Personal Challenges support thread!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies
I have noticed a few of you have listed in your siggies that you are doing a personal challenge of some kind or another.

And I was thinking sistas who are doing a personal challenge could use some community suppor too!

So what do you all think? do you need LHCF community support for your personal challenges??

Since this is for personal challenges anything goes, whatever rules you set for yourself, are the rules of your challenge
just post your plans so you can be encouraged to stay on track!

There no end date
and no cap on who wants to join
if you need encouragement or jsut want to share what you are doing
post it!
It's not a silly idea. My personal challenge is to learn how to braid before I BC. I don't care how long it takes, I will learn!:yep:
That is a great idea!! I would definitely like to join. I already know that I can retain length by wet bunning but I want to try other styles, my persoanl box braids challenge lasted all of one week :rolleyes: now I'm trying twistouts :look: I haven't joined the general challenges around here because of fear of personal disappointment, so I've been quietly trying different things and hoping that I won't suffer any setbacks during the process.

I taught myself how to cornrow my head. I still can't get them in tight the first time. So i have to put them all in with the right parts and everything. then I go back through and rebraid them tighter. It takes time but hey it's still free labor. And I notice I get them in tighter when I add a little fake hair to each row
It's not a silly idea. My personal challenge is to learn how to braid before I BC. I don't care how long it takes, I will learn!:yep:
My personal challenge is to stay twisted three out of every four weeks of the month at least until summer, not to use the flat iron until about august, and to recover all the hair i cut off (it varies it length. It was a manic endeavor) by Dec this year.

As far as trying to retain this year, twisting, no combing, misting/spritzing hair with water (and in the summer frequent cowashing i suppose) daily to every other day, sealing with oil, and regular protein are my strategies. Also mindfully maintaining my ends and consistency.
This is a cute idea. My personal challenge is to do box braids on my hair and not have it look like I have a halo frizz immediately after. Oh and to get to BSL and grow my bangs out
I guess I need to post my personal challenge to.

I am about 3 to 4 inches from APL. Ok 4 still not ready to face the hair cut fully LOL
So my plan for the next 12 months is..
keep my hair cornrowed for a month to two months at a time. with a one week break in between styles.

the end of Feb I am going to attempt to do crochet braids.

I will DC every weekend with no heat. and on my week breaks I will DC with heat.

The oils I will use are
MTG, Evoo, Coconut oil, Shea Butter, (not all at once)
this month I have been spraying an MTG, Creme of Nature leave in, and water mix on my head at night then baggie

My leave-ins are
Creme of Nature Lemon and Rosemary
Mane and Tail Strenthening spray.

And I will whole head baggy 5-7 nights per week
This is a great thread. I don't feel sure about joining an official challenge cuz as a new mom, I have hardly any time (or disk memory!) to take regular pics of my hair.

My personal challenge is to use no heat for 6 months. I started this challenge in mid-Nov when I took out my kinky twist extentions. I saw then that I was almost APL :look: but that my hair was suffering from the pre-twist blowouts, no DCs, and general lack of patience.:nono:

I want to be fully APL, with all healthy thick hair by May.

My Plan:
1. I've invested in two sets of Curlformers.
2. Learned about banding and other ways to stretch.
3. Dusting every month to get rid of the damaged ends
(and I am still 1.5in away from APL, so my hair is growing).:yep:
4. Do PS minimum 3 days per week (I've only started this in Feb).

Heck I may even get to BSL!
My Personal Challenge is to "Shop My Stash" for 2010 and Focus more on Health, Growth and Retention and LESS-- on product purchasing.:look:

This year, I hope to greatly 'reduce' my current stash.:look:
My Plan:
1. I've invested in two sets of Curlformers.

Heck I may even get to BSL!

Have you tried the curlformers out yet? I have two sets and I love them, even though they don't last that long at all. It just is torture to sleep in though and take awhile to do. What size did you get?
Have you tried the curlformers out yet? I have two sets and I love them, even though they don't last that long at all. It just is torture to sleep in though and take awhile to do. What size did you get?

Sorry for the delay. I can only get on LHCF when my DS is asleep :yawn:

I got the Long and Wide and the Extra Wide. I've only used the L&W so far. I am still perfecting my tech, but I've watched a ton of YT vids. I sleep in them and yes its not like pillow curlers, but IMHO not as bad as flexirods.

My sets usual last 2-3 days and by that time I'm ready to change up anyway.

I still miss blowouts :nono: But I just purchased a halfwig that looks like my natural blowout. Can't wait:yep::yep:
I think my box braids challenge would have worked if I wore cute wigs over them because I couldn't find a way to wear them that I felt and looked attractive husband giving me the side eye wasn't helping things either :look:

Still trying to find a dry style that lasts longer than 2 days lead me back to trying fingercoils again...they actually lasted a whole week and would have lasted longer if I wasn't dying to wash and DC my hair. :lol: It also helps that my hubby likes that look on me. :D

I believe I can still get fantastic retention only manipulating my hair weekly. I gave myself a 1/2 inch trim which now leaves me 1 inch from full APL stretched. :grin:

I say allll that to say my new personal challenge is to wear my hair in fingercoils for one week at a time, wash and DC on the weekends. This will be a 60 day challenge ending at the end of April 2010. *deep breath*
i like this thread!

i am almost 2 months into my 6 month HYH challenge (at this moment, june seems SO FAR AWAY)...went from box braids in january to crochet braids now, and i will probably do another set in march, or either senegalese twists in march and back to crochet braids in april/may (assuming all these styles last 6 weeks minimum). i give myself two weeks in between each style to play in my hair...and use up all the stuff in my stash (which brings me to challenge #2 -- another no-buy). this HYH challenge falls nicely in place with my third challenge, no heat (well, sort of...i blowdry my hair before cornrowing it for the crochet braids, but so far that means i've only used heat once in 2010). hopefully, between the HYH and no heat, i will be BSL when i hit 2 years natural on june 13th!

oh, can i add in another trimming till i hit BSL? it's really easy not to have those urges to clip my ends when i can't see them!
my personal challenge is to grow hair past WL within a few months, i say i only need two months to do this. yeee-aaahhhh boyyyy!!!!!<--flavor flav voice:grin:
How's everyone doing with their personal challenges?

I am really trying to keep one style for 4 weeks. unfortunately you ladies keep posting awesome hair style ideas and I decide I want that. I have decided to at least keep a style for 2 weeks before I switch.

My next style will be crochet micro braids. I think I will keep those in for 4 to 8 weeks
fingers crossed
My personal challenge is to learn how to do a good rollerset. It is hard to roll the back of my hair because of the length. I also need to start a good regimen again like I had when I first started but once my hair grew I stopped. I want to go back to the baggie method, because I think that what helped me retain so much length. Phony ponies here I come.
:Wow: this is just what the doctor ordered!
I need to finalise my personal goals and challenge myself.
This year, I want to:
1) Have WL hair by June
2) Use NO direct heat all year :nono:
3) Continue transitioning to natural (no BC for me, just keep it growing and dusting!)
4) Steam once a week minimum. (love my new steamer!)
5) Use protective styles that keep my hand out of my hair: eg. crochet braids (getting bored though!) box braids/twists under LF wig or half wig.
6) Give rollersetting a go again and perfect it. I'll start with pony rollersets. I'll do these when I have more than 2 days off work! :)
7) Perfect more no-heat styles and protective styles from youtube and LHCF!

That's it so far, lol!
My personal challenge is to learn how to do a good rollerset. It is hard to roll the back of my hair because of the length. I also need to start a good regimen again like I had when I first started but once my hair grew I stopped. I want to go back to the baggie method, because I think that what helped me retain so much length. Phony ponies here I come.
I always have to set up my mirrors just right to get to the back of my head.
You can do it! Just take your time and do thin sections

:Wow: this is just what the doctor ordered!
I need to finalise my personal goals and challenge myself.
This year, I want to:
1) Have WL hair by June
2) Use NO direct heat all year :nono:
3) Continue transitioning to natural (no BC for me, just keep it growing and dusting!)
4) Steam once a week minimum. (love my new steamer!)
5) Use protective styles that keep my hand out of my hair: eg. crochet braids (getting bored though!) box braids/twists under LF wig or half wig.
6) Give rollersetting a go again and perfect it. I'll start with pony rollersets. I'll do these when I have more than 2 days off work! :)
7) Perfect more no-heat styles and protective styles from youtube and LHCF!

That's it so far, lol!

#5 is my number 1 issue. I am doing Crochet braids to to keep my hands out of my hair.

#8 I am trying to do this one. At least nothing new until I use what I have

This is great stuff ladies
Cool thread...I have a few personal challenges myself:

Take my vitamins every day (anemia sucks)
Keep my hands out of my hair
Exercise on my Gazelle 4 times a week (need to get toned for the summer)
Mini Hair Goal: Have 2 inches of healthy hair by the end of May
How's everyone doing with their personal challenges?

I am really trying to keep one style for 4 weeks. unfortunately you ladies keep posting awesome hair style ideas and I decide I want that. I have decided to at least keep a style for 2 weeks before I switch.

My next style will be crochet micro braids. I think I will keep those in for 4 to 8 weeks
fingers crossed

I returned to wet bunning because of having severe HIH disease. :perplexed :ohwell:
My PC is to not relax until April 17th, that would put me at 12 weeks post, unless my job sends me somewhere then I might have to break the challenge.
I am quoting myself
I am such Diva next week I will began referring to myself in third person
Oh yes WE like this idea:lachen:

I have made some changes to my reggi and I am about to pass a major mile stone on April 10th

I have added some new oils I am back on the Juice I joined the s-curl challenge. I also just got some peppermint oil, sweet almond to add to my concoctions

I just completed week 3 with the same protective style, that's amazing I suffer from a major case of HIH disease with no cure in sight
I am shooting for 8 weeks but I might crash and burn by next wednesday:rolleyes:(could use some hand claps to make it through) :grin:

MY major milestone this is silly but on April 10th I would have emptied for the first time ever a 50 pill bottle of Biotin 7500 mcg :drunk::spinning::grin:
I was really determine to stick with it. I think I have noticed a difference but I am not claiming it yet, I don't want to get my hopes up. I saw a YT video that said it needs to be in your system 3 months before it really begans to take effect so we'll see.

Oh and I switched DC I am now using ORS deep Penatrating Conditioner
I haven't a chance to use it on my loose hair yet so I really don't know if my hair likes it.

Still bagging
I will never stop that
can't sleep with the crunch:lachen::lachen:

Welp umm yeah that's about it so um I guess I better well you know
see ya!

I guess I need to post my personal challenge to.

I am about 3 to 4 inches from APL. Ok 4 still not ready to face the hair cut fully LOL
So my plan for the next 12 months is..
keep my hair cornrowed for a month to two months at a time. with a one week break in between styles.

the end of Feb I am going to attempt to do crochet braids.

I will DC every weekend with no heat. and on my week breaks I will DC with heat.

The oils I will use are
MTG, Evoo, Coconut oil, Shea Butter, (not all at once)
this month I have been spraying an MTG, Creme of Nature leave in, and water mix on my head at night then baggie

My leave-ins are
Creme of Nature Lemon and Rosemary
Mane and Tail Strenthening spray.

And I will whole head baggy 5-7 nights per week