Owners Of Fhi Platform Irons: Question


Rocking the Casbah
I've been using FHI Platform irons for years and yet there's still something I'm not sure about regarding the temperature dial. I feel really silly for not asking about this years ago :lol: but how exactly do you read the dial? I assume the small dot above the dial corresponds to the dial but I'm not even sure.
I'm guessing the area of the dial that lines up with the dot is the temp? It would have been nice if they at least made the dot a different color or some other kind of reading altogether.
There's nothing about it in the instructions. I feel really silly asking this :lol: but I just want to be sure.

How long have you had it? I've had mine for about 4 years, but it has the temperatures. When I had another flat iron with dots, I had to use a surface thermometer and said to myself it was too much work and sold it.

How long have you had it? I've had mine for about 4 years, but it has the temperatures. When I had another flat iron with dots, I had to use a surface thermometer and said to myself it was too much work and sold it.
@Saludable84 it has temps in numbers on a rolling dial... but i don't know exactly how to determine what temp its set to... what do the numbers match up to ?

how exactly do you determine it?

please help :look:
I believe I just did the 3rd and 4th dots from the very end. My dots were close together. But I still measured the thermometer.
No i was referring to the FHI... it does have numbers on the dial...but exactly what do the numbers correspond to??
meaning when you roll the dial how do u know precisely where u are since the dial can show 350 and 370 in the same the little window area?? :lol: i apologize its confusing to explain

im going to assume its whatever number lines up with that little dot in the center above the window.
maybe i should take a pic to explain this better
My FHI flatirons don't have dots, it has the number temperature that is displayed on the dial and you turn the dial and place the number temperature that you want inside the clear plastic cut out window and that should be the temperature of the flatirons.
My FHI flatirons don't have dots, it has the number temperature that is displayed on the dial and you turn the dial and place the number temperature that you want inside the clear plastic cut out window and that should be the temperature of the flatirons.
This is precisely how mine is...
only how do u know EXACTLY what temp you're at since a range of temps are visible in the window...

I'm gonna take a pic after my nails dry so i can make this more clear :lol:
Ok, here's a pic... What temp would this be? Is it the temp at the center of the window where the dot under the word Temperature is or what :look:? @PinkDiamond @Saludable84

View attachment 393423

Ohhhhh. That is probably what mine looks like (I haven't touched it in almost a year and a half). I just kinda did math in my head and estimated 1/3 of the dial. I know it's confusing at it is, but I usually stayed at or around 1/3 of the dial before or after 370 to keep the numbers safe.
Ohhhhh. That is probably what mine looks like (I haven't touched it in almost a year and a half). I just kinda did math in my head and estimated 1/3 of the dial. I know it's confusing at it is, but I usually stayed at or around 1/3 of the dial before or after 370 to keep the numbers safe.
:tantrum: that's no good! i want to know exactly!! :lol:
but yes i do what you do and try to keep the numbers safe. I never let the 400 range show anymore as i used to lol
Ok, here's a pic... What temp would this be? Is it the temp at the center of the window where the dot under the word Temperature is or what :look:? @PinkDiamond @Saludable84

View attachment 393423
I know exactly what you are talking about. I think there is a plastic dot on mine that is more towards the left and I match up the temperature to that.
yes the plastic dot is visible in the pic above... that's what I go by but I still feel unsure
FHI is so annoying for this :lol: