Please set me on the right path!!


New Member
Hello group!

I finally finally relaxed my hair about a month ago, after wearing cornrows for about a year, and I'm afraid of experiencing the breakage that I used to have before. My hair type is 4b. I usually get breakage at the roots and shedding at the 4 week mark. I want to keep the hair that has grown during that time. What can I do to prevent this breakage? Should I wash it more often? I'm currently washing it twice a week now with Nexxus Botanoil Shampoo and Keraphix conditioner. I use Kemi Oly on the ends and once a week on my scalp and Infusium 23 Original leave-in conditioner after every wash. Should I wash more often? Less? Different products? Protective hairstyles? I wrap my hair every night in a silk scarf and flat iron it straight about once a week. I've noticed over the weeks that my ends are becoming more and more brittle and the oil doesn't seem to be working as well as it did before. Also, does it make any sense that it seems like my hair is breaking more everytime I wrap and unwrap my hair everyday? I know this is a bit overwhelming, but I welcome any advise given.

Thanks for your help!!

Let's see here,

It is my opinion that wrapping the hair everyday (or night) is not good for the hair. Too much force is used on the hair to get it to "wrap." Also, using the flat iron once a week is not bad, but you can do better. How about once every 2 weeks? And if you must use it--invest in a few good heat protectants. Also, if you are going to be using heat this often then the bulk of your hair products (especially conditioners) will need to have protein in them. Understand, I'm not saying that all of your conditioners need to be protein conditioners--there are moisturizing conditioners out there with protein also.

It sounds like the flat ironing might be causing the breakage. Instead of using direct heat, you could use smooth magnetic rollers to do a roller set and then wrap your hair under a hooded dryer for a super straight look.

Also, wrapping your hair every night, especially in the same direction can cause breakage around the hairline. I put my hair on the top of my head and roll the ends under as if making a bun and then tie my satin scarf on.

If you want to try some new products, The Kera Care and Design Essentials lines are very good for relaxed hair. In particular Kera Care Essential Oils, Kera Care Humecto Creme Conditioner, Kera Care Hydrating Detangling Shampoo, Kera Care Conditioning Creme Hairdress, Design Essentials Botanical Oils, and Designs Essentials Stimulations Moisturizing Conditioner are exceptional products for relaxed hair (in my opinion).

Also, how often are you relaxing? Re-touching too often can cause breakage from overprocessing.

Finally, I usually put some type of creme hairdress or essential oil on my newgrowth to prevent breakage at the line of demarcation between the relaxed and natural hair.

Hope this helps :-)
I totally agree. I have 4b hair and I was in the same situation as you last year. I had wirn cornrows for a year without a perm and then when I finally took them out I had a lot of growth. The only ting was taking care of the hair that I had grown. Personally it seems like you're doing an extended version of the crown and glory technique. I totally agree on Keracare porducts. Also I used a mixture of natural oils such as jojoba, castor and rosemary to keep my ends moisturized. Also there is a technique (forgot the name) thats on where you take some oil and put it on your ends and then you put foil over the ends and press them with a flat iron or something. Also wrapping your hair every night IS NOT GOOD!! In fact, I think that is what broke my hair. One of the ladies suggested that you comb the hair up and roll the ends. Well, my mom just put hers into a french roll with a few pins.
Thanks for your advise! The first time I had it relaxed was on 2/27. I haven't had a touch-up yet. I was thinking that I was going to wait until the 8th week mark before I did. How often do you do yours? (My hair type is 4b) My hair is only about 4 inches long all over, so can I still wear it at night the way that you do? if so what kind of rollers do you sleep in? Also, which seems to work better on your hair for the scalp, the creme or the oil to help with the breakage?
Thanks Supergirl! I think you're right about the flatiron. Heat is very detramental to our hair. The only reason that I use it as often as I do is because every time I wash it, my 4b hair is completely frizzed out after letting is air dry. It draws up almost an inch! It's only 4 inches long to begin with, so I flat iron it to smooth it out, then I was trying the wrapping thing at night to try and keep it straight. I mostly like to wear it with the ends slightly turned under and down until it got long enough to wear it up some kind of way. How do you keep your hair smooth on a day to day basis and not have to use any heat? How do you wear it at night? Do you think that I should just consider a french roll like another member has suggested until it grows out?
Hi and welcome,

My hair is about the same lenght as yours and for everyday use, I roller set my hair at night or in the morning before i take a shower. I use the sponge rollers that are sold in k-mart witht the silk around it to protect. i haven't had any problems with breakage with them yet. It will give you a curler look for it is better than heat. I don't use heat at all expect when deep conditioning.
Are you following up the Keraphix w/a moisturizing conditioner?? If not, you should. It's protein and could be very drying. I've also read where some ladies think the Infusium 23 is drying because of the protein.

I would say, use a moisturizing conditioner every week, and a protein once a month until you find out what you hair likes.

You may be drying your hair out in this manner too.
Could be the brittleness is also being contributed to by the Keraphix twice a week? Perhaps you should cut down on the protein to once or twice a month and double up on the moisturizing conditioners. GPB by Aubrey Organics has a nice balance of protein and moisture. That might be one to add to your collection.
Cassie28 said:
Thanks for your advise! The first time I had it relaxed was on 2/27. I haven't had a touch-up yet. I was thinking that I was going to wait until the 8th week mark before I did. How often do you do yours? (My hair type is 4b) My hair is only about 4 inches long all over, so can I still wear it at night the way that you do? if so what kind of rollers do you sleep in? Also, which seems to work better on your hair for the scalp, the creme or the oil to help with the breakage?

[/ QUOTE ]

Waiting 8 weeks between touch-ups is a good amount of time. My hair did really well when I was getting re-touches at the 8th week, but I'm trying to extend my relaxers to 10-14 weeks now just to see how long I can really wait.

You can still put your hair up in the scarf without wrapping. I re-read my post and saw that I made a typo. I meant to say I put it on the top of my head and roll the ends under, like if I was wearing a protective bun, but without putting a hair accessory in it. So it's basically all my hair piled on the top of my head rolled under itself and then I tie my scarf on. I look like a conehead with my scarf tied around my hair in this way and when I take my scarf off in the morning my hair looks like a "beehive"
, but I've noticed less breakage wearing it this way at night than when I was wrapping it everynight and I'm not married yet so there's nobody to make fun of my nightly conehead style
, my family is used to seeing it.

I use Kera Care's essential oils on my scalp and sometimes Mizani Comfiderm Scalp Oil for Itchy spots. For the newgrowth, I'd say the oil works better because it seems like my hair absorbs it more and makes it softer. Kera Care's essential oil is really good for this. Design Essential's Botanical Oil seems a little heavier/thicker than Kera Care's and it also works really well on the newgrowth.

I usually put the essential oils on my newgrowth only 2 or 3 times a week beginning a week after a re-touch. Then I'll start applying a creme hairdress every 2 to 3 days per week as my newgrowth gets more noticeable (about 4 weeks after my last touch-up). Kera Care's Hairdress works well at softening my newgrowth and Profectiv Breakfree is pretty good as well. I'm still experimenting to see what creme hairdress works the best for this purpose, I want to try Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair butter, it seems to work for a lot of people. :-)
Cassie28 said:
Thanks Supergirl! I think you're right about the flatiron. Heat is very detramental to our hair. The only reason that I use it as often as I do is because every time I wash it, my 4b hair is completely frizzed out after letting is air dry. It draws up almost an inch! It's only 4 inches long to begin with, so I flat iron it to smooth it out, then I was trying the wrapping thing at night to try and keep it straight. I mostly like to wear it with the ends slightly turned under and down until it got long enough to wear it up some kind of way. How do you keep your hair smooth on a day to day basis and not have to use any heat? How do you wear it at night? Do you think that I should just consider a french roll like another member has suggested until it grows out?

[/ QUOTE ]

I airdry my hair and it dries pretty smoothly. There's a thread (you can do a search on it) about air drying and I gave my main method for air drying. Alot of ladies pull their wet hair into a ponytail and apply oils to it to get it to dry smoothly.

At night, I do what I call a "ponytail wrap." I pull my hair into a ponytail, but I don't secure it with anything. While one hand is holding it in the ponytail, I use the other hand to pull the ponytail around the side of my head and smooth it to my head. In other words, I am just wrapping the ponytail. I hope it makes sense. I then tie it with a scarf. That also keeps it super-smooth
If your hair is breaking from your scalp, it sounds like it's actually the new growth breaking. One thing to consider is the relaxer. If the relaxer is too strong or is left on too long it will cause your hair to break at the new growth. I had the same thing happen to me. It's like pulling teeth to get a hair dresser to recognize this type of breakage.

Good luck and welcome!
How would you ladies suggest shorter hair ladies tie their hair up? A ponytail is not really practial for short hair. I have been wrapping everynight, but I'm looking for new suggestions as well. TIA!
It sounds to me like you don't have any moisturizing products in your regimen. You need a good moisturizing condioners. Some good ones are Kenra and KeraCare Humecto. You may want to lay off of the Infusion 23. It's too drying for me to use regularly. I have 4b hair too that's relaxed. Introduce some protective styles to your regimen that do not require heat.
I haven't heard anyone mention anything about getting a trim or a fresh cut. Maybe that will rid of all your loose ends. Also, oil doesn't necessarily moisturize the hair. It's supposed to seal in moisture and protect from heat styling. Try using hair butter. Also washing the hair to often can dry it for different hair textures. Try washing once a week.