Phytorelaxer users, does your activator smell "strong"?


Well-Known Member
I recently switched back to phyto for my last 3 touchups and have noticed that the activator smells really strong, almost like ammonia!!! I first used this relaxer back in 2006 and i never remember smelling anything like this.. in fact, the whole system smelled "neutral".

I order my relaxer from Sephora and it's in the new packaging with the golden leaf across the lower part of the box. My hair hasn't suffered any ill effects from usuing it, but the smell is very unsettling to me. Is this just the way the relaxer smells now?

Ladies who use this please help! Also, please let me know where you buy your phyto relaxer. TIA!
I remember the activator being fairly strong. I purchase my Phyto II from the local BSS.

I wonder if they have changed the formula...