Post Relaxer Regimen


New Member
I just had a retouch and would like to wash my hair on Tuesday. I would like for this first post relaxer wash and set to contain a pre-shampoo treatment and protein but I am a little unsure of the steps to take. I believe that it should go a little something like this:

1) pre-shampoo hot oil treatment
2) clarifying shampoo
3) protein treatment (with heat)
4) deep conditioner (with heat)

Am I right? Could someone let me know what the steps are and also recommend good products for steps 1 -4?

Would an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse substitute for the clarifying shampoo or should I do it in addition to it?

Thanks for any help...

<font color="brown">For post relaxer, I prefer the following order:

1. Clarifying Shampoo - to rid my hair of any remaining relaxer residue and to ensure that my hair is ready to accept optimal protein conditioning.

(You could do ACV here)

2. Protein treatment

(You could do ACV here)

3. Moisturizing conditioner with oil added (preferably an EFA rich oil). This will replenish moisture to the hair shaft, and the EFA oil will help to reestablish the natural scalp oils (lipid barrier) that were lost due to the relaxer process.

If you apply a hot oil treatment before a clarifier, the benefits would be lost because clarifiers are designed to remove minerals, as well as any conditioning buildup, oils, or debris from the hair. Additionally, if you apply a hot oil treatment before a protein treatment, the oil could interfere with the protein being able to bond with your hair (since the oil will coat the cuticle).


P.S. When I do protein treatments, I use an ACV rinse both before AND after the application of the protein. It seems to keep the cuticle smooth and there is less chance of tangling.</font>
1) pre-shampoo hot oil treatment
Loreal's Nature Therapy Botanical Hot Oil Treatment
2) clarifying shampoo
Pantene Pro V makes a good one
3) protein treatment (with heat)
Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair
4) deep conditioner (with heat)
Le Kair Cholesterol
Great Thread. I was just about to start a similar one when I saw this one. I wondered if i should do a protein treatment since I just relaxed last Monday. Should I use a protein shampoo also? Or can I do a moisturizing poo then do a protein tx?
Mine is really far simpler than this. And I'm feeling like a slacker - but here it is.

1. Wash with a VERY low PH shampoo. Elucence Acidifying, Fantasia Pure Tea or something else with an exceptionally low PH (between a 3 and 4 preferably).

2. Deep Condition with creamy protein, no heat, for 30-60 minutes.

3. Rinse well and follow with a rinse out moisturizing conditioner (I don't leave this in long - I just follow it up with something that will soften and smooth the hair 5 minutes tops).

4. Style.

I do this 2-3 days after I relax unless I had a major mishap in which case I wash the very same day if I need to.

Thanks sooo much ladies!!!
Everyone seems to be saying the same things...

Does anyone know any names for these products?

I won't have time to run to Sally's before tomorrow night but could run by the drugstore/supermarket. Anyone know some Over the Counter brands? LOL I saw the Joico K-Pak at the drugstore for $15.99 yikes

Thanks sooo much ladies!!!
Everyone seems to be saying the same things...

Does anyone know any names for these products?

I won't have time to run to Sally's before tomorrow night but could run by the drugstore/supermarket. Anyone know some Over the Counter brands? LOL I saw the Joico K-Pak at the drugstore for $15.99 yikes


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I've seen a knock off brand at sally's but I have no idea what price it is
Hi AngieK! What type of oils are considered EFA rich oils? Could you use extra virgin olive oil along with the moisturizing conditioner?
can yall reccommendd some things for me..:
Protein conditioner (heavy)
protein conditioner (light)
clarifying poo
deep conditioner

and what is an example of an efa rich oil?
sunny said:....what is an example of an efa rich oil

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Aphogee's Essential Fatty Acids Oil Concentrate