So glad that your brother-in-law made a wise decision and made Jesus his Lord and Savior. We stand in agreement that every need will be met. I pray that the medical expenses will be completely waived by the hospital (yes, it happens) and that every bill (mortgage/rent, utilities, groceries, gas, etc) every need is met with another overflow leftover. In Jesus' name, amen.

Thank you for your prayers @Sashaa08, once again. My sister informed me yesterday that her husband's medical expenses for the hospital will be covered 100%. I praise God and give him all the glory and I wanted to thank you for your direct and specific prayer for their financial situation. My brother-in-law is still in the rehab facility and he is determined to get stronger so that he can walk out of there on his own two feet. My family is praising God and giving Him all the glory. I just feel like shouting and dancing right now. :bdance::bounceline:
Thank you for your prayers @Sashaa08, once again. My sister informed me yesterday that her husband's medical expenses for the hospital will be covered 100%. I praise God and give him all the glory and I wanted to thank you for your direct and specific prayer for their financial situation. My brother-in-law is still in the rehab facility and he is determined to get stronger so that he can walk out of there on his own two feet. My family is praising God and giving Him all the glory. I just feel like shouting and dancing right now. :bdance::bounceline:

Praise the Lord!! I am so happy that his medical expenses were completely covered. We are believing for a full recovery in Jesus' name.
Praise the Lord! My brother-in-law went home from the rehab today. My niece sent a picture of him sitting in the car and ready to go. He called me when he got home and we praised The Lord together. All I can say is thank you all for your prayers and support over these 3 1/2 months. God is so good.
I am coming to you all in tears and asking for your prayers.
My mom had a terrible fall last week at her home due to a severe leg wound that has become deeply infected. Actually, doctors have diagnosed it as a leg ulcer. Unbeknownst to us, she had been trying to self heal over the last couple of months which most likely made things worse.

She has been hospitalized for the last 4 days, in deep pain. Doctors are medicating her with lortab and morphine, but they still haven't' found the right combination of antibiotics to help fight the infection. Her white blood cells are increasing and kidneys are being affected as well. Today she started crying as they were treating the wound. I am truly sick about this.

I am reaching out and asking for you prayer warriors to include my mom in your prayers for healing.
Thanking you all in advance.

Hello ladies,
@YvetteWithJoy @Shimmie @mrselle @bellatiamarie @newgrowth15

I haven't posted on this board since April, because so much has occurred, but I just wanted to give yall an update.
Unfortunately and with great sadness, my mom passed away on May 12th--- the day before Mother's Day.

Let me just say that the entire months of April and May were practically a blur. I'll try to sum it up, but at one point, BOTH of my parents were admitted in the same hospital, on the same floor--in different rooms for one week!

My dad ultimately had to have his big toe amputated. My mom had the debridement surgery and spent 3 weeks in wound care/swing bed/rehab after her surgery.

Both of them were discharged on that Wednesday prior to Mother's Day. My mom passed away that Saturday before Mother's Day.
I've been through an array of emotions over the last few months, and I've come to understand that although we loved my mom, God loved her most. She is no longer in pain, so oddly for some reason, that makes me want to rejoice.
When my mom was first hospitalized she was given so much morphine and other drugs to manage her pain.
During one of her drug induced conversations, she started talking about her best friend who had passed away nearly 40 years earlier! I hadn't heard her mention her name in years, so that was a big shock.

I had a feeling then, that my mom may not recover, so it gave me time to really understand what was going on.

During my mom's last days in the swing bed, although she was in severe pain, I was able to spend the night with her, wash her hair, bought her nail polish, crossword puzzles and other things. I also rolled her outside in her wheelchair to get some sun and fresh air and allowed her to enjoy one of the most beautiful days of spring!

My only comfort throughout her loss is that she passed away in her own bed at home early that Saturday morning, with my dad at her side.
That Friday night the 11th, she had one of her favorite meals--a shrimp poboy from local cajun poboy joint.
Not soon afterwards, she wanted to go to bed early. My dad said she couldn't sleep because she was in so much pain. So he did what he could to help soothe her by rubbing her back.
Early that Saturday morning about 3am, she prepared my dad by letting him know by saying.."I'm okay now. I feel better, everything's going to be okay, so you get on the other side and get some rest".
He realized that morning when he woke up about 7am that she had passed away.
They were married 55 years.

Today is my mom's birthday.

While it has been difficult trying to live on without her and get through this day without her, I have this sense of calm knowing that she has earned her wings and is truly at peace.

In addition, miraculously my dad is doing quite well and is walking cane free, at age 81.
Actually he never even had to have walking assistance, and stated that he never was in any pain after his amputation! He also has been given a total discharge from his doctors, in spite of his amputation--no more weekly appointments.

Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update, and say Happy Birthday Mommy!

Thank you ladies once again for your prayers, it truly means a lot. God is STILL good!
Hello ladies,
@YvetteWithJoy @Shimmie @mrselle @bellatiamarie @newgrowth15

I haven't posted on this board since April, because so much has occurred, but I just wanted to give yall an update.
Unfortunately and with great sadness, my mom passed away on May 12th--- the day before Mother's Day.

Let me just say that the entire months of April and May were practically a blur. I'll try to sum it up, but at one point, BOTH of my parents were admitted in the same hospital, on the same floor--in different rooms for one week!

My dad ultimately had to have his big toe amputated. My mom had the debridement surgery and spent 3 weeks in wound care/swing bed/rehab after her surgery.

Both of them were discharged on that Wednesday prior to Mother's Day. My mom passed away that Saturday before Mother's Day.
I've been through an array of emotions over the last few months, and I've come to understand that although we loved my mom, God loved her most. She is no longer in pain, so oddly for some reason, that makes me want to rejoice.
When my mom was first hospitalized she was given so much morphine and other drugs to manage her pain.
During one of her drug induced conversations, she started talking about her best friend who had passed away nearly 40 years earlier! I hadn't heard her mention her name in years, so that was a big shock.

I had a feeling then, that my mom may not recover, so it gave me time to really understand what was going on.

During my mom's last days in the swing bed, although she was in severe pain, I was able to spend the night with her, wash her hair, bought her nail polish, crossword puzzles and other things. I also rolled her outside in her wheelchair to get some sun and fresh air and allowed her to enjoy one of the most beautiful days of spring!

My only comfort throughout her loss is that she passed away in her own bed at home early that Saturday morning, with my dad at her side.
That Friday night the 11th, she had one of her favorite meals--a shrimp poboy from local cajun poboy joint.
Not soon afterwards, she wanted to go to bed early. My dad said she couldn't sleep because she was in so much pain. So he did what he could to help soothe her by rubbing her back.
Early that Saturday morning about 3am, she prepared my dad by letting him know by saying.."I'm okay now. I feel better, everything's going to be okay, so you get on the other side and get some rest".
He realized that morning when he woke up about 7am that she had passed away.
They were married 55 years.

Today is my mom's birthday.

While it has been difficult trying to live on without her and get through this day without her, I have this sense of calm knowing that she has earned her wings and is truly at peace.

In addition, miraculously my dad is doing quite well and is walking cane free, at age 81.
Actually he never even had to have walking assistance, and stated that he never was in any pain after his amputation! He also has been given a total discharge from his doctors, in spite of his amputation--no more weekly appointments.

Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update, and say Happy Birthday Mommy!

Thank you ladies once again for your prayers, it truly means a lot. God is STILL good!
@Cien, my heart is with you at this bittersweet time. Today is the 20th anniversary of my Dad's passing. And yes, God is still good. I am lifting up you and your family in prayer asking that God comforts you all and gives you His peace. I pray that you will be able to cherish the time you have with your Dad and that his health will continue to improve. I pray that you will have fond memories of your Mom that will make you smile and perhaps even laugh. I pray that as you cast your cares upon Him, God will lift your spirit to soaring new heights. May His love and comfort keep you, in Jesus' name. Amen!
@Cien, Sorrry to hear about your mother passing away but glad to hear that your father is doing so well. My mom passed away several years ago and last year I lost my sister and father. Loss is difficult but as Newgrowth15 said, cherish those memories. I still acknowledge my parents and sister's birthdays. We will keep lifting you and your father in prayer. He has suffered the loss of his wife and closest companion.

We pray that God will continue to strengthen your father and that as you all think of your mother that those memories bring a smile to your face and laughter to your hearts.
Pray for my family. Please.
Lord, You know the needs in this family. I lift them up to You and ask that You do what only You can do for, with and through them to Your glory. Father, strengthen @LadyBugsy for such a time as this and give her the courage to hold on to Your unchanging hand and the wisdom to know what and when to speak into the lives of her family members. In Jesus' name, Amen!
@bellatiamarie , we lift your grandmother in prayers-that God repair her damaged kidneys and that her renal numbers start normalizing and improving. We pray that she will not have to go on dialysis and that her health will be restored. In Jesus' name, amen.

Amen! Thank you.... she was dialyzed yesterday and she will likely go again tomorrow. My prayer is that she won’t have to go on dialysis long term. Please continue to pray for her as she is having some other issues as well. I know God is able and I’m trusting only in Him.
I forgot to come back and update y’all on my granny. God healed her body fully and completely 100%. Her kidneys bounced back right away. No dialysis! No residual issues! Her lungs even improved! She spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital y’all and things were very questionable. She had sooooo many people praying for her! I kept reminding the Lord of the promises that He made to her and my prayer was for a complete restoration. He did it. I’m thankful! Keep trusting Him. Whatever you’re going through.
I’m asking for prayer on behalf of my Mom she is currently in ICU. I’m believing for a right now healing in her body.I pray her pulse “heart rate”will return to normal & the surgery goes well with speedy recovery.Thanking you Father God in advance.Amen
@Lita, we stand in agreement with you right now for your mother's healing. We pray that her heart rate stabilizes and returns to normal range. We pray that the surgery is effective with no errors and that the medications work perfectly with no negative side effects. We pray that God blesses the hands of the surgeon, every nurse, every CNA, every therapist, and any practitioner that is ministering to Lita's mother. We pray that God endows then with unique and godly wisdom and discernment in every decision made concerning Lita's mother's health and recovery. We believe for a full and complete recovery, in Jesus' name, amen.
@bellatiamarie @Sashaa08 Thank you:love3:with all my heart.
Father God Father God as we all come into agreement,yes you have done it before “miraculous healing” do it again.Thank you
In the precious name of Jesus.Amen Amen
Hello Precious @Lita I'm here in agreement with all of your prayers and love for your Mom and her total healing, in Jesus' Name, Amen. And these prayers are far beyond words...Dear One. Far, far beyond words. It's coming from the heart of Jesus'. Amen.

Hello ladies,
@YvetteWithJoy @Shimmie @mrselle @bellatiamarie @newgrowth15

I haven't posted on this board since April, because so much has occurred, but I just wanted to give yall an update.
Unfortunately and with great sadness, my mom passed away on May 12th--- the day before Mother's Day.

Let me just say that the entire months of April and May were practically a blur. I'll try to sum it up, but at one point, BOTH of my parents were admitted in the same hospital, on the same floor--in different rooms for one week!

My dad ultimately had to have his big toe amputated. My mom had the debridement surgery and spent 3 weeks in wound care/swing bed/rehab after her surgery.

Both of them were discharged on that Wednesday prior to Mother's Day. My mom passed away that Saturday before Mother's Day.
I've been through an array of emotions over the last few months, and I've come to understand that although we loved my mom, God loved her most. She is no longer in pain, so oddly for some reason, that makes me want to rejoice.
When my mom was first hospitalized she was given so much morphine and other drugs to manage her pain.
During one of her drug induced conversations, she started talking about her best friend who had passed away nearly 40 years earlier! I hadn't heard her mention her name in years, so that was a big shock.

I had a feeling then, that my mom may not recover, so it gave me time to really understand what was going on.

During my mom's last days in the swing bed, although she was in severe pain, I was able to spend the night with her, wash her hair, bought her nail polish, crossword puzzles and other things. I also rolled her outside in her wheelchair to get some sun and fresh air and allowed her to enjoy one of the most beautiful days of spring!

My only comfort throughout her loss is that she passed away in her own bed at home early that Saturday morning, with my dad at her side.
That Friday night the 11th, she had one of her favorite meals--a shrimp poboy from local cajun poboy joint.
Not soon afterwards, she wanted to go to bed early. My dad said she couldn't sleep because she was in so much pain. So he did what he could to help soothe her by rubbing her back.
Early that Saturday morning about 3am, she prepared my dad by letting him know by saying.."I'm okay now. I feel better, everything's going to be okay, so you get on the other side and get some rest".
He realized that morning when he woke up about 7am that she had passed away.
They were married 55 years.

Today is my mom's birthday.

While it has been difficult trying to live on without her and get through this day without her, I have this sense of calm knowing that she has earned her wings and is truly at peace.

In addition, miraculously my dad is doing quite well and is walking cane free, at age 81.
Actually he never even had to have walking assistance, and stated that he never was in any pain after his amputation! He also has been given a total discharge from his doctors, in spite of his amputation--no more weekly appointments.

Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update, and say Happy Birthday Mommy!

Thank you ladies once again for your prayers, it truly means a lot. God is STILL good!
Hello Darling @Cien I pray that all is still going well with your Dad. I'm so very sorry abut your Mom. I pray God's healing upon your heart and soul to ease you through the transition, this change in your family life. You are so dearly loved and covered in prayers that go far beyond the Internet.

God bless you and love to your precious Dad....healed in Jesus' Name, Amen. :love2:
Hello Precious @Lita I'm here in agreement with all of your prayers and love for your Mom and her total healing, in Jesus' Name, Amen. And these prayers are far beyond words...Dear One. Far, far beyond words. It's coming from the heart of Jesus'. Amen.


@Shimmie Thank You:heart:
My family & I really appreciate it..Means a lot to us..Words can’t explain :grouphug3:
May Father God bless and keep you always.In Jesus name.Amen Amen
Please lift up Ernest in prayer. He is going through something and has requested that all the prayer warriors call out his name to the Lord for help at this time. Thank you in advance and may God bless you.
Prayer request for my child and me, for our voices to be heard today and my request given easily so we can be legally set free from the past, so we can be truly free to live happily and successfully. Thank you so much.
Please lift up Ernest in prayer. He is going through something and has requested that all the prayer warriors call out his name to the Lord for help at this time. Thank you in advance and may God bless you.

Lord God, we lift up Ernest in prayer. We don't know the situation but You do. We ask that according to Your word in Psalm 138:8 that You will perfect everything that concerns Ernest. We pray that Ernest will have peace of mind during this time and that You give him divine favor. Close doors that need to be shut, break down strongholds, and may no weapon that has formed against him prosper. We pray a hedge of protection around Ernest and his family, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Prayer request for my child and me, for our voices to be heard today and my request given easily so we can be legally set free from the past, so we can be truly free to live happily and successfully. Thank you so much.
Lord God we ask that Reinventing21 and her child receive justice and that your vindication will shine like the noonday sun (Psalm 37:6). Behold, all things for Reinventing21 are made new, and just like her forum name, she is being Reinvented. Her life is being reinvented. It is not too late and greater are You in her than he that is in the world.
Luke 7:50 "Reinventing21", your faith has saved you, go in peace.

Speak this out loud to encourage yourself and as your declaration: I need not fight this battle. I will stand firm and see the Lord deliver me and my child. I will not be afraid and I will not be discouraged. Whenever I go out, the LORD will be with me. 2 Chronicles 20:17
Please lift up Ernest in prayer. He is going through something and has requested that all the prayer warriors call out his name to the Lord for help at this time. Thank you in advance and may God bless you.

Precious Holy Father, in the Name of Jesus...I call out 'Ernest'...Holy Father, I call him out, loud and strong into highest of Heaven in Jesus' Name. Dearest Father, let his prayers be not only heard but answered in a huge and mighty way. Holy Father, our hearts and prayers are with Ernest and our voices move every wall, every mountain, every barrier that is in the way of you moving through. Ernest stands strong in his faith, unwavering, steadfast, trusting in you. For he does not stand alone.

We bless the Holy Name of Jesus, We bless the Holy Presence of the Holy Spirit, Holy Father, we bless the Holy Presence of YOU...seeing Ernest all the way through. Ernest will see your glory, for your glory has already showed up.

Holy Father, do what you do...Do what you do. Precious Holy Father, do what you do, to see Ernest through. For Holy Father, you always do things well. Like no other, Dear Father, you always do things well. And Father, it is well you shall do for Ernest.

We thank you with all of our hearts. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Ernest, know that Heaven has always known your name and with God, you will never be put to shame. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

God is blessing you. Indeed he is. Amen and Amen.