Please help with my synthetic ponytail


New Member
How do you take care of synthetic hair? I just bought a ponytail last weeka and I need to know how to take care of it. The ends look like they are trying to matt (of course I have not used any heat) and I dont know what to do with it. Is there a certain type of brush or comb i should use? I have been using my large teeth bone comb since I bought it. Should I use oil on it? Using hair for me (especially synthetic) is new...PLEASE HELP!! Thanks for any advice you can give!:D
I'd just pitch it out and buy another one. I can't imagine getting it to look good again after it starts matting. And they're cheap enough where it wouldn't hurt to get a couple and rotate them so you're not wearing just one all the time and wearing it out.
is it straight or curly? Cause I have a straight one with a little bump on the end that I have had for at least 6 months and I occasionally put a little oil on it and it's in great condition.