PJA: Product Junkies Anonymous

Ms. Plain Jane

New Member
My name is Ms. Plain Jane and I am a product junkie.

I cannot help myself. Every time that I walk into a (good, well-stocked, clean) beauty supply store, it is like entering Heaven.

Yesterday I walked into a bss in my cousin's neighborhood and I was so shocked to see that they had a product that is in heavy rotation at the Dominican salon that I go to: A|G Fast Food Leave in condition. I nearly had a hairGASM.

They also had Lacio Lacio, which, for some reason, I thought was super exclusive and would be hard to find. I bought that, too- but I didn't stop there. My other purchases included: Salerm 21 shampoo, Roux Mendex, ORS replenishing conditioner, and probably something else that I cannot remember. I spent almost $70 in that store.

I have 35 + hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners, leave ins, cream moisturizers, treatments, oils, and reconstructors.

My name is Ms. Plain Jane and I am a product junkie.
Long time addict, long time confessor here.

I really thought that my PJism died down. Yesterday I was in KMart in the hair care section and I didn't even want to buy anything! But then I saw it...


Never used it before... buy one Leave-in conditioner, get a two ounce bottle of shampoo and conditioner for free. I couldn't beat that!!!!

:wallbash: stupid me, I fell into the trap again!!!
Hi Jane

*clears throat*

Hi, my name is Gymfreak336 and I am a product junkie. I go to CVS and Walgreens at night when I can't sleep just to touch and smell new stuff. I get excited when I look in a magazine and see new hair products. I have also been known to wash my hair twice in a day just to try out a new conditioner. No matter how hard I try, I fall back into my pj habits. I am a stockpiler pj as well as being a "grass is greener" pj. I stockpile things that I love and I am always on the prowl for better. If it came down to my last 5 bucks and I need to get gas....I would buy some conditioner. With my hair looking so fabolous, I am sure a cute guy would come by to give me a ride home. :cool:
:grin: Another PJ checking in.
I am a conditioner PJ and stockpile my favorite conditioner in case they are discontinued,hard to find or formula changed.
I have enough hair product to last 2 years and I still pick up product on sale.
And I thought I was alone in this! Anything that may improve my hair even a little , I will try. Reading what works for some of the ladies here on the board does not help my wallet . My girlfriends all ways ask me, "Have you heard of (fill in product name)? And I answer yes --I tried it already:)
Hi Jane

*clears throat*

Hi, my name is Gymfreak336 and I am a product junkie. I go to CVS and Walgreens at night when I can't sleep just to touch and smell new stuff. I get excited when I look in a magazine and see new hair products. I have also been known to wash my hair twice in a day just to try out a new conditioner. No matter how hard I try, I fall back into my pj habits. I am a stockpiler pj as well as being a "grass is greener" pj. I stockpile things that I love and I am always on the prowl for better. If it came down to my last 5 bucks and I need to get gas....I would buy some conditioner. With my hair looking so fabolous, I am sure a cute guy would come by to give me a ride home. :cool:

:yep: I feel somehow comforted by the numerous stashes of product and I too make mad, middle of the night product dashes, especially after reading a review on here. That's how I ended up with the entire NTM line-
OMG, this thread is so funny!! I am such a pj, I looove hair products!! I plan in advance what products I will use on wash day, like I'm going on a date with my HAIR. :look: :lachen:

If a hair product is inexpensive and smells good, it is so on. Even if it's a little pricey I give it some serious thought and contemplation before purchasing and then I'll take the plunge. :grin:
OMG, this thread is so funny!! I am such a pj, I looove hair products!! I plan in advance what products I will use on wash day, like I'm going on a date with my HAIR. :look: :lachen:

If a hair product is inexpensive and smells good, it is so on. Even if it's a little pricey I give it some serious thought and contemplation before purchasing and then I'll take the plunge. :grin:


Hi Priestess, lol.

My hair and I are getting pretty serious...
Hi Ms Plain Jane, I'm a product junkie. For the past 3 months I have spent over 700.00 on product. My friend is a beautican so I purchased through her, so I'm paying very little:grin: but that makes it even more addictive. I want to go back and get more tomorrow:ohwell: but Im not. I have a problem even my daugther says I have a problem, but I can't help myself:ohwell:
Um, well, hi.

I don't know how it happened. I tried this one and I liked it. But I didn't stop there. I tried another and another. Soon the monkey was on my back and I could not stop. I tell myself "No more! This is it!" Then it happens again. I cannot seem to control it. I give DH the keys to the car. But CVS is right behind my house.

Someone please help.

I have 36 bottles of conditioner.

Yes. I am a product junkie.

And CVS has Nexxus and Aveda on sale. *Sigh*
ahem... I too am a product junkie. I troll this board with a pad and pen, reading about everyone else's fixes, looking for my next high. I had to buy a rolling kitchen island with drawers to hold all of the things I have bought. There is still stuff that doesn't fit. Time won't go by quickly enough for me to have a chance to try all of the stuff I have...yet I still keep buying more. I actually have a wish list that is a written list. Like I need more stuff. I wish my husband and kids would go away so I can have all the time I need to go to BSS's, health food stores, Indian markets, websites, and anywhere else you pushers tell me to go. I need help and everyone around me knows it...:cry:

the bolded- classic defense mechanism--blame someone else.
Hi Ms Plain Jane, I'm a product junkie. For the past 3 months I have spent over 700.00 on product. My friend is a beautican so I purchased through her, so I'm paying very little:grin: but that makes it even more addictive. I want to go back and get more tomorrow:ohwell: but Im not. I have a problem even my daugther says I have a problem, but I can't help myself:ohwell:

$700? What were you buying? An entire bss? LOL
Hi Ms Plain Jane, I'm a product junkie. For the past 3 months I have spent over 700.00 on product. My friend is a beautican so I purchased through her, so I'm paying very little:grin: but that makes it even more addictive. I want to go back and get more tomorrow:ohwell: but Im not. I have a problem even my daugther says I have a problem, but I can't help myself:ohwell:
Hi Everyone.:sad:

My name is Meaganita and I am a product junkie. Like Mz. Matthews, I too have been out of control over the past few months and have spent at least $1000 on hair products and related supplies.:nono: I've been keeping this dollar amount a secret for a while now. I know I have a problem. But no matter how hard I try, I just can't stop chasing that hair-high. My friends tried to do an intervention on me, so I checked into PJ rehab. I got a sponsor, started working the 12 steps, and stayed clean for almost 30 days. But recently……….I relapsed.:ohwell: So I decided to come to a meeting (this one), and I plan on checking back into rehab first thing Tuesday morning. Please pray for me.:pray:
Hi Everyone.:sad:

My name is Meaganita and I am a product junkie. Like Mz. Matthews, I too have been out of control over the past few months and have spent at least $1000 on hair products and related supplies.:nono: I've been keeping this dollar amount a secret for a while now. I know I have a problem. But no matter how hard I try, I just can't stop chasing that hair-high. My friends tried to do an intervention on me, so I checked into PJ rehab. I got a sponsor, started working the 12 steps, and stayed clean for almost 30 days. But recently……….I relapsed.:ohwell: So I decided to come to a meeting (this one), and I plan on checking back into rehab first thing Tuesday morning. Please pray for me.:pray:


$1000 in hair care products and supplies may be acceptable if you've purchased a hair dryer ot two!
I have tried many times to curb my spending but it is just who I am. I am much better than I used to be. I have my staples that I always keep on hand but I don't try as many new products as I used to. But I am always buying something. Just can't help it. You just have to check my monthy "What did you buy this week?" thread to see how much I buy. I have to drag my tail in there after this post to add some more to my list. So bad.:nono:
My name is Seymone and I am a product junkie.. I really feel like I need help. I have to stop myself sometimes from going into a BSS. It's a damn shame. I keep telling myself that I am not going to by anything and then I go buy something else.:lachen::lachen:
Hi, I am Daaiyah.
I joined the forum so I could use the search feature. That was it. I already had a routine. I was happy.
But a little information is a dangerous thing. Who knew that coconut oil would work so good, ok then there is the virgin coconut oil. Wait, maybe organic, virgin is even better. And NTM what is that? And so it goes. I dont feel good looking at all this stuff I am accumulating. I am starting to feel cluttered. It's like it is controlling me. All I want is well conditioned hair, that doesn't break, looks good, not to greasy and no split ends.
I have got to clear my shelves. Clear my mind. Filter through the information without wanting to try every new thing, but how?
Hi everyone
I'm Wheezy and i am too a product junkie. I got it sooooo bad. I have products in the closet, on my bed, probably under my bed, on my dresser, all around my room and still in bags. I have products that i haven't even opened yet i keep buying more. I bought a carouso, blowdryer and a flat iron i have opened only one- but didn't use it. I know i have a problem, but i don't want help quite honestly.:ohwell: