Prayer for my husband


New Member
I am asking all that can to come into covenat agreement with me regading my husband and his new job. He has applied for 250 jobs online with KBR (Kellogg Brown & Root) and he is still waiting for them to call. He has been applying since June and everyone is telling him that they are hiring left and right, but he has still not been called.

He is going to continue to apply everytime a new position comes avaliable, but we would like u all to come into agreement with us. We are patiently waiting bx we know Gods has all things in the palm of his hands.

Thx and Be Blessed.
where two or more are gathered.....
...standing in agreement
may the Lord answer exceedingly above with what is asked for
in Jesus's Holy name
KrimsonKween, you and your husband have my heartfelt prayers.

And please know this; you are a beautiful wife who loves her husband. What a gift and rich treasure he has in you. I thank God that he will rise up and call you blessed. And with this love, your husband shall not miss his Destiny.

You need not 'fear' what this company doesn't deliver; God has ordered the footsteps of your husband's path to success and you are the anchor to keep your husband grounded. :giveheart: