PM Tea Tree Blues!!!!


New Member
Okay, my stylist used to use PM Tea Tree. And when I found out that it stimulates hair growth, I bought a huge bottle of shampoo and conditioner. I used them both a couple of days ago, and I wasn't sure what the results should have been. So, I did a little research here, and to my surprise I didn't receive the same results.

Some ladies raved about how it stopped their itching. Well, it didn't stop mines. Ladies raved about how soft it made their hair, and it made mines kind of hard. I have been co\washing twice a week for a couple of weeks now. And I shampoo once every two weeks. Since I've been doing that, my hair has been extremely soft from the time I first wet it, until the very end. That wasn't the case this time.

You know what, now that I'm thinking about it, I used Nexxus Aloe Rid first, then I used Therappe, then Tea Tree. And from what I remember from the other threads, Tea Tree is more of a Clarifyer. Could that be the reason I didn't get the results that I wanted?? Could that be the reason that my hair felt hard???
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I use Tea Tree oil. What I do is I just add 10 drops for every 8 oz of product and I also use it in my facial moisturizer. My husband plays college football and he literally dumps it in his bath water and it soothes his aches. Here is a picture of the one I use

I also like Parneuve T-Tree Leave-In Conditioner, its not greasy and leaves my hair oh so soft and it gives your scalp a nice tingling sensation after I load it on my wet hair on wash days.
You may want to read the ingredients list on the products that you use. It may be the cones in the products or mineral oil that is making your hair hard and dry.
Try using that as your only poo and then condition...

I did't get great results either, I use it on my scalp and once I rinse with cold water I get the tingles.
Yeah, I'll try that next time I shampoo. I also wasn't sure if it was just shampoo period. It had been like two weeks since I'd used shampoo, and my hair is EXTREMELY soft when I co\wash. So I thought maybe the shampoo was making my hair feel hard.

Blacktresses said:
You may want to read the ingredients list on the products that you use. It may be the cones in the products or mineral oil that is making your hair hard and dry.

Tell me more about these cones.