Please share your weave checking stories here


Human being
when people be all up in your scalp looking for tracks, even strangers. please share some stories here cause i need a good laugh.
:lol: :lol: OK..I went to South hair was about 5 inches from bra strap..natural and pressed & swinging...girl they were MAD staring and giving dirty looks..staring at my scalp... I was shocked as I had heard that folks were really friendly over there.....anyway I was like ..its all real baby..if you wanna see fake look in the mirorr :lol: :lol: ...some of them were wearing braids with NO sticking out and dry dirty looking:eek: :eek: ...scalp was showing as they were bald in some areas:eek: :eek: ..even some of the flight attendants were looking like that....:eek: funny thing soon after I came back my hair started fallin out...strange huh?:cry::cry:
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Two years ago, before I decided to go natural and before I knew about LHCF, I went to my best friend's house. I had not seen her in about six months because her husband went on a job assignment and she took a leave of abscence and traveled with him. Anyway, as soon as aI walked into her home, she looked at my APL hair and said, "Oh you're letting it get long again like it used to be." She was speaking from experience because she had known me since third grade. But never the less she ran her fingers through my hair crown to nape. Then, to pretend like she had other intentions, she said "Oh but you need a perm though."
londonjakki said:
:lol: :lol: OK..I went to South hair was about 5 inches from bra strap..natrual and pressed & swinging...girl they were MAD staring and giving dirty looks..staring at my scalp... I was shocked as I had heard that folks were really friendly over there.....anyway I was like ..its all real baby..if you wanna see fake look in the mirorr :lol: :lol: ...some of them were wearing braids with NO sticking out and dry dirty looking:eek: :eek: ...scalp was showing as they were bald in some areas:eek: :eek: ..even some of the flight attendants were looking like that....:eek: funny thing soon after I came back my hair started fallin out...strange huh?:cry::cry:
:lol: that's funny! it looks like looks can kill.. your hair that is since your hair started falling out when you came back
I have no personal experiance. I still cannot believe that people are actually bold enough to be all up in somebody's hair your head like that! I mean I have seen people with obvious weaves and I would not even think to mess with them let alone someone I was not sure about.

Anyway, my mom was at her bible study and after it was over while people were socializing, a lady came to her and put her hand in her hair DOWN TO THE SCALP - all to check for a weave. :eek: When she told me I did not believe her!!! I was so surprised that another grown women would be all up in her space like that.

Now I see from this board that it is not so unusual.
caribeandiva said:
:lol: that's funny! it looks like looks can kill.. your hair that is since your hair started falling out when you came back

I know I wondered if there was a connection:ohwell:

another time I was at work and a passenger came up to me..I said "may I help you?" The first words out of her mouth were..."My hair is longer than yours" I'm like WTF....I hadn't mentioned anything about hair....she continued to say that she had it wrapped as she was going to church ..but when she takes it down its waaayyy longer than mine....:eek: CRAZY folk!!!!
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londonjakki said:
I know I wondered if there was a connection:ohwell:

another time I was at work and a passenger came up to me..I said "may I help you?" The first words out of her mouth were..."My hair is longer than yours" I'm like WTF....I hadn't metioned anything about hair....she continued to say that she had it wrapped as she was going to church ..but when she takes it down its waaayyy longer than mine....:eek: CRAZY folk!!!!

dang you seem to get all the crazy ones! it seems to me like she felt threatened by your hair.
londonjakki said:
I know I wondered if there was a connection:ohwell:

another time I was at work and a passenger came up to me..I said "may I help you?" The first words out of her mouth were..."My hair is longer than yours" I'm like WTF....I hadn't metioned anything about hair....she continued to say that she had it wrapped as she was going to church ..but when she takes it down its waaayyy longer than mine....:eek: CRAZY folk!!!!

WOW!!!! :eek: :eek:

I post one of my experiences in another thread where the lady at the BSS grabed my hair and asked me if it was 12"". Other than that just the random friends feeling up in my head.. I know they're checking since they know that feeling up on my scalp gives me the creepy crawlies.

Oh... I also had a dude pat my head as hard as humanly possible while he sat behind me in a car.
londonjakki said:
I know I wondered if there was a connection:ohwell:

another time I was at work and a passenger came up to me..I said "may I help you?" The first words out of her mouth were..."My hair is longer than yours" I'm like WTF....I hadn't metioned anything about hair....she continued to say that she had it wrapped as she was going to church ..but when she takes it down its waaayyy longer than mine....:eek: CRAZY folk!!!!

:lachen: people are so weird!!! who the **** cares if your hair is longer? get over yourself!!!

*this reminds me of women at the salon. jeez, i used to hate it when the haters rolled up in there, talking about how my hair isn't that much longer than theirs...

i got weave-checked once as a permie. some guy at a club (or maybe it was a house party? iono i was drunk at the time :lol: ) had been the brave one out of his posse to come over and talk to me. he made some comment about my "pretty hairstyle" and stuck his fingers in my hair like he knew me! i was kind of taken aback (and like i said, drunk) and i didn't even know how to react. he looked back at his friends and shouted, "i told y'all it was real!"

i still find it odd because my hair wasn't even all that great-looking back in my permie days... i guess since my hair is thick and was somewhat healthy, it looked fake? :confused:

i've been accused of my natural hair being a weave, wig or phony pony. but never again has anyone been successful at getting their hands in my hair without my permission. except family... but they just like to touch my hair, they know it's real and don't go digging around in my scalp. :lol:
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I got checked by a guy that works with me, he asked me if he could touch it. Then proceded to bury his rough calloused, hang nailed fat ashy fingers to my scalp and rubbed them through my scalp. I screeched OUCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? He played it off by saying, "I'm sorry (for snagging my hair) but your hair is so soft."

He almost got karate chopped for that!:lachen:

When I wear it down I sometimes hear the "that **** aint hers," comments too.

caribeandiva said:
^ dang, how rude of that guy. he didn't even know you and he shouted to his friends that it was real? geez..

and then had the nerve to wonder why i dismissed him after that! :lol:
I remember once in like middle school I had this guy ask if he could touch my hair, little did I know he was jus digging into my hair to my scalp to prove to this chick that my hair is real. Also the time that chick set my hair on fire but that’s a whole different story.

Recently though I have not had anyone do an outright rude weave check on me, I guess maybe my hair doesn’t look as nice or people know better than to come at me like that. I do remember when I straightened my hair last I had people staring at my scalp like they were searching for tracks.

I also have had people just outright ask me if its mine and when I say yes this is all my real hair that has grown outta my head they seem to be satisfied with that answer.
I checked a girl's hair for weave once. It is a friend of mine who works in the same building. Everytime I saw her before, her hair was flat ironed (or maybe wrapped) straight and I assumed it was a weave. I guess I suck at spotting them. One day she shows up with a rollerset, and it looked like beautiful real hair, so I stood on my tip toes to "check" and asked her if it was all hers:) She said yes, and I told her I wanted my hair to look like hers one day. I didn't touch her though:perplexed
ohsosuzy said:
WOW!!!! :eek: :eek:

I post one of my experiences in another thread where the lady at the BSS grabed my hair and asked me if it was 12"". Other than that just the random friends feeling up in my head.. I know they're checking since they know that feeling up on my scalp gives me the creepy crawlies.

Oh... I also had a dude pat my head as hard as humanly possible while he sat behind me in a car.


okay here is my story.. I used to wear so much weave I received an award for "unbe-weave-able"... my award was some glue:lol: Now of course I had a good sense of humor... but that was too funny to me.. that was about 5 years ago!

another story: Now that I am taking care of my hair it shines and has thickened and I am retaining much more length that I had a coworker grab my hair to see if it was real...she said your hair never looked like that before! Boy its amazing the response you get when you start taking care of your own hair!!:lachen:
Qetesh said:
I remember once in like middle school I had this guy ask if he could touch my hair, little did I know he was jus digging into my hair to my scalp to prove to this chick that my hair is real. Also the time that chick set my hair on fire but that’s a whole different story.

Recently though I have not had anyone do an outright rude weave check on me, I guess maybe my hair doesn’t look as nice or people know better than to come at me like that. I do remember when I straightened my hair last I had people staring at my scalp like they were searching for tracks.

I also have had people just outright ask me if its mine and when I say yes this is all my real hair that has grown outta my head they seem to be satisfied with that answer.

:eek: :confused: :mad: not nice that happened to you, but your hair has nicely recovered according to your siggy;)
Qetesh said:
I remember once in like middle school I had this guy ask if he could touch my hair, little did I know he was jus digging into my hair to my scalp to prove to this chick that my hair is real. Also the time that chick set my hair on fire but that’s a whole different story.

Recently though I have not had anyone do an outright rude weave check on me, I guess maybe my hair doesn’t look as nice or people know better than to come at me like that. I do remember when I straightened my hair last I had people staring at my scalp like they were searching for tracks.

I also have had people just outright ask me if its mine and when I say yes this is all my real hair that has grown outta my head they seem to be satisfied with that answer.

ummmm what?
ok I have one.

I was in high school night classes and i had to sit with the stuck up girls. I was cool with most of them, so it didn't bother me. Anyway i had braids in my hair when night class started. Over the Christmas vacation i took out my braids and relax my hair. It was 2 inch below SL. One of the stuck up girls that was sitting behind me, tap me on the shoulder and said real loud your track is showing, All the stuck up girls had a smile on their faces. I looked at her like:confused: . I said can you show me the track because i don't wear weaves. This is my real hair. That wipe the smile off their faces. Then she said oh well you need to trim your ends. Before this point i was going to let it go. She had a jacked up bob weave in her hair. I said to her when your hair get to my length then you can tell me what i should or shouldn't do with my hair.
I was wondering about members with really GORGEOUS hair like Softresses and Qetesh....I know you ladies must get a LOT of drama with all that gorgeous hair...mine wasn't even at bra strap (about 5 inches from) and I got a lot of drama....:) :)
Qetesh said:
I remember once in like middle school I had this guy ask if he could touch my hair, little did I know he was jus digging into my hair to my scalp to prove to this chick that my hair is real. Also the time that chick set my hair on fire but that’s a whole different story.

Recently though I have not had anyone do an outright rude weave check on me, I guess maybe my hair doesn’t look as nice or people know better than to come at me like that. I do remember when I straightened my hair last I had people staring at my scalp like they were searching for tracks.

I also have had people just outright ask me if its mine and when I say yes this is all my real hair that has grown outta my head they seem to be satisfied with that answer.

please tell that story. it sounds interesting!
londonjakki said:
I was wondering about members with really GORGEOUS hair like Softresses and Qetesh....I know you ladies must get a LOT of drama with all that gorgeous hair...mine wasn't even at bra strap (about 5 inches from) and I got a lot of drama....:) :)

Please share...
shynessqueen said:
ok I have one.

I was in high school night classes and i had to sit with the stuck up girls. I was cool with most of them, so it didn't bother me. Anyway i had braids in my hair when night class started. Over the Christmas vacation i took out my braids and relax my hair. It was 2 inch below SL. One of the stuck up girls that was sitting behind me, tap me on the shoulder and said real loud your track is showing, All the stuck up girls had a smile on their faces. I looked at her like:confused: . I said can you show me the track because i don't wear weaves. This is my real hair. That wipe the smile off their faces. Then she said oh well you need to trim your ends. Before this point i was going to let it go. She had a jacked up bob weave in her hair. I said to her when your hair get to my length then you can tell me what i should or shouldn't do with my hair.

Whew,good job!!
shynessqueen said:
ok I have one.

I was in high school night classes and i had to sit with the stuck up girls. I was cool with most of them, so it didn't bother me. Anyway i had braids in my hair when night class started. Over the Christmas vacation i took out my braids and relax my hair. It was 2 inch below SL. One of the stuck up girls that was sitting behind me, tap me on the shoulder and said real loud your track is showing, All the stuck up girls had a smile on their faces. I looked at her like:confused: . I said can you show me the track because i don't wear weaves. This is my real hair. That wipe the smile off their faces. Then she said oh well you need to trim your ends. Before this point i was going to let it go. She had a jacked up bob weave in her hair. I said to her when your hair get to my length then you can tell me what i should or shouldn't do with my hair.

LOL!! Classic!!
shynessqueen said:
ok I have one.

I was in high school night classes and i had to sit with the stuck up girls. I was cool with most of them, so it didn't bother me. Anyway i had braids in my hair when night class started. Over the Christmas vacation i took out my braids and relax my hair. It was 2 inch below SL. One of the stuck up girls that was sitting behind me, tap me on the shoulder and said real loud your track is showing, All the stuck up girls had a smile on their faces. I looked at her like:confused: . I said can you show me the track because i don't wear weaves. This is my real hair. That wipe the smile off their faces. Then she said oh well you need to trim your ends. Before this point i was going to let it go. She had a jacked up bob weave in her hair. I said to her when your hair get to my length then you can tell me what i should or shouldn't do with my hair.

I love that!
I was wearing a WnG for Thanksgiving and a cousin came in and raked her fingernails over my scalp; checkin' for tracks. She didn't even say hello first. :huh: I just smiled and asked when she'd known me to wear a weave.
My story isn't entertaining but its a strange one.

I was temping at a particular office and had rollerset my hair that week so I guess it may have looked a little longer than it usually does when its curly but nothing drastic. Well I got into the elevator with some of the executive assistants who worked on the same floor as me so I knew them pretty well. The one lady starts to vent about her crazy day with her boss having her do a zillion tasks. She ended her vent with a "Aarrgggghhh!"(or however you spell it :lol: ) and reached over up into my hair and gives a slow, light tug (supposedly to emphasize her frustration I guess? :confused: ). It was one of those moments like what the heck just transpired here? Before I knew it the elevator doors opened and everyone filed out.

Naive person that I am about these things, it wasn't until I read some weave check stories on this board that I realized I myself was a victim of weave check. :lol:
Men will flat out ask me.
I think I have been checked from behind before, you know you can see out of the corner of your eyes people's eyes leaving yours and traveling to your hairline and then back again.

But thank goodness no one has ever just stuck their hands up in my hair.

I think when my hair is very stick straight and shiny people just assume it's a weave and don't even bother asking.