Phytospecific Relaxer..any Long Term Users? Please Share


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I am interested in members who have used phytospecific relaxer long term (3+ yrs) to gauge their experience. I plan to textlax my hair. I was a bit concerned about using it in conjunction to frequent henna treatments (every 3 weeks ish) however upon search it was stated that it is safe as long it is pure henna that is used.

please share:

1) How long have you used Phytospecific relaxer? Are you still using it? Why or why not?
2) What has been your experience?
3) Have you experienced dryness after multiple uses? Why do you think that has been the case? What have you done to combat it?
4) Have you received consistent results after each use?
5) What is your regiment when you use the product? (the process of how you relax)
6) Why do you like / dislike the product?
7) Any caution, tips etc.?

I plan to this relaxer exclusively to textlax in the future so any constructive feedback and advice would be appreciated. I have very fine hair and a sensitive scalp.

Thank you!
It was too expensive for me to continue using it. I did use it for about a year and liked it. That was a long time ago during the Phyto craze.
My friend has used phyto for at least 10yrs. Her hair never looks dry or over/under processed.

She swears by this product so much that I tried it for the first time last fall. I used the regular strength relaxer and my hair turned out salon straight!

When I did my touch up some months later my results were not as great. I don't think I left it on long enough to process because I had some parts that weren't straight.

I hope next month when I do my touch up I will have better results, otherwise I'm going to switch back to Ors.
I used it in the past. I have fine hair and a sensitive scalp and used the kit for fine hair hair. I liked because it never irritated my scalp. It's not drying. The price is the only negative.
I used it for a while when I was relaxed and while I liked it, I got the exact same results using ORS relaxer for one fourth of the cost.