Phyto II users, come in!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a 4a who relaxed yesterday with Phyto II. I applied for 7 min and smoothed for 15. My hair came out more texlaxed I'd say. I know Phyto isn't known for getting hair bone straight so I'm not surprised. I'm wondering if I leave it on longer will that have any bearing on getting it straighter or will I just be wasting my time.

So Phyto II users, how long do you leave it on and what look are you going for(bone straight, texlaxed, etc) also hair typing if known.

I do 20min exactly. It turns out straight on me. For me that means small waves when wet. When I apply my leave-in and hair oil and dry in a bun, it dries straight (except for the hair looped into a bun).
See I still see newgrowth when dry so I know it's underprocessed. I thought I smoothed enough, oh well.:ohwell:
I'm probably an exception as I don't count application and smoothing time as separate. I count fromt he time it goes on until I take it off. That could be 30-35 minutes. (yes I know, long time but works well for me)

That dosen't get me bone straight though (could go there if I went another 2-3 minutes perhaps) But would say that gets me about 85% - 90%

My new growth is always slightly wavy when wet which is just fine for me. Since using phyto quite a lot of my hair looks slightly wavey when wet.

Only thing I can say is when you apply, be sure you start in the thickest part of your head. I always do the edges/nape dead last because they need only 10 minutes to process.


I count my application and smoothing time as total time too. I have been self relaxing for years. But this last time and my first time using Phyto II, I had my grown daughter do it for me. (We've decided to relax each other's hair from now on, to make sure we don't overlap.)

Anyway, I asked her to apply it to my crown and back of my head first and then migrate to the hairline and nape. We left it on for a little over 20 minutes...maybe 25. I rinsed very well in the shower, neutralized three to four times, just to be safe. Then I used the restructuring conditioner that comes in the kit and mixed it with some Phyto Intense Nutrition Mask I had on hand, for extra conditioning, leaving it on for 15 to 20 minutes or so.

I got back in the shower, rinsed thoroughly and added some Ojon Ultra Hydrating Conditioner for better slip, combed through and gently towel dried.

It was nice and straight, but not as flat as I usually am after a touch up. It also felt stronger. Normally when I self relax, I go no longer than 18 to 20 minutes. So it stayed on a little longer than usual because my daughter was getting acquainted with my hair, but I am happy with the results. I think we will speed it up a little next time, because I felt a little bit of scalp sensitivity which I rarely have in the past.
UmSumayyah said:
I do 20min exactly. It turns out straight on me. For me that means small waves when wet. When I apply my leave-in and hair oil and dry in a bun, it dries straight (except for the hair looped into a bun).
Same here. 20 min and it is straight as an arrow.
30 minutes... I have to make sure it's straight $60 is too much money for it not to be.
I leave mine on for the max.......I believe 25 minutes. I self-relax and do one half of my head at a time. However, I like my hair bone straight and Phyto does that for me. My hair is fine/thin so that may also have something to do with it.
Arcadian said:
I'm probably an exception as I don't count application and smoothing time as separate. I count fromt he time it goes on until I take it off. That could be 30-35 minutes. (yes I know, long time but works well for me)

That dosen't get me bone straight though (could go there if I went another 2-3 minutes perhaps) But would say that gets me about 85% - 90%

My new growth is always slightly wavy when wet which is just fine for me. Since using phyto quite a lot of my hair looks slightly wavey when wet.

Only thing I can say is when you apply, be sure you start in the thickest part of your head. I always do the edges/nape dead last because they need only 10 minutes to process.



Yes, application & smoothing seen as two separate acts to me. My hair gets straighter with Phyto than with anything else I've ever used, so I'm happy.

On another note, although texture should not play a part in relaxing, but with this particular relaxer...are effects/results differing due to one having thick/coarse hair as opposed to one having thin/fine hair...but both heads could be type 4..

I'm wondering if it does....does anybody see a pattern or not in terms of this? :perplexed :confused: Or is it just a matter of the product not being left on longer?
off topic: Princess Pie....I just wanted to say that is a really great pic in your siggy of your Phyto'd hair....that's a pic that does the relaxer justice:D

...That's what I see that when I look in the mirror, but I can't seem to capture it with my crappy camera/camera phone when I get touched up. You have really pretty hair:)
MonaLisa said:
off topic: Princess Pie....I just wanted to say that is a really great pic in your siggy of your Phyto'd hair....that's a pic that does the relaxer justice:D

...That's what I see that when I look in the mirror, but I can't seem to capture it with my crappy camera/camera phone when I get touched up. You have really pretty hair:)
Thank you! :)
Between Phyto and henna, I don't know what to do with myself. I'm very happy.
MonaLisa said:
Yes, application & smoothing seen as two separate acts to me. My hair gets straighter with Phyto than with anything else I've ever used, so I'm happy.

On another note, although texture should not play a part in relaxing, but with this particular relaxer...are effects/results differing due to one having thick/coarse hair as opposed to one having thin/fine hair...but both heads could be type 4..

I'm wondering if it does....does anybody see a pattern or not in terms of this? :perplexed :confused: Or is it just a matter of the product not being left on longer?

My hair USED to be fine. Could be that I wasn't taking care of it properly, don't know, but the strands have definitly thickened quite a lot over the past year since I've been on this board.

I remember the first time out using phyto I didn't leave it in as long (20 minutes) because my strands were much finer. Howver, funny thing is my hair stands are thicker but my hair isn't as coarse as it was. Could be the MSM...I don't know (only take 1/8th teaspoon a day but could be cumulative?) and it now takes longer to relax.

so yeah, I do believe hair thickness and starting texture can really matter with phyto.

Arcadian said:
I'm probably an exception as I don't count application and smoothing time as separate. I count fromt he time it goes on until I take it off. That could be 30-35 minutes. (yes I know, long time but works well for me)

That dosen't get me bone straight though (could go there if I went another 2-3 minutes perhaps) But would say that gets me about 85% - 90%

Hey, I do this as well. I usually leave it on while smoothing for at least 35 minutes...but I have done longer. And I still may get an underprocessed area, usually in the back. I think that is just due to me not being able to see that area well enough and I only use half a jar each time to get my money's worth. My hair usually stays straight for at least 6 weeks before I start to see the coils come out. I never ever burn leaving it on this long...that's one reason why I love Phyto. This allows me to take my time and smooth really well.;)