pregnancy AND vitamins...???


Active Member
i usually take my flaxseed/ multi vit and biotin. i was looking in to flaxseed on the net and i read that its best not to take it while pregnant BUT i also read that it was ok??? iv already given my left over tables away. which im not too bothered about because i dobt want any chances of harming my baby. i have been taking vits recomended for pregnancy.

what vits are other moms to-be taking??
I am not an expectant mom but I do know that a diet high in omega fatty acids helps brain and heart development in babies. The only concern I could think that flaxseed oil would carry is that is can thin the blood out which when time for delivery isn't something you would really want. Try adding ground flaxseeds to your salads or oatmeal. Eat alot of walnuts too. My mother took flaxseed oil with all of us but stopped during the last 3 weeks. Just to be sure, consult your doctor.
Hey there I am 3 months and take regular ole prenatals and a supplement of Omega 3 for brain development...
i used to take mumomega which have omega 3 & 6 in them but they made me feel really sick os i had to stop taking them :ohwell: