Please HELP...really scared!!!


New Member
hey everyone,

So I'm still at little new to this forum, reading more all the time. A little less than two months ago I noticed more than normal amounts of hair coming out when I brushed or even ran my fingers through my hair. I noticed this shortly after get a touch-up, but I don't believe it was the touch-up that did it, as I have been using the same one for years and years. At first I thought shedding was the term, but after reading on here, I think what I have is breakage. I'm still not positive, but I don't see any "pulp" on the strands of hair. I then realized my breakage might be due my stupidity of using Motions CPR on a regular basis as a deep conditioner. Regular meaning about every two weeks. I used CPR every 1/2 weeks for about 2 1/2 months, I would say I used a total of probably 7 times. I didn't realize too much protein would be bad at the time, until I had the breakage and started reading up on it. It's now been almost 2 months since I noticed the breakage and it really hasn't stopped, I've tried the garlic shampoo(which i know is really for shedding), and now I'm currently trying to moisturize a lot more (NTM shampoo, leave in, mango butter daily, vatika oil& coconut oil, Miss key deep conditioner)....I figured I had a protein overload, so I should counter it with more moisture. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks and I haven't noticed any real difference. But i've only washed two or three times. I don't use heat daily, but get a dominican blowout every two weeks. never curling irons or flat irons. I'm really scared, my hair has never come out like this and it doesn't appear to be stopping. Please give me any advice you have. thanks so much in advance.

** Also I notice my hair comes out a lot more a few days after a fresh wash, when it starts getting tangling. which again makes me think it's breakage, because brushing or running your fingers through hair when it's tangled puts more stress on the hair =more breakage...right???
First, I recommend you stop brushing your hair so much--brushing alone can cause breakage. Most girls on this board will tell you that they only comb or brush on wash day. Basically, the more mechanical stress--brushing, finger combing, heat appliances--the more breakage you have. Also, take note of your diet. Internal hair health is even more important than the products you use. Increase your protein intake as well as healthy oils. Drink lots of water, too. Do you take a multivitamin?
I swear I could use CPR every week and even leave it in overnight or longer every time and wouldnt have a problem. So weird how these things happen different for us all

anyway , my strongest recommendation for protein overload is lots and lots of oil (natural oils not grease) and lots of moisturizing conditioning of course
hey everyone,

So I'm still at little new to this forum, reading more all the time. A little less than two months ago I noticed more than normal amounts of hair coming out when I brushed or even ran my fingers through my hair. I noticed this shortly after get a touch-up, but I don't believe it was the touch-up that did it, as I have been using the same one for years and years. At first I thought shedding was the term, but after reading on here, I think what I have is breakage. I'm still not positive, but I don't see any "pulp" on the strands of hair. I then realized my breakage might be due my stupidity of using Motions CPR on a regular basis as a deep conditioner. Regular meaning about every two weeks. I used CPR every 1/2 weeks for about 2 1/2 months, I would say I used a total of probably 7 times. I didn't realize too much protein would be bad at the time, until I had the breakage and started reading up on it. It's now been almost 2 months since I noticed the breakage and it really hasn't stopped, I've tried the garlic shampoo(which i know is really for shedding), and now I'm currently trying to moisturize a lot more (NTM shampoo, leave in, mango butter daily, vatika oil& coconut oil, Miss key deep conditioner)....I figured I had a protein overload, so I should counter it with more moisture. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks and I haven't noticed any real difference. But i've only washed two or three times. I don't use heat daily, but get a dominican blowout every two weeks. never curling irons or flat irons. I'm really scared, my hair has never come out like this and it doesn't appear to be stopping. Please give me any advice you have. thanks so much in advance.

** Also I notice my hair comes out a lot more a few days after a fresh wash, when it starts getting tangling. which again makes me think it's breakage, because brushing or running your fingers through hair when it's tangled puts more stress on the hair =more breakage...right???
reading more through this , if your using elasta QP mango butter that stuff can really be drying and it has protein in it too, also if your using miss key 10 n 1 or something like that , I think thats protein too isnt it?

I also agree with the poster that said check your nutrition, if your not sure its breakage , then it could still be shedding
thanks for the help so far...How long do you think it would take for my hair to stop breaking??, right now it seems never ending :(
You really really have to figure out if this is in fact breakage for sure or whether its shedding. If you find out that its shedding schedule a Dr.'s appt Immediately
that elasta mango butter dried my hair out big time.
another question: how are you sleeping on your hair? do you put on a bonnet or tie it up with silk/satin? that led to some of my breakage too.
I think you need to simplify your regimen down to a few products that you really trust. Make sure that it is a balanced regimen. Also, you need to know if it's sheddng or breakage. Are the hairs long?Does your hair feel thinner? Or are the hairs shorter are you noticing shorter areas on your head?
It's really hard to figure out the exact cause of the problem...when dealing with hair, there are so many variables...the reason why I pinned the cause on motions cpr is because that's the only thing that I really changed in my hair regimen.

The problem could be due to an overprocessed touch-up...what would be the solution to that??

It could be due to the way I cover my hair at night, which is sometimes in a few magnetic rollers, but usually a wrap...but again, I've been doing that for years with no problem.

Whats the best way to differentiate btwn shedding and breakage...I have hair a little longer than BSL, the hairs that come out are usually longer, but sometimes shorter....and I kind of do feel like there is an area of my hair that might be noticeably shorter than the rest.

Thanks again everyone
When in doubt, clarify the hair first. I believe by the products you use, you have been using way too much protein-based products and need to add more moisture-based products, namely conditioners like Creme Of Nature nourishing conditioner, Herbal Essences replenishing conditioner, Kenra Moisturizing conditioner, Neutragena Triple Moisture Deep recovery mask, Mizani Moisturefuse, Keracare humecto, Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner, etc. The protein found in these conditioners are more for elasticity than for structure. Now the Kenra moisture line is very moisturizing - the poo and the conditioner. Try deep conditioning your hair at least once or twice a week until your hair's moisture normalizes.

I would also recommend a moisturizing leave-in conditioner like Neutragena Triple Moisture Silk Touch leave-in conditioner, Profectiv Anti-tangle Leave-In, and even Kenra daily Defense.

If you are not moisturizing your hair daily, then you would need to start asap. recommended are most braid sprays believe it or not (my favorite is by African Royale), Wave Nouveau Moisturizing finishing lotion ( I really love this one too), Luster's S-Curl Hair Moisturizer. Make sure to seal your ends with a natural oil. When my hair had dried out from my first henna attempt - I baggied my hair with moisturizer and sealed with oil everynight for about 2 weeks to get the suppleness and elasticity back in my hair. It worked like a charm.

Hope this helps a little bit.
Hey chica. I would say lay off of the Dominican blowouts for a long while. It sounds like you may be frying your hair. Good luck!