Paging Adrienne0914 and others with scalp issues!


New Member
I was browsing through your album (Adrienne) and saw where you had documented scalp problems. I have those same kinds of problems.

I washed my hair yesterday and today it is already flaking horribly. I am trying to get down to waching my hair once a week. Now while I am wearing it in a ponytail, the scalp condition is a little easier to hide but when I want to wear my hair out, something's going to have to give because I want any straight style I have to last a week just because it takes more effort to get straight styles.

Lately I have been using Sulfur 8, which works for me but not as well as I would like it to. For example, my scalp flakes before the next day after washing. With Sulfur 8, it doesn't flake too bad for about 2 or 3 days.

I've had this problem as long as I can remember and the only way to get my scalp to act right is to wash it everyday which is not an option with winter just around teh corner.

So what have you ladies with bad scalp problems done to help it?
I have been prone to dry scalp and eczema. I think using a moisturizing shampoo has helped the dry scalp - I use Kenra.
I also have very bad dry flaky scalp(psorasis). I have recently started taking flaxseed oil. This has done a 180 on my scalp. It no longer dry but soft and moisturized, SHOCKING! My hair has also grown is soft and not as kinky. This all happened within 2 weeks of taking flaxseed. It has truly helped my scalp like nothing else. There absolutely no scaling or flakes on my scalp and I had it real bad.
I used too have real bad dandruff (ser-dermatitis) until my
doctor prescribed nizoral 2% shampoo it has really improved.
I had greater results when I started doing pre- hot oil treatment with extra virgin olive oil before washing
my hair with my nizoral shampoo followed by a moisturizing
shampoo and conditioner.

I am also taking flaxseed oil which has helped.
Hi ComfortablyNumb,
I don't experience scalp problems like I was experiencing a year ago. The dandruff has subsided but my scalp itches somtimes especially if oil gets on my scalp. Anyway, I started off by visiting the dermatologist a few times and using the prescribed shampoo & a liquid medication for the scalp for about 6mths. I was diagnosed with dermatitis. Anyway, after the severity of the problem was reduced, I used the medicated shampoo only if I saw any dandruff (about once a month ), otherwise I used a moisturising shampoo like Creamm of Nature. But before I even shampoo, I would apply apple cider vinegar on the scalp and leave for 10 mins then shampoo. One other thing is, as I shampoo, I use a pair of rubber gloves ( the ones with the grooves on them ) to scrub my scalp with. The grooves on the gloves helps to totally remove any build up from my scalp. I think the rubber gloves was key in MY dandruf problems. I made sure I did not manipulate my hair itself with the gloves, I just used them for the scalp..
P.S. These tips worked for me..not sure if they will work for anyone else though. Also, apple cider vinegar burns the scalp of some people. It burn me a little in the beginning, but I thought of it as attacking the problem..
blackberry1913 girl what brand you using i've been on flax way over a month and still got flakes. How many milligrams are you taking also
I was taking Rexall Flaxseed Oil from walmart, 4000mg a day. When I finished the bottle, walmart didn't have the same one therefore I bought a different brand, Spring Valley Flax Oil, 4000mg a day. I haven't noticed a difference in brands.
Nizoral is over the counter, right? I don' really want to add anymore vitamins right now. I may later but not right now. Anymore than 2 hair vitamins is too much for me. Moisturizing shampoos don't help my case, unfortunately.

I don't think I'm gonna be able to go to the dermatologist anytime soon (too broke) but if there is something OTC that will work, I will definitely be getting it!
my scalp has been flaky for a long time - a couple of years but it got noticeably bad about a few months ago, very bad last month. For me it was simply a case of washing more frequently (from once every 2 weeks to weekly to every 4-5 days, usually conditioner washes). I started increasing my water intake, I know my diet and water intake wasn't what it should be. Now I'm seeing some inprovement. When my scalp is flake free, I'll sing it loud on this board!
I think I may need to go to the derm eventually even though I'm too broke now. I have flakes even when I wash my hair every other day (they come back with a vengeance within a day). I upped my water intake about a month ago but I still have the same problem. Thing is I want to only have to wash my hair once a week! It's about to get cold outside! Brrrrrrr!

Do you all with scalp problems also have a terribly itchy scalp? I know people around me think I have bugs in my head or something. My scalp just itches so bad.
my scalp only itches occasionally.

I've decided if it doesn't disappear at the end of October I may see a dermatologist or trichologist.
dang, i responded to this yesterday, but my post never showed up...

i've had my scalp problem for about 25 years. i've tried almost every store brand of dandruff shampoos. nothing worked until my dermatologist prescribed the 2% Nizoral. that was right before i got my first braids back in 2000. that stuff kept my scalp COMPLETELY clear for over a year. now the stuff is back again but not as bad. i now use the Nizoral in conjunction with Olux foam, also a prescription. it's like a mousse that you put on after you wash. between the two of these, my scalp is almost comletely clearn. i think stress sometimes triggers the problem. so every now and then it acts up...
my insurance plan covers it. so i don't really know what it would cost without it. i would imagine about $75 per visit. the prescriptions aren't cheap either without insurance. send me a PM...
Nizoral dont do anything for me i can see wet flakes on my scalp after i rinse the shampoo off. Congrats on your luck with Nizoral though.
In the past I have not had scalp problems. But the past couple of months my hair has been itching. I thought it was because of the Puritan pride biotin. My hairdresser's shampoo girl said I had dandruff. I am going to try T-Gel shampoo and see if it helps. Any suggestions for dandruff issues. I think the Nizol (?) may be too strong for my mild case of dandruff.