Pastor Put Stripper Pole In Bedroom


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Pastor Puts Stripper Pole, Bedroom Props In The Pulpit For ‘Battle of the Sexes’ Sermons

Monday Apr 2, 2012 – by Thembi Ford
Setting up a bed with a stripper pole, stilettos, and a pile of dollar bills on one side and a teddy bear, some candles, and a bottle of wine on the other is certainly one way to draw folks’ attention. But when these props are part of a church sermon series called “Battle of the Sexes,” you’re bound to also draw some raised eyebrows.

Pastor Mike Scruggs of the Light of Word Ministries in White Oak, Ohio is trying to bring what usually goes on behind closed doors to the pulpit for some education and frank talk. He thinks that “right now we’re having single people having too much sex and married people not having enough sex,” and wants men and women to recognize their differences to benefit both genders in the bedroom. He draws his inspiration from the book Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy with Your Spouse by Texas-based Pastor Ed Young, but his first sermon, which was intended for singles, drew a packed house.

Scruggs told his local news affiliate [video]: “We push the envelope, that’s true. Don’t take it out of context. Some people say, ‘He’s going to hell. He’s wrong.’ We want to talk about it. We don’t want them to guess at it, assume it’s wrong. It’s right. We want to talk about it.” Even his own mother approves of the message.

Those who believe that the church shouldn’t be encouraging single people to focus on sex at all will probably disagree with Scruggs’ approach, as will others who think that sexuality has no place in church, and more still who’ll consider placing a stripper pole by the pulpit just a gimmick to pack the pews.

But what I find unnerving is the stereotypical gender construction behind it all that sets women up as romance-craving, sexually traditional, teddy bear squeezers because we “like being wined and dined and cherished,” and men as sports and video game-driven beings bent on drooling over strippers and high heels. We all know that sexual desire is never that cut-and-dry, and it’s disturbing that the message once again becomes “throwing bills on strippers…yes, that is what men like…this is normal and healthy…hooray for traditional gender roles!” Pastor Scruggs sounds a bit like another relationship expert in disguise.
What do you think?
I understand using the photo in a private bible study for married members of the church... but if this was a sermon I am SIDE EYING HIM!!!!! Its like he's advertising what his own bedroom is like... I think that should stay private because it looks like he's showin these young girls what he's got waitin for them if they choose to indulge :look::lol:
I dunno, my church is set up differently and the sanctuary is not given to such things like non-holy day props and whatnot...but I agree that sex should be talked about. We act like we don't do it. We barely tell our kids about it and if they get into trouble, we're angry about it. All human beings are sexual. It's how we get here in the first place. Talking openly about the marital union is right (granted, they do it in married talk for marrieds...and abstinence for singles and teens...and biology for kiddos). G-d wants us to be whole.
^^^LOL. Maybe he's trying to break through the madonna-whore complex and get men to stop cheating on their wives...and to catapult christian women out of frigidity?
I think sex should be discussed in single sex small roup settings. There are ppl struggling with sexual immorality of all sorts this can do more harm than good in a regular church message.
There was a huge thread about this topic a couple of years back.

I think the question is why people have to look to what even the world sees as shady to "spice" things up.
How the dollar bills and the basketball spice up the sex life?

This is just seems um a little "extra", trying to hard.

I do believe that churches should teach about sex and marriage, but this little "scene"is just tacky...
someone commented that his church was packed on Friday, but packed to hear and see what?

Packed to hear about the love of God, packed to hear about how the lost can be saved...or was the church packed for peoples flesh to appeased.

I don't know what his agenda is, but I think too many times we use wordly examples draw a crowd when God says he will do the drawing...

Don't get me wrong I agree that the church needs to know about sex, but why the shock factor, why so over the top, why so worldly ...
a few months ago it was another well known pastor spending 24 hours in bed (thankfully with his wife) on the church roof ...

Good for them but why do we need to know that :lol:

Side note... i am totally looking forward to staying in bed for 24 hours with my husband in the future... if we get there anyways, did yall see that post about them making trackable jewelry... Jesus is like around the corner yall
I would have to hear the message before I can pass judgement. People on the outside looking into a church just will jump on one part of the Pastor's message and not the entire message. This Pastor may be able to tie this all together and wrap it up nicely.
My Question and I think it's a very important one

Excuse me Pastor but umm is the stripper pole gon' b in the church raffle this year?:lachen::lachen:
I have no problem with it whatsoever.

Illicit Sex is one of the most prolific sins and leads to some of the most devestating consequences in our society. Among married and single folks. We dont have enough positive talks about it...especially within the Church. The world has shaped most of our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about sex...the Church needs to have a voice.

When I got married tons of older ladies told me about "dropping it like its hot" and "being naked under trench coats" lol. It was surprising but important. Because the marriage bed is undefiled so a skripper pole is just fine if thats what the couple wants.

Concerning the way this Pastor did it: This set up was appropriate for a friday with a select group in mind. Some sanctuaries are not set up for this but a lot of newer built churches have stages where something like this would not look completely out of place. As long as there was nothing vulgar said or explicit taught (and no children present for this adult-geared converstaion) I think its fine.

The gospel is what saves and should always be the central teaching of a Church. But we have to LIVE on earth after we get saved and classes/conferences etc. on how to do that are completely in order.

Though something like this is more "risque" I would have had to be there to hear what was said to label it inappropriate as a whole.

Sidenote: The author talked about the Pastor being biased in gender roles but that is not really true based on the word of God. There is a reason why the Bible said for husbands to LOVE their wives and for wives to RESPECT their husbands. We generally desire different things and while everyone may not fit perfectly into those roles the majority of us do. We do want to be romanced and cherished etc. and men do like to be visually stimulated etc.
There was a huge thread about this topic a couple of years back.

I think the question is why people have to look to what even the world sees as shady to "spice" things up.

I would view this differently. I would say that the spicey things originated in the marriage bed but escaped to become an indulgence between unmarried people. It should all be brought back to the marriage bed! Sexual creativity and indulgences were meant for marriage.

I mean think about it...
Sex itself was created and undulged in by married couples first...then prostitution/adultery/fornication stole it! lol

Stripping...come one now...Im SURE wives were stripping and dancing for their husbands long before bordellos and strip clubs came into existance.

The world took what was sacred and made it dirty...took what was legitimate and bastardized it...took what was clean and perverted it. Not the actual acts of sex and "spice" etc. but by making it between unmarried folk (in private or public settings). So nothing wrong with reclaiming what was once ours (for those who are married).
Iwanthealthyhair67 said:
^^question for you Coily

so seriously, do you consider stripping to be sacred? or are you just generalizing...

Generalizing. But stripping for your husband (or vice versa)is good right along with sex. The marriage bed is undefiled so anything goes that's not a sin and is agreeable to both. (Basically anything but beastiality and other people lol)
In the words of the Greek mother in Big Fat Greek Wedding, "be a lamb in the kitchen but a tiger in the bedroom!" And the daughter replied, "Ew." LOLOL.

Since Americans are not telling their daughters and sons how to pleasure their spouses in a pragmatic way, they are itching to learn it somehow. Christian-based books on marriage and sex have diagrams on positions, talk about fluids and the messiness of sex (for virgins), lubes, oral sex...they talk about the sex act.


It's a visual for men who are very visual. They recommend the couple have sex with the lights on and outside the sheets...and explore every inch of each other's bodies. When you have sex, Jesus is right there looking atcha! :yep: He created it.
Maybe people aren't having good sex because they think Jesus is watching and they're not exhibitionists? :look: Um.... it was even funnier after I typed it. :lol:
I agree that pastor should teach about sex, but getting detailed about stripper poles and stiletto(sp) heels and such in the bedroom seems he may be crossing a line there..

A married couple can have a great sex life without any poles and dollar bills being involved.I dont know the details of the sermon but I hope he isn't making it seems as if these means will guarantee intimacy in a couples marriage. Sometimes a lack of intimacy can stem from other areas that are not being met in a marriage. But it seems as if he may just be bringing out the carnal side of it. But then again...I haven't heard the message...but seeing the stiletto heels and stripper pole, I can only imagine...
I don't like it ... :nono:

Why make smut out of what God designed to be beautiful.

Now is this the same man who made all of the married couples kiss in front of the congregation a while back?

Obviously, this man is getting his jollies off of this. Why on earth is he so absorbed in this mess. He's telling on himself, making his fastasies obvious and trying to use the Church to validate his cheap fantasies.

I'm not saying that a wife should not 'indulge' in pleasing and teasing her husband, however, things like this do not belong on a Church altar. Who's focusing on worship and getting folks saved during these services. All he's doing is causing unintentional 'arousals' in the men and causing the women to become participants. :nono:

This should not be upon an Altar of God. Hopnea and Phineas should be a perfect example of what happens when one sins upon the Altar of God, rather than worship him.
Iwanthealthyhair67, Jesus didn't need any props to teach or preach the Gospel. His Parables worked just fine because He spoke directly to the heart of man (He who have ears to hear is in reference to our spiritual ears, not our physical ears) We live in a world so dependent on technology and visual/audio aids that we have become desensitized to things like this, like it's no big deal. It's more appropriate for a couple's retreat or meetings, not the pulpit. I do believe sex within marriage is a sacred act, with the Holy Spirit defining the boundaries within a Christian couple's union. JMHO
I can certainly understand the message but it sounds like he is doing too much and perhaps was trying too hard to get some attention which I believe is what he wanted in the first place. I personally don't think sex is discussed enough in the church. I mean there are some people having some serious struggles that need to hear much needed messages in this sexually charged world. I remember this one time back in college I was struggling with sexual immorality and for whatever reason this particular one time was difficult. Went to church that Sunday and the pastor's whole sermon was about sex. He ministered to both single people and married people and believe me it was on point and much needed. You better believe I walked out of there knowing what I had to do!
someone commented that his church was packed on Friday, but packed to hear and see what?

Packed to hear about the love of God, packed to hear about how the lost can be saved...or was the church packed for peoples flesh to appeased.

I don't know what his agenda is, but I think too many times we use wordly examples draw a crowd when God says he will do the drawing...

Don't get me wrong I agree that the church needs to know about sex, but why the shock factor, why so over the top, why so worldly ...


"Healthy Hair"....Thank you for saying this... I mean it...


There is absolutely nothing about this demonstration in this man's Church is giving honour unto God. Nothing. He is really leading folks into temptation and setting fire to their flesh. It's not right. :nono:

This man has a spirit of 'lust' in him; there's pornography in his heart and it is out of control. No man of God who is RIGHT with God and is lead of the Holy Spirit and not of the FLESH would EVER bring this into a House of Worship. None of this honours nor does it bring worship unto God. None of it! Absolutely none of it.

And what's so sad here is that even the World knows better and would not bring this into a Church. That's what's sad! Extremely sad!

This is NOT for the House of God where God is worshipped. He's getting people riled up in the flesh / loins and not in their hearts to honour the Lord God. This just grieves me so ... :nono: It's extremely grieving. This man is commiting a major sin by deflecting people's hearts away from worshipping God.

Folks don't need lessons on sex... once they're naked nature follows it's course. "They" meaning a man and a woman (husband and wife). No other gender fixes. It's one man, one woman, husband and wife.

Another thing... that bedroom pictured above is just Ugly! :nono:
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