Picture Protection on Fotki


SuperDuper Member
Hi Ladies! I just added pictures of myself and my daughter on Fotki.com- back of heads only:look:. I just wanted to know, how do you protect your pics so someone doesn't come along, right click on my pics and take them? I saw someone who has hers protected (Loveya4ever), but I don't know how to send a message to someone on there yet (I haven't had a chance to play around with the site yet). As always, thank you so much for your responses in advance! :grin:
I know of a million and one ways to get pics so you might just want to make sure your face isn't in it or anything else you don't want to be seen. Besides that, you should be fine. Its not much for you to worry about. I have a lot of pics up with my face showing and I'm not bothered.
Hi Ladies! I just added pictures of myself and my daughter on Fotki.com- back of heads only:look:. I just wanted to know, how do you protect your pics so someone doesn't come along, right click on my pics and take them? I saw someone who has hers protected (Loveya4ever), but I don't know how to send a message to someone on there yet (I haven't had a chance to play around with the site yet). As always, thank you so much for your responses in advance! :grin:

Click on "Go To" at the top of the page by the fotki logo and go to your settings. Then under the "Album" section, go to "Sharing photos allowed for(also enables right-click saving). In the drop-down box, click "Myself Only". I still block my face outta all my pics though, cuz anyone can press "printscreen" on the keyboard. Hope this helps!
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Go to "Folder Properties", then "Advanced Properties" at the bottom left corner of the page. A new page will come up. Scroll down and the last box will ask: Sharing Photos allowed for: - from the drop down menu, choose "myself."

I agree with what Whip said, because if someone really wanted to get your photos it doesnt matter if you have right click disabled or not there are other,, very easy ways to snag a picture from any website.
Click on "Go To" at the top of the page by the fotki logo and go to your settings. Then under the "Album" section, go to "Sharing photos allowed for(also enables right-click saving). In the drop-down box, click "Myself Only". I still block my face outta all my pics though, cuz anyone can press "printscreen" on the keyboard. Hope this helps!
ooooppps. didnt see this post