christian author named Russ Parker who wrote a book called, "Healing Dreams," that I am working through, since I have often wondered about this. Something that he stresses is that you should always pay attention to the emotions attached to the events in your dreams and that paying attention to your emotional response will help you better understand its meaning.

Thus far he hasn't talked about prophetic dreams, exactly. I started having those in my early teens, but they are never anything that I can make sense of until after the fact. That bothers me. I have wondered whether this is something to pray more about. Like, if the Lord has given this as a gift that is simply lying fallow right now. But I've tended to not think or pray about it because seeking after those types of gifts can quickly turn into divination or ceasing to simply have faith and instead always looking for a "word."
Write them down and see if it comes to pass. I have had many dreams not writing any of them down because I wanted nothing to with it. I still don't write them down. I ponder them in my heart.

Also, I have shared something with someone and they became upset. I was lied on, misunderstood, and persecuted by this person. The Bible tells us not to cast our pearls before the swine. They will tramble all over it and leave you devestated. I rebuked this person and dusted myself off.

When you truly decide to live for the Lord, you will suffer persecution. Just as Jesus did. Right now I am really living this word.
I've never had a preminition about anything bad, but on new year's 2007, I had a dream I was pregnant. I dreamed that I was pregnant but it was like in the dream I knew I wasn't really "pregnant". 9 months later, I got a new job, which was something I had been wanting for a very long time. God had birthed a new thing in my life!!! This year, 2008, new year's I had a dream one of my friends was pregnant and I told her about it and how I had the same dream about me the prior we'll see what happens. This is just one example. There have been plenty of times I have felt things about people or situations and I just thank God for it. I do wonder sometimes if I have a prophetic gift...