Pre-Poo Questions from a No-Pooer


New Member
I do not use shampoo, but I use ayurvedic powders, so I thought pre-pooing with coconut oil would be a good idea.

What a mess!

1. How do you stop the oil from dripping all over your face, neck, back, and shoulders?

I tied two plastic bags around my head so tightly that it looked as if I had given myself a face lift, yet the oil seeped right out. I have waist length hair, so it took about 1 cup of oil to cover all of my hair with the oil. Should I not have covered all of my hair?

2. Doesn't the oil create a barrier to the conditioner?

I guess this is not an issue for those who shampoo thoroughly. But how about those of you who use ayurvedic powders or co-wash? It seems to me that oiling dry hair is a sure way to lock moisture out.

Thank you.
I shampoo so I can't help with that part, but I use a towel to line the plastic bags with so the oil does not drip.
OP, I had the same problem. Coconut oil would always run down my face. I think Im too heavy handed with it.
I shampoo so I can't help with that part, but I use a towel to line the plastic bags with so the oil does not drip.
Thank you for this tip. By 'line the plastic bags,' do you mean that you wrap your hair in a towel and then cover it with a plastic bag? Also, doesn't the towel absorb the oil that your hair is supposed to soak in?
I wrap my towel around the plastic bags to absorb leakage... but I still get some leakage tho... if you dont shampoo I would think it would be hard to get all the oil out of your hair
OP, you said that you use ayurvedic powders. Have you tried adding the powders to the oil to make a thick paste and putting it on your scalp?