PLEASE HELP!! I overdosed on protein!


Active Member
Is it possible to reverse the damage of keratin protein overdose? My hair is breaking and is somewhat brittle (not quite straw-like). I think it's because I went a lot overboard with the keratin protein. Now my hair is worse than when I started the treatment.Right now I am using moisturizing products like qp mango butter, and profective healthy ends and anti-breakage. I'm also using surge but I'm not sure if the vegetable protein is adding to my problems. Can I stop the breakage and bring the elasticity back to my hair? Any and all suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm not sure but I was reading yesterday about Honey being really good for putting elasticity back into the hair. I would perhaps recommend using either Castor Oil & Honey or perhaps EVOO & Honey as a type of hot oil treatment. I used this last night (had to heat it up to get the honey and EVOO to mix) but my hair turned out very nicely afterwards.
I would also recommend doing a pre-shampoo hot oil treatment with extra virgin olive oil and honey heated. I usually heat mine by putting them both in a glass and placing the glass in hot water for about 5 minutes. After you shampoo, deep condition using a good moisturizing conditioner w/a plastic cap and dryer for 15-20 minutes.

Hopefully, some other ladies have more recommendations for you. Good luck!
Sorry this happened. I would suggest doing 3 or more deep conditioning in the next week. I would use Lekair Cholesterol or something similar. You would be suprised how quickly your hair will snap back after doing this.

I have done it on my hair when needed and I also recommended this to my mother whose hair was so brittle it would break just from touching it. Her hair is in great shape now.

Good Luck!
Thank you LaNecia, JenJen, and dontspeakdefeat. I plan on trying ur suggestions tomorrow when I wash my hair. I already have EVOO and honey. I just started CO washes this week so I will also deep condition a few times as well. I've been wanting to try Lekair so this is my chance. I read some old threads about the EVOO and honey and it sounds like this would be just the thing for my hair. I'll update you and let u know how it works. Thank you, thank you thank you.
I'm glad you posted this concern. I was wondering whether you can take too much protein and if so, what damage it could cause to the hair.
Try Biolage Ultra hydrating Conditioning Balm for 15 minutes with heat. I tried it this weekend and I left it in for 1/2 hour but my hair felt better when I first checked it after 15 minutes.
lea5 said:
My hair is breaking and is somewhat brittle (not quite straw-like). Can I stop the breakage and bring the elasticity back to my hair? Any and all suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]

What moisturizing deep conditioner did you use following the protein treatment?

My stylist advises rinsing out the strong protein treatment and then applying a moisturizing conditioner like Elucence moisture balancing conditioner or Keracare Humecto or L'oreal unfrizz smoothing treatment for 30-60 minutes with a plastic cap on under the soft bonnet dryer. That should soften and smooth the hair shafts enough to comb them again. Don't skip the moisturizing deep conditioner, else you'll get brittle dry hair.
(It happened to me before.)
Re: PLEASE HELP!! I overdosed on protein!

I've had brick hard hair because of too much protein. What helped is using only moisturizing conditioners without the heavy proteins until my hair felt softer and softer after each wash.
Re: PLEASE HELP!! I overdosed on protein!

I agree - use only moisturzing conditioners until your hair feels better. Any one of the ones the ladies recommended would be fine.

Also check the rest of your products to make sure you aren't inadcertantly adding protein when you're not meaning to (leave ins, shampoo etc).
Re: PLEASE HELP!! I overdosed on protein!

Thank u sooooooo much ladies for ur help.I did try the honey, EVOO & conditioner pre-shampoo treatment. My hair did come out softer but it's still breaking, but I guess a miracle won't happen overnight, right? I will keep hope alive!

JetBlack, I learned from this forum that yes u can take too much protein. It makes ur hair brittle, and dry which is what it did to my hair. Hopefully I can fix the damage I've done without losing all of my hair.

Denali, my Surge is indefinitely put away in the back of the cabinet
.I figured I should lay off for awhile but wasn't sure. Thanx

MegonW, Karonica, Tracy, I am now a hair conditioning, hair moisturizing, ingredient reading fool. Thank u