Pray for me!! College student rant.


New Member
i am graduating in may and i have a heap of work to do. including a ten page paper due in 8 hours.

Please pray that God gives me strength to complete this paper well and still make it to my 9am class today.

Thanks in advance ladies.

I really need Jesus. :yawn:
Is PRAYING for you. I know how that is! I too am a college student Praying and believing that after this and the summer sememster My Core will be completely finished! So you are definetly in my prayers and I will also Pray that God clears a way for you for your future!
Thank so much for your prayers ladies.
I was up all night. I had a ten page paper due at 11am and I wasn't gonna make it.
I emailed the teacher at 5 in the morning and asked for an extension till 5pm.
And she said yes!! I was able to get an hour of sleep before my 9am class that I almost missed but I made it and got he paper in at 4pm.
Sigh then I had a group meeting at 6pm and I'm finally getting some me time.
I have a presentation to work on tonight for tomorrow and a final on wednesday and one next monday.
Just had to process all that whew! God was def. on my side and I'm grateful.