Please Pray for Pastors & Ministers Across This Nation...

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
...who are taking a stand and will continue to preach from the pulpits regarding Biblical Marriage! I know there is a thread about the Supreme Courts concerning this, but I have been in prayer with other pastors and this is a direct attack to silence about sin.

I will NEVER stop talking about sin...every sin, not just the sin of homosexuality. The enemy is using this particular sin as a platform to destroy the church. If the people of God don't come together in this and pray for the pastors/ministers of this nation, the church will not be the same in the next 5 years.:sad::nono:

"Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour, whom withstand stedfast in your faith, knowing that the same sufferings are accomplished in your brethren who are in the world." I Peter 5:8-9

Thank you and God bless you!

This post is NOT from Kay or David Arthur or any member of the Precept Ministries staff. This was written by a guest blogger, a lawyer with insight and experience into the issue of civil rights. This is a call to prayer.


But first I need to give you a little backdrop on an issue where I feel the Evangelical church has profoundly failed to be like Jesus Christ in that in John 1:14, He was “full of grace and truth” – this is an issue that we have be lacking on both fronts. By this June, homosexual “marriage” could be forced upon America by the Supreme Court.

On today and Wednesday of this week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear 2 cases:

  • Hollingsworth v. Perry – A challenge to California’s state constitution which defines marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman.
  • United States v. Windsor – A challenge to the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, that defines marriage for all federal law purposes as between 1 man and 1 woman.
In both cases, President Obama and his administration are supporting same sex marriage.

The proponents of “homosexual marriage” says that all of these laws defining marriage between one man and one woman violate the United States Constitution’s guarantee of Equal Protection and should be struck down. The homosexual activists in these cases have won in ALL lower courts.

Implications of the Case

  • First and foremost, this is attack on the institution of marriage that God defined and created – we could talk for days about the grave consequences if the attack succeeds. But one effect, is that this decision will make it the law of the land that children do not have the right to be raised by both their mother and their father.
  • Second, homosexual marriage is the greatest threat to religious liberty in our nation’s history. There have been ongoing attempts to make speaking Biblical truth on homosexuality hate speech. For example, in Alberta, Canada a pastor was fined thousands of dollars and ordered to apologize to any homosexuals he had offended by citing Biblical truth in a letter to a newspaper editor. You are probably thinking "Well, that could never happen here!" Are you sure? If homosexual marriage becomes “the law” then it will be protected under our discrimination laws. This means discrimination suits could be individuals, businesses, & churches who believe homosexuality is wrong.
  • We have seen examples of this already here in the US. Elaine Huguenin, a Christian photographer in New Mexico was fined $7000 for refusing to photograph a homosexual “commitment ceremony”. Last June the New Mexico Court of Appeals upheld the conviction and forced her to pay the fine. United Methodists in New Jersey were sued for not allowing a lesbian “civil union” at their church-owned campground. The court ruled against the Methodists.
  • Adoption laws around the country that limit adoption by couples to married couples would have to permit adoptions by homosexual “spouses”. Catholic Charities of the Boston Archdiocese was forced to stop adoptions after over 80 years of service and close their adoption agency because they refused to do adoptions to same sex couples.
  • Counseling students are being kicked of some graduate programs because they won’t counsel homosexual couples to stay in homosexual relationships.
  • Chick-Fil-A was strongly attacked for defending traditional marriage.
  • Louie Giglio effectively uninvited from praying at the Presidential Inauguration because 20 years ago, he gave a clear, Biblical message on homosexuality and offered the gospel as the remedy for sin. Activists quoted in the New York Times called on him to repent or say whether his views on homosexuality had “evolved” like President Obama’s.
Albert Mohler, President of Southern Seminary said
“This is precisely what biblical Christians cannot do. While seeking to be gentle in spirit and ruthlessly Gospel-centered in speaking of any sin, we cannot cease to speak of sin as sin. To do so is not only to deny the authority of Scripture, not only to reject the moral consensus of the saints, but it undermines the Gospel itself. The Gospel makes no sense, and is robbed of its saving power, if sin is denied as sin…. If you are a Christian, get ready for the question you will now undoubtedly face: “Do you now or have you ever believed that homosexuality is a sin?” There is nowhere to hide.”

What Can YOU DO?

1. Recognized that we are losing freedoms because we have allowed complacency to outweigh the Biblical mandate to be salt and light.

2. VOTE! Approx. 30% of self-described evangelicals didn’t vote in last election. Every single office matters – local, state, and federal.

3. Biblically evaluate your media choices – does your family “entertainment” consist of prime time television shows and certain popular Hollywood movies? If so, then you and your children receive countless pro-homosexual messages. This is in addition to what is promoted by our President, taught in many public schools, and promoted as diversity in major corporations.

4. Get in the Word of God! Read Genesis 1, Genesis 19, Leviticus 18, Judges 19, I Kings 14, Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Timothy 1, and Jude. The Word of God is not silent on this issue. Find out what it says for yourself.

In accordance with 1Timothy 2:1-2, pray for those in authority, specifically Supreme Court Justices, and President Obama.

Pray for yourself. Are you equipped on this issue? Or are you fearful to speak God’s grace and truth on this issue to those involved in it?

Pray for homosexuals. Have you been content to have ill feelings toward homosexuals, or do you desire their salvation and freedom in Christ?

Prayer List:
1. Supreme Court Justices (clerks, etc.) – esp. Justice Kennedy – that they would upheld the law passed by the United States Congress and millions of voters in California who, like those in most other states, voted to affirm the Biblical definition of marriage in their state constitutions

2. Supreme Court advocates – Charles Cooper & Paul Clement – for rest, for clarity of thought, for powerful speech and for cogent answers in response to every question; for their opponents, confusion and stumbling, which is what acceptance of their position would cause.

3. President Obama & his administration – Ps. 33:12

4. Christians in our church, city, state, and nation – that they and their children would (1) be Biblically minded on this issue, (2) be equipped to share the hope of the Gospel on this with their co-workers, neighbors, and family members, (3) that we would do this like Christ would, full of grace, but never wavering on truth, without which they don’t know they need grace.

Wrapping it up.
We agree with our guest blogger that the Word of God must be our foundation for all of our responses to any issue we face. In this case you must study the Bible for yourself, becasue we can not depend on what others say the Bible says about sex.

These two resources will help you determine what the Bible says for yourself.
Amen. These are truly signs of times and it will only get worse :nono:. We have seen nothing yet. But God is raising up a people that will hold up a standard.They may be few, but they are out there. This is a time for believers to go after God like never before because our foundation will be tried. But He that has fully surrendered to God will remain. God is going to keep the "true" church and He is gathering His sheep in.
Thanks for sharing this, N&W!

I think this is so important--not only the "same-sex marriage" issue, but also other means by which our religious liberties and freedom of conscience are being attacked and snuffed out.

Back in the early 20th Century, just south of the border (Mexico), the government was hostile to Christianity (Catholicism in particular) and enacted several laws which eerily are similar to things happening now:

Article 3 of the Mexican constitution (1920's) required that education, in both public and private schools be completely secular and free of any religious instruction and prohibited religions from participating in education - essentially outlawing Catholic schools or even religious education in private schools.

How many news stories and court cases have transpired where we've seen the Bible taken out and school prayer banned in the name of "separation of Church and State"? N&W, you also cited how in Canada the government imposes upon even churches and church-run schools certain laws which tries to force them to compromise certain beliefs.

Article 3 was amended to mandate "socialist education", even more hostile to religion which "in addition to removing all religious doctrine" would "combat fanaticism and prejudices", "build[ing] in the youth a rational and exact concept of the universe and of social life".

Our beliefs are seen as "fantaticism and prejudices" which must be taught against in schools.

Article 3 likewise prohibited ministers or religious groups from aiding the poor, engaging in scientific research, and spreading their teachings.

With the HHS mandate here in the U.S., Christian businesses, schools, charities, and hospitals are told that unless they comply with the law to provide contraception, abortifacient drugs, and sterilization to their employees via health insurance, that they will be fined thousands or even millions per month. By attacking Christian institutions in this manner, it's the equivalent of outlawing us from "aiding the poor, engaging in scientific research, etc."

The constitution prohibited churches to own property and transferred all church property to the state - thus making all houses of worship state property.

I believe this is already the case in France? (pls someone correct me if I'm wrong). I think if this assault on the churches continue, that in the next few years we're going to see in the U.S. more of a movement in this direction.

Say for example they start jailing the Catholic bishops for not complying with the health care law (HHS mandate) because they won't pay the fines (or "taxes") the government demands. That's a huge problem. The legal landowners of Catholic churches are our Bishops--their names are "on the lease" so to speak. If a bishop is thrown into jail, the government can swoop in and take entire church properties listed under him and claim they're taking the properties as tax payment.

Article 130 of the constitution denied churches any kind of legal status and allowed local legislators to limit the number of ministers, (essentially giving the state the ability to ban religion) and banned any ministers not born in Mexico. It denied ministers freedom of association, the right to vote and freedom of speech, prohibiting them and religious publications from criticising the law or government.

Having a 501 3(c) status is a double-edged sword and may very well come back to bite us. If we have tax-exempt status, then we gag ourselves and can't speak out against pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage policies and politicians. There is currently a movement among some atheists and secularists (for example, the Freedom From Religion organization) to revoke the tax-exempt status of churches. If we don't have a tax-exempt status, that means an increasingly hostile government can use the IRS to punish us through taxation (again, Obamacare, which they say non-compliance penalties are "taxes").

Also, it should concern us how Christians are being kicked out of the public square, whether it pertains to politics, public speech, or putting up a Nativity scene or Christmas tree (aka, "Holiday tree") in our cities during Christmas.

The constitution prohibited any worship outside of a church building,

As mentioned just above, now we can't even put up a Nativity scene during Christmas time. I wouldn't be surprised to see news stories of people "offended" and feeling "unwelcome" at seeing Christians engaging in public worship outside of a church building and using "separation of Church and State" to limit it.

Why do I bring this up and make these comparisons?

Because history can repeat itself, and because of what happened in Mexico when these laws and mandates were enforced by the government:


This man was labeled a "terrorist" by the government and executed by firing squad--in actuality he was a priest, named Miguel Pro. He refused to stop preaching and baptizing, and his last words before execution were "Long live Christ the King!"

But Gala, surely something THAT drastic won't happen in our country!

The Feds have listed pro-life Christians (among others) as potential "homegrown terrorists"--See news story HERE

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) allows the federal government to detain and even kill American citizens who are suspected "terrorists" without any type of due process-- see related news story HERE

But Gala, this is 2013, not 1913...we're too civilized and advanced for that.

Are we? Our society has overseen the slaughter of millions of unborn babies and applaud it as freedom and reproductive health. If we are capable of putting to death the most vulnerable and innocent, what else are we capable of?
Amen. These are truly signs of times and it will only get worse :nono:. We have seen nothing yet. But God is raising up a people that will hold up a standard.They may be few, but they are out there. This is a time for believers to go after God like never before because our foundation will be tried. But He that has fully surrendered to God will remain. God is going to keep the "true" church and He is gathering His sheep in.
Thank you, LucieLoo for are so right, we haven't seen anything yet!

BUT GOD! He is raising up a standard against the enemy in these times. We must be SOLD OUT for Jesus because there will come a time where they will want us to not call on the Name of the Lord AT ALL and those that do will be persecuted to the full extent of the law.

A pastor/minister/evangelist NOT preaching about and against sin is like a bald-headed woman coming onto LHCF asking about how can she do a rollerset with no hair....:sad: It is impossible!

Jesus proclaimed His Lordship even at the point of death on the cross. He said "if they persecuted me, they will persecute you!" A servant is not greater than His Master!!!
Thanks for sharing this, N&W!

I think this is so important--not only the "same-sex marriage" issue, but also other means by which our religious liberties and freedom of conscience are being attacked and snuffed out.

Back in the early 20th Century, just south of the border (Mexico), the government was hostile to Christianity (Catholicism in particular) and enacted several laws which eerily are similar to things happening now.

How many news stories and court cases have transpired where we've seen the Bible taken out and school prayer banned in the name of "separation of Church and State"? N&W, you also cited how in Canada the government imposes upon even churches and church-run schools certain laws which tries to force them to compromise certain beliefs.

Our beliefs are seen as "fantaticism and prejudices" which must be taught against in schools.

With the HHS mandate here in the U.S., Christian businesses, schools, charities, and hospitals are told that unless they comply with the law to provide contraception, abortifacient drugs, and sterilization to their employees via health insurance, that they will be fined thousands or even millions per month. By attacking Christian institutions in this manner, it's the equivalent of outlawing us from "aiding the poor, engaging in scientific research, etc."

I believe this is already the case in France? (pls someone correct me if I'm wrong). I think if this assault on the churches continue, that in the next few years we're going to see in the U.S. more of a movement in this direction.

Say for example they start jailing the Catholic bishops for not complying with the health care law (HHS mandate) because they won't pay the fines (or "taxes") the government demands. That's a huge problem. The legal landowners of Catholic churches are our Bishops--their names are "on the lease" so to speak. If a bishop is thrown into jail, the government can swoop in and take entire church properties listed under him and claim they're taking the properties as tax payment.

Having a 501 3(c) status is a double-edged sword and may very well come back to bite us. If we have tax-exempt status, then we gag ourselves and can't speak out against pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage policies and politicians. There is currently a movement among some atheists and secularists (for example, the Freedom From Religion organization) to revoke the tax-exempt status of churches. If we don't have a tax-exempt status, that means an increasingly hostile government can use the IRS to punish us through taxation (again, Obamacare, which they say non-compliance penalties are "taxes").

Also, it should concern us how Christians are being kicked out of the public square, whether it pertains to politics, public speech, or putting up a Nativity scene or Christmas tree (aka, "Holiday tree") in our cities during Christmas.

As mentioned just above, now we can't even put up a Nativity scene during Christmas time. I wouldn't be surprised to see news stories of people "offended" and feeling "unwelcome" at seeing Christians engaging in public worship outside of a church building and using "separation of Church and State" to limit it.

Why do I bring this up and make these comparisons?

Because history can repeat itself, and because of what happened in Mexico when these laws and mandates were enforced by the government:


This man was labeled a "terrorist" by the government and executed by firing squad--in actuality he was a priest, named Miguel Pro. He refused to stop preaching and baptizing, and his last words before execution were "Long live Christ the King!"

But Gala, surely something THAT drastic won't happen in our country!

The Feds have listed pro-life Christians (among others) as potential "homegrown terrorists"--See news story HERE

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) allows the federal government to detain and even kill American citizens who are suspected "terrorists" without any type of due process-- see related news story HERE

But Gala, this is 2013, not 1913...we're too civilized and advanced for that.

Are we? Our society has overseen the slaughter of millions of unborn babies and applaud it as freedom and reproductive health. If we are capable of putting to death the most vulnerable and innocent, what else are we capable of?
Galadriel, thank you so much for this gave so much information and it is so needed. People think this isn't going to happen here in the states....oh yes, it already is:nono:

The government is not set up to help the people when there is a disaster. They NEED the Church to help with distribution of food, water, etc. and they know it. When 9/11 happened and Katrina, my position was with a well-known/famous not-for-profit organization that does so much for people during that time. I worked my butt off. I had to work with the government directly during this time to make sure that people received the help they needed. The first thing they do is call on THE CHURCH....TRUST! They will not stop the 501 C3 yet because of this.

ALL OF US must know that the season of "chill" is over...there isn't anymore time to sit back and not do anything. We as a people must come together in prayer and ask the Lord for direction for our lives in this country. I do know that the government already has begun persecution against those of us who minister the gospel on a daily basis. It's causing the church to go "underground" so to speak. Those that understand "home groups" understand what I mean.

Be ready....and be steadfast...its about to happen and its happening quickly. It will be a quick work:nono:.
Yes and Amen!

Galadriel, thank you so much for this gave so much information and it is so needed. People think this isn't going to happen here in the states....oh yes, it already is:nono:

The government is not set up to help the people when there is a disaster. They NEED the Church to help with distribution of food, water, etc. and they know it. When 9/11 happened and Katrina, my position was with a well-known/famous not-for-profit organization that does so much for people during that time. I worked my butt off. I had to work with the government directly during this time to make sure that people received the help they needed. The first thing they do is call on THE CHURCH....TRUST! They will not stop the 501 C3 yet because of this.

ALL OF US must know that the season of "chill" is over...there isn't anymore time to sit back and not do anything. We as a people must come together in prayer and ask the Lord for direction for our lives in this country. I do know that the government already has begun persecution against those of us who minister the gospel on a daily basis. It's causing the church to go "underground" so to speak. Those that understand "home groups" understand what I mean.

Be ready....and be steadfast...its about to happen and its happening quickly. It will be a quick work:nono:.
These people are violating a religious institution. If you're homosexual why emulate a hetero lifestyle these people are worshiping and exploiting marriage just to do something that's forbidden. I'm so tired of homosexuals acting like they are the moral fabric of society. There fighting for something they don't value. Marriage was create by God as well as every human being fighting for gay rights. These self loathing fools are fighting against their own creator. What does that say?

At least come up with your own term. Two same sex parents will adopt kids and those kids will be missing a mother or father. And how has that been working?

So sorry Father.

This man was labeled a "terrorist" by the government and executed by firing squad--in actuality he was a priest, named Miguel Pro. He refused to stop preaching and baptizing, and his last words before execution were "Long live Christ the King!"

But Gala, surely something THAT drastic won't happen in our country!

We are heading towards a second age of persecution and dare say martydom of Christians. Just you wait. :nono:

I see people afraid to voice their views on social media for fear of being seen as "different" or "intolerant." Make no mistake, we WILL be required to make a stand for Christ in the coming age. We are heading right back to the days of Roman persecution.
These people are violating a religious institution. If you're homosexual why emulate a hetero lifestyle these people are worshiping and exploiting marriage just to do something that's forbidden. I'm so tired of homosexuals acting like they are the moral fabric of society. There fighting for something they don't value. Marriage was create by God as well as every human being fighting for gay rights. These self loathing fools are
fighting against their own creator
. What does that say?

At least come up with your own term. Two same sex parents will adopt kids and those kids will be missing a mother or father. And how has that been working?

So sorry Father.
This...:yep: The devil is only using these people as the end, he turns on them and bite them in the behind:nono:.
We are heading towards a second age of persecution and dare say martydom of Christians. Just you wait. :nono:

I see people afraid to voice their views on social media for fear of being seen as "different" or "intolerant."
Make no mistake, we WILL be required to make a stand for Christ in the coming age
. We are heading right back to the days of Roman persecution.
Yes indeed....:yep:
These people are violating a religious institution.

If you're homosexual why emulate a hetero lifestyle these people are worshiping and exploiting marriage just to do something that's forbidden.

I'm so tired of homosexuals acting like they are the moral fabric of society. There fighting for something they don't value.

Marriage was create by God as well as every human being fighting for gay rights. These self loathing fools are fighting against their own creator. What does that say?[/B
At least come up with your own term. Two same sex parents will adopt kids and those kids will be missing a mother or father. And how has that been working?

So sorry Father.

:woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:


Ummmmm, where have you been? Your post is giving me LIFE!.

Lawd a' mercy' PREACH to the people, cause they surely need to hear and take heed to what you have to say.

Thank you for your post.

Nice & Wavy... thank you for this thread. I missed this one.

Laela, thank you for sharing the link to a thread I posted.

I love all of you. You all give me "Life".

btw: I'm currently moving so if I miss a post/reply please forgive me.

Last edited:
...who are taking a stand and will continue to preach from the pulpits regarding Biblical Marriage! I know there is a thread about the Supreme Courts concerning this, but I have been in prayer with other pastors and this is a direct attack to silence about sin.

I will NEVER stop talking about sin...every sin, not just the sin of homosexuality. The enemy is using this particular sin as a platform to destroy the church. If the people of God don't come together in this and pray for the pastors/ministers of this nation, the church will not be the same in the next 5 years.:sad::nono:

"Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour, whom withstand stedfast in your faith, knowing that the same sufferings are accomplished in your brethren who are in the world." I Peter 5:8-9

Thank you and God bless you!

This post is NOT from Kay or David Arthur or any member of the Precept Ministries staff. This was written by a guest blogger, a lawyer with insight and experience into the issue of civil rights. This is a call to prayer.


But first I need to give you a little backdrop on an issue where I feel the Evangelical church has profoundly failed to be like Jesus Christ in that in John 1:14, He was “full of grace and truth” – this is an issue that we have be lacking on both fronts. By this June, homosexual “marriage” could be forced upon America by the Supreme Court.

On today and Wednesday of this week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear 2 cases:

  • Hollingsworth v. Perry – A challenge to California’s state constitution which defines marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman.
  • United States v. Windsor – A challenge to the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, that defines marriage for all federal law purposes as between 1 man and 1 woman.
In both cases, President Obama and his administration are supporting same sex marriage.

The proponents of “homosexual marriage” says that all of these laws defining marriage between one man and one woman violate the United States Constitution’s guarantee of Equal Protection and should be struck down. The homosexual activists in these cases have won in ALL lower courts.

Implications of the Case

  • First and foremost, this is attack on the institution of marriage that God defined and created – we could talk for days about the grave consequences if the attack succeeds. But one effect, is that this decision will make it the law of the land that children do not have the right to be raised by both their mother and their father.
  • Second, homosexual marriage is the greatest threat to religious liberty in our nation’s history. There have been ongoing attempts to make speaking Biblical truth on homosexuality hate speech. For example, in Alberta, Canada a pastor was fined thousands of dollars and ordered to apologize to any homosexuals he had offended by citing Biblical truth in a letter to a newspaper editor. You are probably thinking "Well, that could never happen here!" Are you sure? If homosexual marriage becomes “the law” then it will be protected under our discrimination laws. This means discrimination suits could be individuals, businesses, & churches who believe homosexuality is wrong.
  • We have seen examples of this already here in the US. Elaine Huguenin, a Christian photographer in New Mexico was fined $7000 for refusing to photograph a homosexual “commitment ceremony”. Last June the New Mexico Court of Appeals upheld the conviction and forced her to pay the fine. United Methodists in New Jersey were sued for not allowing a lesbian “civil union” at their church-owned campground. The court ruled against the Methodists.
  • Adoption laws around the country that limit adoption by couples to married couples would have to permit adoptions by homosexual “spouses”. Catholic Charities of the Boston Archdiocese was forced to stop adoptions after over 80 years of service and close their adoption agency because they refused to do adoptions to same sex couples.
  • Counseling students are being kicked of some graduate programs because they won’t counsel homosexual couples to stay in homosexual relationships.
  • Chick-Fil-A was strongly attacked for defending traditional marriage.
  • Louie Giglio effectively uninvited from praying at the Presidential Inauguration because 20 years ago, he gave a clear, Biblical message on homosexuality and offered the gospel as the remedy for sin. Activists quoted in the New York Times called on him to repent or say whether his views on homosexuality had “evolved” like President Obama’s.
Albert Mohler, President of Southern Seminary said
“This is precisely what biblical Christians cannot do. While seeking to be gentle in spirit and ruthlessly Gospel-centered in speaking of any sin, we cannot cease to speak of sin as sin. To do so is not only to deny the authority of Scripture, not only to reject the moral consensus of the saints, but it undermines the Gospel itself. The Gospel makes no sense, and is robbed of its saving power, if sin is denied as sin…. If you are a Christian, get ready for the question you will now undoubtedly face: “Do you now or have you ever believed that homosexuality is a sin?” There is nowhere to hide.”

What Can YOU DO?

1. Recognized that we are losing freedoms because we have allowed complacency to outweigh the Biblical mandate to be salt and light.

2. VOTE! Approx. 30% of self-described evangelicals didn’t vote in last election. Every single office matters – local, state, and federal.

3. Biblically evaluate your media choices – does your family “entertainment” consist of prime time television shows and certain popular Hollywood movies? If so, then you and your children receive countless pro-homosexual messages. This is in addition to what is promoted by our President, taught in many public schools, and promoted as diversity in major corporations.

4. Get in the Word of God! Read Genesis 1, Genesis 19, Leviticus 18, Judges 19, I Kings 14, Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Timothy 1, and Jude. The Word of God is not silent on this issue. Find out what it says for yourself.

In accordance with 1Timothy 2:1-2, pray for those in authority, specifically Supreme Court Justices, and President Obama.

Pray for yourself. Are you equipped on this issue? Or are you fearful to speak God’s grace and truth on this issue to those involved in it?

Pray for homosexuals. Have you been content to have ill feelings toward homosexuals, or do you desire their salvation and freedom in Christ?

Prayer List:
1. Supreme Court Justices (clerks, etc.) – esp. Justice Kennedy – that they would upheld the law passed by the United States Congress and millions of voters in California who, like those in most other states, voted to affirm the Biblical definition of marriage in their state constitutions

2. Supreme Court advocates – Charles Cooper & Paul Clement – for rest, for clarity of thought, for powerful speech and for cogent answers in response to every question; for their opponents, confusion and stumbling, which is what acceptance of their position would cause.

3. President Obama & his administration – Ps. 33:12

4. Christians in our church, city, state, and nation – that they and their children would (1) be Biblically minded on this issue, (2) be equipped to share the hope of the Gospel on this with their co-workers, neighbors, and family members, (3) that we would do this like Christ would, full of grace, but never wavering on truth, without which they don’t know they need grace.

Wrapping it up.
We agree with our guest blogger that the Word of God must be our foundation for all of our responses to any issue we face. In this case you must study the Bible for yourself, becasue we can not depend on what others say the Bible says about sex.

These two resources will help you determine what the Bible says for yourself.

LIFE... in your entire post.... Precious Wavy :love2:

Praise God forever!