Pics not uploading (resolved)?


Well-Known Member
Morning admins,

I sent a private message to Dimpolous yesterday about this, but I'm not sure whether he saw that I alerted him to the fact that pics are not uploading into potential posts. The error msg received is "A server error occurred. Please try again later."

It's been like this for the past few days now. Is anyone on the back end aware? Is there a work around? Thanks in advance.
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Yep, I noticed too.

I hope you get an answer. I still have Fotki (old school, I know) and uploaded there.
Looks like pics are uploading properly again ladies. Just uploaded two in the Off Topics section. Thanks Admins!
I was wondering
why I could
not insert images
in posts. Did not
realize it was
a universal issue.
Thought my images
we're just larger
than allowed (data wise).

Don't know if
this is a related
issue, but is
anyone else getting
an error after
they post a response
to a thread?

In order not
to post a dupe,
I am having
to refresh the
page, which then
allows my post
to show as
submitted, and then
I delete the dupe
that appears to
be unsubmitted in
the new post
window. Hope that
can be fixed.
This is what
happened when
I clicked on
the Post Reply button:

After refreshing the
message below thr
error posted while
a copy of it
remained in the
new message window
as if I had
not posted yet.
This is what
happened when
I clicked on
the Post Reply button:

View attachment 497372
After refreshing the
message below thr
error posted while
a copy of it
remained in the
new message window
as if I had
not posted yet.
This has been happening to me too. I'll like a post, and an error message will pop up. When I refresh the page, my reaction will show. After a couple of times like this, the page then responds as normal.