Possible heat damage???

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Before I had a perm, I used to get my hair pressed quite often and I really don't recall any damaging effects. On another hair care forum, heat use on natural hair is not condoned at all. I used to hear stories on that site about how many women's hair would not 'napp back' after an experience with the pressing comb or flat iron. I thought,'too bad for them. When I want to straighten my hair, I know I won't regret it'- well now I am singing a different tune.

The first time I got my hair flatironed by a professional was last month and everything turned out perfectly!! When I decided to wash my hair, it quickly reverted to its natural state. This time, my hair did not do this as planned. Wednesday, I got may hair flatironed by the same lady and my experience was not so good the second time around. As soon as I got home,it took everything in me to not wash my hair (I was missing my puffiness
) and the only reason I waited was because the style was a treat from a friend...I still ended up washing it Thursday
. Yall, I was rinsing my hair with water and at first, my hair just laid there,but after awhile, it began to puff up YEAH!! As I proceeded to wash, I noticed that the front part of my hair did not revert back. The front part is typically looser in texture anyway,but I could tell there's a big difference. Anywho, the rest of my hair is coming back home,but the front
it looks like I am transitioning again.

What should I do? Should I cut off the ends
or should I wait a few more washes to see what it will do? Has anyone else been in this situation?

*Breakdown moment* AWW LAWD,HAVE MERCY ON ME!!! *Breakdown's over*
Just wait and see. I wouldn't do anything drastic like cutting it off without giving it time to "recover". I just don't think flat-ironing would permanently straighten hair!!!

Could be that whatever she uses in terms of leave-in and/or heat protectant requires a couple of washings to come out. Do you know what she used? Jeez, if she can flat-iron hair where it stays straight thru a washing, then she's darn good and I'd want to know what she uses and give it a try myself. .
be patient. it is highly unlikely that your hair will stay permanelty straight just from two presses. that happens to people who constantly press their hair and it would take years for that kind of damage to happen. wait until after a couple more washes to see what happens
I say wait also. I have read somewhere that heat does temporary change the structure of the hair if you do it often. I know when I flat iron my hair, the new growth stays a bit straighter than normal until about my 2nd or 3rd wash. Then again, I wonder if it has to do with the type of heat protectant
I'd say give it a little more time, but yes unfortunately heat can damage your hair to where it won't "kink" back up the same. I hope this hasn't happened to you, maybe try a clarifying shampoo and then do a good deep conditioning and see what happens.
I agree with Ms Kenesha, it could be the product she used leftover in your hair. Try a clarifier and a deep conditioner and give it a little time, it will snap back. Don't worry girlfriend! I am here for ya! It will be okay!
I'd also say to wait and see because after a few washes it may revert. However, like you I have different textures of hair and the area that never reverted for me was the loosest texture of hair. So I had to grow it out. But give it time and see what your hair does! I hope that it reverts back for you - good luck!
I am washing my hair again today, tomorrow, Sunday,Monday, everyday until the shrinkage comes back.....AWWWWW LAAWWWD, TAKE ME NOWWWW!!!
Please wait Bublnbrnsuga. When I was natural the same thing happened to me once. It took a few washes for my hair to curl up all the way, but my curl did come back.
I agree with everyone else - give it time and it should curl back up. When I had my hair professionally straightened back in December, it took about 2 washes before my hair became super wavy/curly again.

My good friend is transitioning and she's gotten her hair flatironed a bunch of times by a professional and her hair still curls up. But she always says that it takes a couple of washes before it fully comes back.

Just be careful and make sure they don't use heat that it too high for your hair.
Rica and Hairlove, thanks for the inspiration-it is so needed now....AAAAWWWW LAWWWDDDD HAVE MURCEY ON MEH!!!!
sorry to hear what happened
. like the other ladies said, give it a few more washings and try using a protein conditioner. If the hair doesnt snap back just trim the damged part gradually till it grows back in and try to hide it with different styles. Dont worry your hair will come back to normal eventually
babyblue said:
sorry to hear what happened
. like the other ladies said, give it a few more washings and try using a protein conditioner. If the hair doesnt snap back just trim the damged part gradually till it grows back in and try to hide it with different styles. Dont worry your hair will come back to normal eventually

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Looking at your avatar makes me wanna
My lushness is not as lush as yours anymore. Good idea about the protein conditioner. I recently purchased Elasta QP's breakage control serum and it is about time for me to use it again
It is so nice to have some place to vent about this heat issue on natural hair where folks are not like,' I told you!! When will folks learn, yadda yadda yadda!'
Girl give your a hair a few days to recover, hopefully with a few more washes it will revert back to its original texture.
ricamorena03 said:
Please wait Bublnbrnsuga. When I was natural the same thing happened to me once. It took a few washes for my hair to curl up all the way, but my curl did come back.

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This has happened to me before as well (then I was much more careful with the level od heat used). Unfortunately for me, there was a section in the back that did NOT revert, no matter how many times I washed it . Eventually, I had to cut it off
On a happier note, pretty soon I could NOT tell where i had cut it!

But there's still hope for you! Wait it out and see! It's prob temporary...
Bublnbrnsuga said:
babyblue said:
sorry to hear what happened
. like the other ladies said, give it a few more washings and try using a protein conditioner. If the hair doesnt snap back just trim the damged part gradually till it grows back in and try to hide it with different styles. Dont worry your hair will come back to normal eventually

[/ QUOTE ]

Looking at your avatar makes me wanna
My lushness is not as lush as yours anymore. Good idea about the protein conditioner. I recently purchased Elasta QP's breakage control serum and it is about time for me to use it again

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl, i have had my own share of hair drama in the past
. We all live and learn.
I am sorry this happened to you. But for the naysayers, it CAN HAPPEN!!! I am NOT saying I told you so, but I would hate for people to go around this forum telling people that as long as you don't press or flat iron too frequently, your hair will always revert 100%. It is simply not true. There is a little strand of my hair in the back that is straight on the last two inches, and I know it is due to my first straight style on virgin hair! Thank god it is so small that I don't have to transition again, but it is a reminder of why I will be careful.

But the good news is that some people's hair does eventually revert 100%, so I hope for the best for you and your hair, because it is very pretty, BBS.
You would know if there was heat damage:
1. The hair would be hard, crispy (burnt)
2. the ends would appear lighter (burnt)
3. You would have little hairs all over- breakage b/c it is burnt.

Maybe what you have is two very different textures and one took to the heat more readily than the other.
henrilou said:
You would know if there was heat damage:
1. The hair would be hard, crispy (burnt)
2. the ends would appear lighter (burnt)
3. You would have little hairs all over- breakage b/c it is burnt.

Maybe what you have is two very different textures and one took to the heat more readily than the other.

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Good point - which could mean it may take longer to snap back.
NubianAngel said:
I am sorry this happened to you. But for the naysayers, it CAN HAPPEN!!! I am NOT saying I told you so, but I would hate for people to go around this forum telling people that as long as you don't press or flat iron too frequently, your hair will always revert 100%. It is simply not true. There is a little strand of my hair in the back that is straight on the last two inches, and I know it is due to my first straight style on virgin hair! Thank god it is so small that I don't have to transition again, but it is a reminder of why I will be careful.

But the good news is that some people's hair does eventually revert 100%, so I hope for the best for you and your hair, because it is very pretty, BBS.

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I agree...I would give it a few months to see if it will eventually revert back. At my last Knappy Talk meeting, we discussed heat and natural hair and there were 3 ladies who had the same thing happen to them. 1 of them said her hair eventually reverted back, but it took months. The other 2 trimmed quite often until the straight ends were off and haven't used heat since. It's important that when you straighten your hair that you use the lowest heat possible.

And there may be some leftover products on the front of your hair, so I would just give it time to see what happens. Good luck! and your hair is beautiful!
I had two patches of hair that did not come back after numerous washes. I think it was my fault because I used a setting that was too hot. I just let it grow out a couple of inches then I cut the straight part off. It was uneven but since I wear twists most of the time it wasn't that noticeable.
Yes, give it some time. Your curls may surprise you.

Also, I agree with Hairlove quoted statement. I remember a few years back I wanted to have my hair professionally pressed and the woman mentioned that she does "hard presses". I didn't know what she meant, so I asked my mother and she stated it means that she would use high heat to press my hair. Knowing my hair ( seems like better than me )my mother strongly objected to this process and I'm thankful that I listened to her.

hairlove said:
Just be careful and make sure they don't use heat that it too high for your hair.

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Awww... BBS, I'm so sorry to hear this happened to your pretty curls. I hope they come back. I had a similar experience back in 2000, I had all these straight ends interspersed throughout my hair. I tried everything I could think of to bring my coils back. No luck. I ended up just chopping them out cos I was so annoyed. Everything evened and thickened out eventually, so it was a happy ending

It happens (single press horrors). I hope your hair will bounce back with lots of TLC.

Keep your chin up
Just wanted to update you all on my hair's health. I did a protein treatment Saturday and thankfully,my hair is kinking back up. It is still pretty loose, but not as loose as before. Can we say,no more heat for Bublnbrnsuga for a long,long time?
Hey, BBS:

I think it also depends on the products used. I've noticed that when I press my hair with Liv, my hair always seems to revert right back to its normal pre-pressed state when I wash it.

But if I press my hair with ORS olive oil, my pressed hair comes out straighter after the press. And then it takes more water/shampoo/conditioning before it reverts back. It DOES revert back, but at first I'm in the shower with the water running, going, "Wow, that press is holding its own."
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Just wanted to update you all on my hair's health. I did a protein treatment Saturday and thankfully,my hair is kinking back up. It is still pretty loose, but not as loose as before. Can we say,no more heat for Bublnbrnsuga for a long,long time?

[/ QUOTE ] im glad your hair is doing better and coming back....i always wonder if this will happen to me at some point ...so far so good, when i look at Nay's hair it makes me unafraid of presses again