People Coming to Christ Everyday


I tell you people are coming to Christ everyday where the Holy Spirit has intervention. This mean lady at my roommates job, asked her to tell her more about her religion and about Jesus and her God. She told her about it and within a few days she wanted to know if my roommates God could be her God. So she lead her in prayer and made that connection to God. Isn't that awesome.

My roommate said the woman was such a huge gossip, she couldn't stnad her, she just tried to always stay away from this lady.

When they were about to pray to God at work, the lady just started crying and had to leave the room she was just sooo emotionally touched. I was like WOW! I don't hear about these type of things.

I say this also to say keep up these people who God has in these places to bring others into the fold. Pray that God just allows his angels to continue to fight the good fight and break down these walls that demons have help setup around the hearts of our lost brothers and sisters.

This is the second person my roommate has been used to bring to Christ.
