
New Member
My hair looks just like Beyonce's minus a couple of inches. I have had this straight look going for a while now. My hair was originally black and natural. But , after all this color and relaxer( every 3-4 weeks) my hair is disgusting. It has broken in several different areas. Especially the middle. I'm at my wits end. I've tried conditioners and hair food. It doesn't work. Please help me find a solution that will help my hair grow. I'm hoping i can see a drastic change in at least 6 months. Will braiding it for a while work?
are you relaxing it EVERY 3 - 4 WEEKS? if so you should definitely lay of the relaxers..try to stretch them out as long as possible, i'd say 10 weeks or more if you can.
are you relaxing it EVERY 3 - 4 WEEKS? if so you should definitely lay of the relaxers..try to stretch them out as long as possible, i'd say 10 weeks or more if you can.
Relaxing every 3-4 weeks is way too soon especially with color treated hair. You have probably experienced the breakage due to overlapping the relaxer so many times. I would suggest going to a stylist to get your hair conditioned once a week in order to minimize breakage and ease the stress of having both a relaxer and color. I would also suggest extending relaxers to at least 8 weeks in order to allow enough new growth to accumulate so that there's a lower chance of overlapping. Finally, I don't know if braids would be a good idea at this time. As much as braids are a protective style, they can cause a lot of tension and stress on the hair and if hair is already in a weak state, braids could cause even more breakage. However, many people have successfully overcome damage through the use of braids, so I'm sure you can get some helpful advice if you do decide to get them. I'm sure with the great advice you get here at LHCF, your hair will thrive again soon.
Hi There,

I would suggest that you stop coloring & that you don't get your relaxers so often (like the other ladies said) Begin a good conditioning program with quality products & keep heat off of your hair as much as possible. If you are used to that "smooth hair" look, then you could try roller setting for a while.

Good luck
Like the ladies said, stretch out your relaxers, stop coloring, give yourself a good protein recontructor, and then concentrate on adding moisture to your hair. Try to manipulate it as little as possible with simple heat-free styles.