Post Airdry--Favorite Creamy Moisturizer?


New Member
What is your favorite creamy moisturizer to use after air-drying? I like ORS Carrot Oil, but I'd like to add something else to the routine. When I use Profectiv Healthy Ends or Megagrowth on freshly airdried hair, it feels like I am on the verge of pulling my hair out because it's so sticky. Any suggestions for a soft creamy moisturizer that you've used right after airdrying? TIA
Cathy Howse UBH Moisturizer

I have the ORS Carrot Oil but haven't had the guts to use it yet because of that nasty carrot smell!!
How do you deal with the smell of that stuff??? I don't want to walk around smelling like a salad (especially in this heat!!!
ballet_bun said:
Profectiv Break-free.

[/ QUOTE ]

I forgot about that one... it's definitely a good one, too!!
I use Suave Coconut as my leave-in and it moisturizes very well. I also use shealoe butter to smooth my hair and it is what you'd consider a creamy moisturizer.
HTH, Hiza
. I do love the ORS Carrot Oil, Candi, but the profectiv is so sticky, I can really only use it when my hair is wet
. Lindy, I don't mind the smell...I'm so used to it now that it sometimes smells good to me... but then again, I use Sulfur8, too
. Ballet bun, I'll get the Break-free today, because I need some instant gratification, but I'll order the Cathy Howse, because I've been looking for an excuse to try her products. Thanks, ladies
I air dry using the procedure outlined by Supergirl. So, when my hair is partially dry, I massage my ends with either ORS Jojoba Oil, or with Ultra Sheen Scalp Conditioner and Hairdress - Extra Dry Formula. I then roll up the ends.

I have not had very good results with Profectiv Healthy Ends. The same is true for ORS Carrot Oil. In fact, the water-based products such as these do not perform well on my hair, as I have recently discovered.

This is going to sound weird but here goes:
There is no conditioner in my house (I am the anti product junkie) and all I had was Paul Mitchell The Cream which is a creamy leave in conditioner. I put it in, but since I absolutely hate having product in my hair I rinsed it out but it was so creamy that it left my hair incrediby moisturized.
If you're looking for something REALLy thichk and creamy, this is the product.