Painful Braids


New Member
My hair is a mixture of 4a and 4b. The 4b part is in the center of my head and it is the thickest part. I am thinking about growing my natural hair out with braid extentions. Whenever I get my hair braided I am practically in tears whenever the braider reaches the 4b section of my head. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to make the process easier? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is just too too weird. We must have the exact same hair. My hair is relaxed 4b/4c. I am getting it braided tomorrow and the crown of my head is sooooo sore as we speak. I was just looking around for that one hair, but when I read your post I just remembered that when she gets to that section....I'm gonna be crying. I don't know what to tell you. I'll be taking about 6 Motrin before we get started.
shot of 151

just kidding.. I can't handle that stuff myself!
I don't know how to prevent the pain, braids just hurt- your nerve ending there may be more sensitive and the pain is more pronounced.
maybe thats just a tender spot for you, so no matter what you do you might still have some discomfort. Does it hurt when you touch that area now? Has it always been that way?
I dont' think it has anything to do with your hair texture. I have tender spots in the front of my head and 1 in the front. It just hurts more there. I won't even notice that my hair is getting braided until that spot is reached and I just have to hold my breath and wait till it's over. But I always make sure that they are not actually too tight.
In my family we call it "tender headed" That refers to someone who is sensitive to tight braids. Thats me. Every time my sister braided my hair I used to cry because she braided so tightly. But yet she seemed to be able to handle the pain when the time came to braid her hair. My father was tender headed as well. When he got braids he used to complain of the pain too. I guess that is where I got it from. Even today the process is still not easy for me. I don't know what to tell you
I guess just try to find somone that does not braid too tightly. Tight braids put strain on your hair anyway and when you take them there is more breakage.
I've been in braids for the last four years after cutting my hair, before I get my hair braided, I grease my scalp with Hairobics Hair and Scalp booster, which helps ease some of the braiding tension, before, during, and after braiding ( I like the way it makes my scalp tingle anyway). Hope this tip helps.