Physically ready to relax my hair but emotionally don't want to ((Help!))


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I'm on the bootcamp challenge and have 2 months to go until I relax. I'm 3 months and some weeks post.
My new growth is no joke it's really thick and the other day I could not detangle it.
When I parted my hair I could not even see my scalp

And now the problem is i'm seeing minute pieces of breakage when I go to moisturize my ends and seal.
The detangling i'm doing is causing the breakage (there was none until this last attempt at detangling)

How can I keep from relaxing?
I really don't want to. If I don't I can forget about combing anything.
I'm already bunning everyday so that would be my style if I continue to stretch.

Should I relax now?
And not comb at all and bun it up.

Will not combing cause matting and tangling when I go to relax since my hair would be really compacted together....if i wait until December.

What do you guys think?

IMHO maybe is time to get a touch up, you don't need to go by months/weeks, for me is about what your hair is telling you. Sometimes is better to relax than to keep streaching, you could do more harm than good to your progress, but again is just my opinion.

Good luck :wave:
I'm battling with this, too. I don't want to relax until I return to Atlanta for Christmas. I'm about 15 1/2 weeks post relaxer and my NG is going crazy. The only way I can control it is to temporarily give up using growth aids of any kind. I am also now condition washing every 2 or 3 days. I have NOT combed or brushed my hair. I've learned to smooth with my fingers and hands. I can't even get my hair into a neat bun anymore, so I just gather it up in my hands and use ouchless bobby pins from Goodies to pin the hair up in a semi-neat French Roll. I see a few broken pieces from time to time, but that's if I attempt to comb the NG. You're really not supposed to do this.

What helps?

-CON every week. This softens the NG
-Deep condition twice a week and focus on the NG. I add glycerin and Vatika coconut oil to my conditioner, with a little peppermint oil.
-Pre-poo with oils and a good moisturizing-protein conditioner like Silicon Mix
-Don't attempt to comb dry NG. Only comb in the shower with TONS of moisturizing conditioner; or, I just detangle using CON, then deep condition afterwards.
-Airdry in a ponytail or pinned up. Add plenty of leave-in, sealing with oil. I won't attempt to comb wet hair out of the shower. I allow to airdry until about 85%, add more detangling, moisturizing leave-in (Kid's Organic Shea Butter), the seal with oil.

I'm going to try and prolong this thing, but I am also scheduling a consultation with Reniece (I hope she's available). If she thinks that I can do longer wait, I'll go ahead in relax in November ahead of schedule.

I'd like other tips as well. S-Curl doesn't work for me. It actually dried my hair out.
IMHO maybe is time to get a touch up, you don't need to go by months/weeks, for me is about what your hair is telling you. Sometimes is better to relax than to keep streaching, you could do more harm than good to your progress, but again is just my opinion.

Good luck :wave:

Where you been, lovely?!!? I'll be home for Christmas...;)
I think you have to weigh up your options and go from it a must that you stretch out till xmas....listen to your hair now, if its breaking now because of the stretching - are you likely to have any hair left to relax by xmas?

In the meantime you can also try mayb castor oil that might help soften the hair enough to do the parting or combing you are trying to do.

But I think you should go with instinct rather than just stretching for the sake of stretching....goodluck:ohwell:
Thanks ladies

I'm stretching just for the sake of it lol Other than reaching platinum level for the bootcamp challenge

But this stretch is different because i'm not using braids or 2 strand twists
just a bun

I also figured i could stretch longer with out growth aids so i have not used any..........go figure

Serenity your suggestions are good

maybe i should just stop trying to comb it all together
I only comb on wash day after washing and deep conditioning

I was going to relax Thursday if i decide to

but like la flaca said i don't want to cause more harm than good

I could just stick to oil rinsing so the shed hairs can slide out

right now it's up in the air

I'm stretching too, but I have to agree with what LaFlaca said. I usually stretch for long periods of time and stop when I feel like my hair is giving me signs. In my case, I stretch for 5 o 6 months on average. My previous stretch lasted 8 months because I wasn't experiencing any tangling or matting until that point. However, this time around, I'm almost at 6 months and my hair is tangling like never before :nono:. Rather than lose all my progress, I'm getting a relaxer this week. Just pay attention to your hair...I think that maybe I got more growth this time around (summer growth spurt?) who knows.
Hmmm...I'm struggling with the same thing. I think that I'm ready to relax...I really would like healthy bra-strap length texturized hair (I really love my curls and coils)...but I feel like the constant struggle to detangle is and the breakage it causes is going to limit my length goals. But my hair is thick and healthy...except the ends which need to be trimmed. *sighs* I feel like that from all I have learned I could maintain healthy relaxed hair...but I'm not emotionally ready. Like, I feel like afterwards I will be upset that I "wasted" all this progress.

ETA: I need to get a deep conditioner. I have deep conditioned in months. I'm such a bad hair mommy.
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Have you tried the Coconut/lime mixture? It will temporarily loosen up the curl pattern of your hair and make it much easier to manage.

Comb the hair recipe board for it.
I'm almost two months post relaxer, and I'll be waiting 4 more months until I get my next one. One thing that's helped me is NOT to comb the new growth. I only comb it when it's time to wash it and with a head full of conditioner so as to not break my hair. I learned the hard way that you can't force new growth to be combed. You just have to leave it alone and let it grow. During this time you could try doing some low manipulation styles, like getting your hair braided or bunning it up and not combing it until your next hair washing.