Paul Mitchell Products


New Member
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if any of you use Paul Mitchell Products and if you do, what would you recommend.

I remember that before I went to University (back when I could afford salon products) I used to use the Awapuci (sp?) and the tea tree oil products but I can't remember how they worked on my hair because back then I was using tons of products on my hair, aswell as heat styling all the time.

I noticed from doing a search that a lot of you like the supercharged moisturizer...any others

Thanks for your replys
The only one I use is the Supercharged Moisturizer. I'm on my 4th tube of this. I usually mix it with olive or jojoba oil.
I use the awaphui moisture mist spray when I'm rollersetting sometimes or if I just wanna moisturize my ends I'll spray it on my ends and then add a butter to my ends. I also have used it as a leave-in

I love the sculpting foam. It is a soft holding mouse that smells like coconuts. I go through bottles of the stuff. It gives me beautiful soft twist-outs that last a week.

I also use the hair gel. I can't remember the name of it but it has a green apple on the bottle. This gives my hair a firmer hold.
HI FashionSlave,

What is the name of the sculpting foam? Do you think it will give me better looking curls when I use the flexi rods? I usually don't put any holding prodcuts in my hair so it would be a totally new thing for me.
I use the Paul Mitchell Shampoo One for fine to medium hair. It is very gentle on the hair and it leaves my hair soft and tangle free. I do recommend using it.