We pray that @blessedandfavoured 's sister is healed completely and that according to Deuteronomy 28 that the fruit of her womb is blessed. We pray that the Lord will instruct her with what dietary changes or lifestyle changes she should make to dissolve the fibroids quickly and completely.

@blessedandfavoured, I touch and agree with you regarding your sister in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Thank you Ladies for your prayer. May Father God answer us in Jesus's name, amen. I pray that the Lord will help you both (and all the other ladies here) in all things and answer all your prayers, in Jesus' name, amen.
Ladies I’m really being attacked in the workplace something fierce from all sides from the clients being too many at a time to coworkers showing their butts and lazing about, not wanting to help.
First it was 1 person trying to intimidate me and control me make it seem like I don’t know what I’m doing
now there’s a couple more their sabotaging the work schedule by not doing what their supposed to be doing when they should do it. Or like one just said she refuses to work with a particular client because she’s always starting an argument with said client over petty stuff.
Thanks ladies I’ve been praying and rebuking all morning.
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Ladies I’m really being attacked in the workplace something fierce from all sides from the clients being too many at a time to coworkers showing their butts and lazing about, not wanting to help.
First it was 1 person trying to intimidate me and control me make it seem like I don’t know what I’m doing
now there’s a couple more their sabotaging the work schedule by not doing what their supposed to be doing when they should do it. Or like one just said she refuses to work with a particular client because she’s always starting an argument with said client over petty stuff.
Thanks ladies I’ve been praying and rebuking all morning.
Good morning @Lucia, as I began to pray for you this morning, three phrases cane to my mind. The first was "this, too, shall pass." The second was "do all of your work as unto the glory of the Lord. " And the third was "as much as lies within you, live peaceably among men." I pray God's hedge of protection around you and that as you keep your mind stayed on Him, He will give you peace in the middle of the storm. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Please pray for the miraculous and supernatural healing of my sister's husband. He is in the hospital and needs a touch from the Lord.

Father, I lift up my brother-in-law to you, believing that You will bring about a miraculous healing in him and give him a voice and a tongue that will sing your praises. I pray that you will use his testimony to draw the doctors, the hospital staff, his family members and mine to your Son. In the name of Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of my faith, Amen!
I’d like a request.

It’s my older brother. He’s back in prison again. Considering he’s a repeat offender, this may be the last time we was out in the free world which was only a year and some months. He’s a repeat offender and this time around he’s looking at 30 years, no parole.

I’m half frustrated half disappointed. Not that me and him are extremely close, but he’s still my big brother and that’s all that matters.

My family and I have done everything for him, we’ve been there for him, helped him, tried to help him feel better, present opportunities for him that can get him from the influences of this world, and the more we try the more he goes the opposite direction.

It seems like when he’s behind bars, the Holy Spirit can get him still enough for him to listen and realize what’s hes doing to himself. As soon as he gets out, he runs from Jesus and all the blessings and opportunities that are right in front of his face. It saddens to think that maybe that’s where he belongs, at least a tad bit safer in prison that out and about in the world.

But please pray for my brother, and for me and my family. All we can do is check up on him and make sure no more harm comes from himself or anyone else.

Thanks guys.
Please keep my daughter lifted up in prayer. She has been extremely defiant. When she gets this way, its like she is a totally different child. The things that come out of her mouth are hurtful, appalling and shocking for a child who is less than 10 years old. No discipline helps of any kind helps. Its as though something in her snapped. She has always been feisty, but something in her snapped and I can't figure out how to help her.
Please pray for the miraculous and supernatural healing of my sister's husband. He is in the hospital and needs a touch from the Lord.

Father, I lift up my brother-in-law to you, believing that You will bring about a miraculous healing in him and give him a voice and a tongue that will sing your praises. I pray that you will use his testimony to draw the doctors, the hospital staff, his family members and mine to your Son. In the name of Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of my faith, Amen!
Father in the name of your Son Jesus Christ please hear the words of my sister in Faith, your child and renew her brother-in-law's strength and body.
Father in your name, you have said you sent your son so that none shall be lost. Please oh Lord, touch your prodigal son with spiritual healing and strength. Father give him pause to repent, seek you and ask for forgiveness. As he sits behind the prison walls, please renew him with an everlasting obedience, faith and trust in you. Knowing that even behind those walls, within those cells, there is work to be done for your kingdom. Give @PlanetCybertron and her family the comfort to know that their loved one their brother, their son is still and always will be your child. Father in your word Joseph said " you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.." Let this experience, this time in this young man's life be for that good and bring all glory to your kingdom. In the name of the most High Our Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!
Please keep my daughter lifted up in prayer. She has been extremely defiant. When she gets this way, its like she is a totally different child. The things that come out of her mouth are hurtful, appalling and shocking for a child who is less than 10 years old. No discipline helps of any kind helps. Its as though something in her snapped. She has always been feisty, but something in her snapped and I can't figure out how to help her.
Oh Lord, Satan is trying to steal one of your little angels. But in your name I declare she's not his and further command as a child of God, that Satan releases her. I pray Oh Lord that you send your legion of angels to protect this little girl and fight the dark soldiers coming against her. We know that the fight is not with flesh and blood but against the powers of the dark world and spiritual forces of evil. Lord gird @mrselle and her daughter with Your full armor so they may resist. Amen and Amen!
Update: Thank you sisters for your prayers for my brother-in-law. He is still in the hospital, but he is doing so much better and getting stronger. I had the opportunity to visit him yesterday and to ask him if Jesus Christ is Lord of his life and he said with his own tongue "YES." Everything else is gravy. Please continue to pray for his renewed health and strength and for a financial miracle for my sister to help with the medical expenses (he's been in the hospital since May 22nd).
Update: Thank you sisters for your prayers for my brother-in-law. He is still in the hospital, but he is doing so much better and getting stronger. I had the opportunity to visit him yesterday and to ask him if Jesus Christ is Lord of his life and he said with his own tongue "YES." Everything else is gravy. Please continue to pray for his renewed health and strength and for a financial miracle for my sister to help with the medical expenses (he's been in the hospital since May 22nd).

So glad that your brother-in-law made a wise decision and made Jesus his Lord and Savior. We stand in agreement that every need will be met. I pray that the medical expenses will be completely waived by the hospital (yes, it happens) and that every bill (mortgage/rent, utilities, groceries, gas, etc) every need is met with another overflow leftover. In Jesus' name, amen.
Update: Thank you sisters for your prayers for my brother-in-law. He is still in the hospital, but he is doing so much better and getting stronger. I had the opportunity to visit him yesterday and to ask him if Jesus Christ is Lord of his life and he said with his own tongue "YES." Everything else is gravy. Please continue to pray for his renewed health and strength and for a financial miracle for my sister to help with the medical expenses (he's been in the hospital since May 22nd).
Praying :pray: with you and your family. :love3:
I’d like a request.

It’s my older brother. He’s back in prison again. Considering he’s a repeat offender, this may be the last time we was out in the free world which was only a year and some months. He’s a repeat offender and this time around he’s looking at 30 years, no parole.

I’m half frustrated half disappointed. Not that me and him are extremely close, but he’s still my big brother and that’s all that matters.

My family and I have done everything for him, we’ve been there for him, helped him, tried to help him feel better, present opportunities for him that can get him from the influences of this world, and the more we try the more he goes the opposite direction.

It seems like when he’s behind bars, the Holy Spirit can get him still enough for him to listen and realize what’s hes doing to himself. As soon as he gets out, he runs from Jesus and all the blessings and opportunities that are right in front of his face. It saddens to think that maybe that’s where he belongs, at least a tad bit safer in prison that out and about in the world.

But please pray for my brother, and for me and my family. All we can do is check up on him and make sure no more harm comes from himself or anyone else.

Thanks guys.
Dear @PlanetCybertron ...

God hears your heart and He has not and will not forsake your heart-filled prayers for your brother. We ask our Father God in Heaven to heal him from the self-destruction that has driven your brother to such limits that he winds up in the places of darkness and ends up in prison. If we remember the Apostle Paul who was once named, 'Saul' and how he, himself was in a prison mindset of destroying the innocent lives of Christians...YET, God changed his heart from darkness to light.

So shall it be for and with your dear brother. So will and shall it will be.

Dearest Father God in Heaven above...let not this precious soul, the brother of your dear daughter be lost in darkness any further. Bring him out and secure him in your light and life of eternity with Jesus. Praise you Father God for securing this man in sure and true relationship with you. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
One of my favorite cousins died suddenly. She wasn't feeling well, went to lay down and never woke up. She had a beautiful ministry. Please pray for her husband and 4 daughters. https://forgirlslikeyou.com/
:bighug: Praying for you and your family @Browndilocks . I'm very sorry to hear of this. My heart is with you, thanking Father God to comfort and bless each of you in Jesus' Name, Amen.
One of my favorite cousins died suddenly. She wasn't feeling well, went to lay down and never woke up. She had a beautiful ministry. Please pray for her husband and 4 daughters. https://forgirlslikeyou.com/

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've heard her and her husband on Moody radio several times... I remember them talking about their 4 daughters. My condolences to your family @Browndilocks
I just need to get this out.

I just want to know what it is about me that is so horrible that God feels I'm undeserving of romantic love. I'm not hideous looking. I'm so tired of constantly being reminded of what I don't have. I'm tired of self reflecting. How much of that can I do? I've tried LOA, crystals, meditation, listening to 'psychics',books, going out more, etc, etc, etc. No results. Just when I start feeling OK, BOOM! Something reminds me once again what am missing.

I don't care how many hobbies I take up, how many countries I visit, how many new friends I make, NOTHING will fill this empty hole in my heart. Nothing.

I don't want to hear that I don't know what others are going through. I refuse to believe everyone in a marriage is unhappy. I refuse to believe that there are NO healthy relationships. I refuse to feel bad about desiring love, a companion and family. I refuse. I'm tired of making myself busy to forget the one thing I don't have. I'm tired of holding on to the hope of something that clearly isn't coming.

And I'm tired of walking around feeling dead inside. I am dead inside. I can't imagine going the next 2 years, 5 years, 20 years feeling like this. I can't. I won't. This is torture. My life is torture. I just want to know why.

I just needed to get that out. I didn't know where to put this. I don't even know if I want to be prayed for. I just want the pain to finally stop.

Hey sis! I can relate to your post as I am also hoping to be married. I've prayed and prayed for others who have gotten married and I am still waiting. I say this only to let you know that you are not alone and that there is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with desiring a godly marriage with an amazing, supportive, and loving husband. You are not horrible, unlovable, unattractive, too thin, too thick, too short, too tall-you are more than enough. I pray that you are encouraged and are led to more opportunities to engage with marriage-minded men. I pray that you are not led astray by psychics or prophelies, crystals, or any other counterfeit intelligence sent by the enemy to distract or discourage you.

What you are feeling is natural-even the bible says "hope deferred makes the heart grow sick." I think some people mean well but won't acknowledge that it is natural for you to feel frustrated, annoyed, depressed, confused, or bitter at times. And yes, you can date yourself, engage in exciting hobbies, travel-but at the end of the day, you go home to silence. I think people who are married can forget that part.

Please be gentle with yourself and I would also encourage you to avoid things that trigger you (for example: if you have the nosy auntie who keeps asking when you are going to get married at every family function, maybe try to avoid her; if there are speakers (including Christian speakers) who have hour long sermons telling you all the reasons why you haven't "earned" a husband yet or that your married to God or you should be too holy to want marriage, shut it off). If your spirit is craving and yearning for your husband and your very own family, it is because you are supposed to have it. I believe God for you when there are days and nights like this where you are just spent, tired of holding on, tired of hoping. Big hug, sis. You are NOT alone and there is nothing wrong with you. No judgment-you voiced the feelings that many women and men are experiencing.
I just need to get this out.

I just want to know what it is about me that is so horrible that God feels I'm undeserving of romantic love. I'm not hideous looking. I'm so tired of constantly being reminded of what I don't have. I'm tired of self reflecting. How much of that can I do? I've tried LOA, crystals, meditation, listening to 'psychics',books, going out more, etc, etc, etc. No results. Just when I start feeling OK, BOOM! Something reminds me once again what am missing.

I don't care how many hobbies I take up, how many countries I visit, how many new friends I make, NOTHING will fill this empty hole in my heart. Nothing.

I don't want to hear that I don't know what others are going through. I refuse to believe everyone in a marriage is unhappy. I refuse to believe that there are NO healthy relationships. I refuse to feel bad about desiring love, a companion and family. I refuse. I'm tired of making myself busy to forget the one thing I don't have. I'm tired of holding on to the hope of something that clearly isn't coming.

And I'm tired of walking around feeling dead inside. I am dead inside. I can't imagine going the next 2 years, 5 years, 20 years feeling like this. I can't. I won't. This is torture. My life is torture. I just want to know why.

I just needed to get that out. I didn't know where to put this. I don't even know if I want to be prayed for. I just want the pain to finally stop.

Hello @TwoSnapsUp, thanks for sharing. I know this was you getting things off your chest, but a few things jumped out at me. Please bear with me while I list:

1. Are you in Christ? You mention that you've tried various ungodly things (in your words - "LOA, crystals, meditation, listening to 'psychics'"). It is never wise to look to the devil for help, and especially if you're a follower of Christ. Was this before you put your trust in Christ, or have you not done that yet?
If you have not yet trusted Christ as Lord and Savior, that would explain why you feel dead inside - you are. Sin kills from within. And that craving for marriage is just a counterfeit - the one thing your heart truly desires is union with God, even if you don't recognize it.
Even if you have truly trusted the Lord, please let that craving in your heart drive you to Him, because He is the only one that can wholly satisfy you. Not all marriages are unhappy, thank God, but even the happiest marriage is nothing compared to being filled completely by Christ's love. I imagine that's why there isn't marriage in Heaven.

2. Psalm 84:11 says that God will not withhold any good thing from those who trust Him. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says God makes all things beautiful in its time. If it will be good for you to be married, God will bring it about on His clock, not yours (frustrating, but more so when one refuses to accept it). There is nothing in the Bible about people 'deserving' romantic love. That's a concept of the world. We did nothing to earn God's love, but while we were still sinners, Christ died for us because of His great love for us. Jesus has done more for you than any man ever could, even if he wanted to. Please don't ignore or forget or disdain that.

3. I mean no disrespect, but you sound really ungrateful, kind of like the Israelites in the wilderness. It's probably just your frustration, but it sounds like something else. You talk about taking up hobbies, traveling and making friends. The ability to do those things is a gift from God. Be grateful that you CAN take up new hobbies and travel (these take money, which I guess God has given you). You're not dead yet and neither is God, so bear up. He is able. Also, if you're doing those things just to meet your husband, you're setting yourself up for a fall. Just enjoy the life that God has given you and walk in His ways.

The fact that you're still alive is by the grace of God. And allow me to say, God doesn't owe you anything but Hell, yet He's already done more for you than you could do for yourself because He loves you. Please be grateful for that and rest in His love for you. Put your trust in Him and let His Holy Spirit guide you into all truth. Fill your private time with praise, worship, prayer and reading the Word of God and getting to know Him better, as He's the one who has loved and will always love you with an everlasting love.

BONUS: Avoid trash TV or social media or anything which can fan flames of discontentment in your heart. If you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption.

Finally, as sis @Sashaa08 said:
Please be gentle with yourself and I would also encourage you to avoid things that trigger you (for example: if you have the nosy auntie who keeps asking when you are going to get married at every family function, maybe try to avoid her; if there are speakers (including Christian speakers) who have hour long sermons telling you all the reasons why you haven't "earned" a husband yet or that your married to God or you should be too holy to want marriage, shut it off). If your spirit is craving and yearning for your husband and your very own family, it is because you are supposed to have it. I believe God for you when there are days and nights like this where you are just spent, tired of holding on, tired of hoping. Big hug, sis. You are NOT alone and there is nothing wrong with you. No judgment-you voiced the feelings that many women and men are experiencing.

Finally for real, https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/god-demonstrates-his-love and

Forgive me if I have misspoken in any way. God bless and uphold you.
@TwoSnapsUp - please ASK HIM (Our Father) why and Be Still and wait for His answer. Only the Father in heaven can tell you why. He knows the desires of our hearts. You are at a point where only HE can help you and He's waiting on you to come to Him, to ask Him, to listen to Him, to trust Him and wait upon Him. He is the same God who blessed the Virgin Mary to birth His son Jesus and the same God who blessed Sarah to conceive and give birth to Isaac at the age of 90.
There is absolutely nothing horrible about you, as you are wonderfully crafted by our Fathers hand and made in His likeness. Don't give the devil a foothold by believing his lies. He's trying to deceive you - please do not give him the victory. You must emblaze and believe Psalms 139:14 "I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. "
You may not be certain if you want to be prayed for - but I will pray for you and I'm sure others will also.

In Psalms 46:10, God tells us "Be still and know that I am God ...!

To look to sorcery (crystals, cards, psychics, etc.) is to walk in darkness!
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@TwoSnapsUp - my heart goes out to you. I know all too well what it feels like to feel dead inside. I know what it feels like to long for something that is out of your control and I know what its like to see everyone around you get their desires only to stand alone saying, "God, what about me?" I can feel the pain in your post and I have been where you are, but God... But God.

Years ago, I was in a situation where I wanted to be with a young man who didn't want to be with me. After being rejected by him I got down on my knees and cried out to God, " What is wrong with me?" I heard the Holy Spirit so loud and so clear say, "NOTHING!" It was so loud I had to pause. It wasn't my time. Although painful, God used that season to strengthen me, deepen my faith in Him. He took me through that rough season to show me that He is everything I need and everything He has for me is good. Looking back, I'm so glad I went through that time. Had I not been through that I wouldn't know God to be a healer, provider, way maker, miracle worker and so much more. Use this time to rest in Him. Let Him bless you and heal you and take you THROUGH this season. Don't get stuck here. Keep moving forward because there is a blessing waiting for you on the other side. Another thing....don't get caught up in feelings. Feelings are fickle and change from moment to moment, circumstances to circumstances. God's word is constant and it doesn't change based on how we feel, it just is.
@Sashaa08 You get me!!!! I don't know anyone IRL who actually gets me. You spoke directly to my heart when you said this:

And yes, you can date yourself, engage in exciting hobbies, travel-but at the end of the day, you go home to silence. I think people who are married can forget that part.

@blessedandfavoured If you feel that I am ungrateful for yearning for something many people have, then so be it. It's frustrating when someone equates wanting something to disregarding and not being grateful for other things. I think people can be grateful for life and still yearn for love.

@ilong I've been asking why for 10 years. I think I've been patient for a very long time. Prayers, private conversations, moments of giving thanks for the little things (yes, genuine thanks), random conversations with God, prayers for others. 10 years.

@mrselle You also get it. Thank you.

Ladies, thank you for your prayers. I find myself constantly praying for others. Always asking God to look out for others. I see nothing wrong with wanting something so natural for myself. I'm not asking to be rich. I'm not asking for something material. I'm asking for something many people want, and many people seem to get effortlessly. I won't apologize for wanting romantic love, marriage and a family.
Hello @TwoSnapsUp, sorry to hear that you're in such a state. I don't think anyone is trying to get you to apologize for wanting romantic love+marriage+family (I'm certainly not). But you're clearly not doing yourself any favors by stressing over it. I try to avoid stress in my own life, so I'm always encouraging people to do the same. I'm sorry if that doesn't help you or if it upsets you further. That is not my intention.

In the garden, the devil tempted Eve to ignore all the trees that she could eat from and focus on the one she couldn't eat from, and that's how sin came into the world. I encourage you to focus on God's goodness to you and blessings and love for you. I don't know why you've been waiting for so long. Abraham waited for longer, and I honestly don't understand why that 'had to' happen. Only God knows why He does things the way He does. He calls us to trust Him. I pray that He strengthens you and shows you that He will never leave or forsake you and that as long as He lives, you will never truly be alone. May God bless and strengthen you and give you joy. He loves you.
Another update: Thank you to all who have been praying for my brother-in-law. He is now in the rehab facility and has gone from being able to stand for 2 seconds to now taking 18 steps. This may sound trivial to those who take their health and strength for granted, but for someone who was told to gather his loved ones around so he could say his goodbyes, this is a monumental miracle from God above. Thank you again for all of your prayers and please keep praying for him and my sister. May God bless you all.
@newgrowth15, this is not trivial, this is favor! We thank God for healing your brother-in-law and that He will continue to restore his health and strength each and every day.
Thank you so much @Sashaa08. I really appreciate your kind words of encouragement and your prayers. This has been a very difficult time for my sister. She and I are very close so I feel her burdens with her.