I was wondering what regimen every follows after they wash out the relaxer?
I usually use the Aphogee treament and sit under the dryer until it hardens. The I use dark &Lovely Dry Hair Healer(when i can find it). Then I spray a leave-in in my hair ...forgot the name of it. There's another Dark & Lovely product I use to use to add extra moisture, but I can't remember the name of that either. Then I use bone straight blow drying lotion and something to protect the ends. Then I just let it airdry. I haven't been able to find all these products here, so i will have to improvise. I'm hoping to give myself a touch up this weekend.
ballet bun ...
I usually use the Aphogee treament and sit under the dryer until it hardens. The I use dark &Lovely Dry Hair Healer(when i can find it). Then I spray a leave-in in my hair ...forgot the name of it. There's another Dark & Lovely product I use to use to add extra moisture, but I can't remember the name of that either. Then I use bone straight blow drying lotion and something to protect the ends. Then I just let it airdry. I haven't been able to find all these products here, so i will have to improvise. I'm hoping to give myself a touch up this weekend.
ballet bun ...