Poor Ends--They Didn't Survive


Well-Known Member
Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive

In a last ditch effort to get my hair feeling soft again, I used the milk/lime concoction. I know this is old stuff from months ago, but I thought anything would be better than having hair that felt & looked like straw. Well, I ended up with soft hair full of sheen, but the ends still felt like straw. So I whipped out my scissors, and cut all the way down to the soft hair. So now I'm back to where I was in May, but my hair finally looks good & moisturized.

I think the problem started when I deviated from my regular hair regimen, and started trying all kinds of different products & hairstyles. Then I decided to loc my hair, but changed my mind. Now I have to start over, but I'd rather have healthy, nice-looking hair than hold onto those rough ends.
Re: Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive

Good for you for having the confidence to cut your hair.

A fresh start on healthy hair is a lot easier to manage and less stressful than trying to revive and style brittle ends.

What is your hair length now?
Re: Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive

I only found this board recently but I started my hair care journey in March of this year. From March until July my new regimen was working wonders and then I found this board and started trying a lot of different products and hairstyles just like you and my hair feels hard and just isn't reacting the way it was earlier this year. Don't get me wrong though. I LOVE this board and am highly addicted. It's just that I too have noticed a change in the condition of my hair since veering away from my "old reliables."

I guess the cliche is true...if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I have gained a significant amount of growth since March. (Friends and family keeping asking, "Is that all YOUR hair?") So, I know I was doing something right. Now it's time to repair the damage.

Best of luck to you.
Re: Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive


I recently did the same thing. Shortly following my last touch-up on 8/16/03, my stylist trimmed my hair only very slightly, as I had informed him that I was attempting to grow my hair out. Well, while I appreciated his sensitivity, he should have given me a good trim,as my hair needed it. So, I did the job myself. While I lost some length in the process, I am *now* able to begin again with healthier ends.

PrettyPisces, if you don't mind me asking, what are your "old reliables?"

Re: Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive

I congratulate you on biting the bullet and realizing that the hair just was not going to improve. I recently had to do this myself and will be getting my braids put in this Saturday.
Re: Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive

Thanks, everyone. It was like a sigh of relief seeing those raggedy ends in the garbage instead of on my head.

SVT, I think my hair is about 6 inches long now. It's short enough that if the ends don't look right, the whole head of hair doesn't look right, so I'm no longer going to avoid regular trims.

Karezone, I know how that is! One year I kept my hair braider busy from Aug. to May while I was in college. There were way too many other things to deal with.
Re: Poor Ends--They Didn\'t Survive

I started off using At One With Nature Shampoo and Conditioner. I was rollersetting exclusively and using a setting lotion called Triple Silk Foaming Wrap Lotion. Soft and Beautiful Botanicals Oil. I was getting good results and retaining length then I discovered this board and went on a product sampling spree.