Please help.. My hair is coming out!!


Active Member
Let me explain..... About 5 months ago I noticed a huge plug of hair missing from the left front side of my hair, at first I thought it was the new perm I used (Olive Oil). But due to my addiction to the creamy crack... I put another one in 3 months later and it was fine. NO hair loss, but Friday I noticed that I had another plug of hair missing on the other side. I was talking to natalaid and her sister last night and they thought it may be the Bigen hair color I use. I am completely grey :sad:, I have been greying since high school. Anyway, Bigen is the only thing that covers my grey hair with out turning it crazy colors. Please tell me if you or some one you know has experienced hair loss due to using Bigen.
Is there anything else that could be the culprit? I have a section that came out that Im nursing back to health in the crown area...but I accidently double relaxed that section because I tried to do the half and half method (never again!) and either I double relaxed a section or put relaxer on wet hair...either way it took a section of my hair out! It wasnt even enough for me to grab....luckily now its growing back in. Im massaging it and using growth aids and extra moisture in that spot.

Could it be the relaxer? I used ORS too(the no lye one)....hmmmm maybe we need to switch!
I hope its not the perm!! Jeeze.... Ok, maybe I can try that henna stuff with indigo. They say it covers the grey hair. I think you may be right though, we may need to switch the perm.