Ponytailclip.com Experience, Advice Needed


New Member
Hi everyone. I have been a long time lurker and occasionally come for hair product reviews. I learned of the Ponytail Clip here through an old thread. I decided to use ponytails and buns as my protective styles of choice now that I am serious about growing my hair. In comes the ponytail clip.

I have ordered three times in total. My first ponytail was perfect. I ordered a kinky straight clip. I could literally wash my hair, put it in a ponytail and attach the clip with no heat applied. I didn't even have to blow my hair out if I didn't want to. The ponytail is low luster and highly textured. I ordered a second curly ponytail and I have not worn that one at all, just washed it. I attempted to order a third kinky straight during her Black Friday promotion. In comes my issue.

The third clip that I received is much silkier, straighter, and shiner than my previous order. TBH, it more resembles yaki than ks. It will take manipulation of my hair to match. This doesn't serve my purpose since I am trying not to use additional heat i my regimen. I reached out to her as soon as I opened the package. I mistakenly added the wrong order number to my email. She keeps telling me that I ordered a curly ponytail instead. I then tell her that I am indeed comparing the two ks ponytails side by side. Once I clear up the order number issue, I again ask for an exchange since this ponytail simply doesn't match my hair nor my previous order. She insists that it is the same hair. I have sent photos to show the difference. She insists that I was trying to order curly and that I don't know what ks is. I'm insulted by this because I have worn this texture almost exclusively for years. I have ordered from practically every company that offers this texture. I have even processed my own when I could not source it. She offers to exchange for a curly. I reject this because I did not want curly hair and have not even worn the one that I have.

Today, I flat out ask her why she didn't offer an exchange on the ks product that i ordered. She tells me that anything she would send me is the same and that I need to wash and condition it (in all caps btw). I am reluctant to do this because it is industry standard that hair cannot be exchanged or returned once altered and most companies include shampooing in their definition of "altered." This email exchange has went on for several messages with no resolution.

Do you all have an suggestions as to how to handle this going forward and any alternative product suggestions? I don't know if I should attempt a charge back with Visa, attempt to sell it, or follow her suggestion.

I appreciate any help or feedback.
I'm not sure anyone saw this. I know someone would have responded but this just slipped through the cracks.

Did you have any success negotiating with her?
I believe the ponytail clip is a rebranded version of the UPA clip which was popular when I first joined the site. I ordered a few from her back in the day but stopped when a lot of people started having CS issues. I believe she was even sued in small claims court at one point, leading to the rebranding. I don't have any advice for you, I jyst wanted to say I hope everything works out.
Thank you both for your responses. I did not have any luck negotiating with her. She made it quite clear that she was not interested no matter what I said to her. I didn't even want a refund, just an exchange.

I eventually washed it. It fluffed out but is still silkier and shiny if that makes sense. I've ran into kinky straight hair like this before where is is more fluffy than coarse. My friend seems interested in it so I'm going to show it to her and likely gift it to her if she wants it.

I have a mane clip that I am trying to make work and am attempting to make my own clip similar to the ponytail clip. I would've rather purchased a good one from her but I've made plenty of wigs, u-parts, crochet wigs, etc in my day so I'll get the hang of it eventually.